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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Since I have like no gold and only got crap cards from the few packs I opened (11 so far, 3 from arena and I still have to do the 7 win quest), I just build a Zoo deck. And even for that so many cards were missing. At least I had over 2k dust, but eh. I would have prefered to craft one of the, let's say, "core legendaries", like Sylvanas, Grommash, Alexstrazsa or Ysera. But then I would be missing all the other required cards.

Bleh! At least the zoo deck is fun to play.
N'zoth Deathrattle Paladin seems like a pretty hard counter C'thun Druid. Haven't played too many matches, but the ones I played were very very in favor of Paladin. Could have been lucky draws of course in such a small sample size.


Shaman in arena is really dirty right now, they go to your face and you can't do anything about it. That flamewreathed faceless is too overpowered when you don't have your typical removal, it simply runs over you. I faced 4 shamans and the three loses were against them, they're scary.

I'm even more salty because I got stuck at 6 wins again. Ugh.


N'zoth Deathrattle Paladin seems like a pretty hard counter C'thun Druid. Haven't played too many matches, but the ones I played were very very in favor of Paladin. Could have been lucky draws of course in such a small sample size.

Can confirm im 100% winrate vs cthun decks.


Darkshire councilman is such a dumb card to give to warlocks. Also the Knife Juggler nerf completely failed, it's still ridiculous.

But in all honesty I'm glad Zoo is still strong, it's, imo, the most fun out of the cheap aggro decks new players can play.


Here is my Deathrattle Dragon Control Paladin:
Most likely not the best way to play control paladin, but it's a really fun way of doing it.
Replacing either the dragons or the deathrattle with more control cards is probably not a bad idea if you want something more competitive.


Here is my Deathrattle Dragon Control Paladin:

Most likely not the best way to play control paladin, but it's a really fun way of doing it.
Replacing either the dragons or the deathrattle with more control cards is probably not a bad idea if you want something more competitive.

I run a very similar deck.

-1 Ysera
-1 Deathwing v2
-1 Cairne
-1 Forbidden Healing

+1 Ragnaros Lightlord
+1 Ooze
+2 Azure Drake

Rag.v2 has been a real lifesaver IMO, while azure drakes provide more draws and potential spellpower consecration. The ooze is kinda there to provide value against face shamans mostly.


Well they got 3 strong card that people overlooked
Zoo will always be strong unless Blizz prints multiple straight up counters, i.e. legit op board clears and early- to midgame control options. Otherwise its gameplan of optimizing its minion game across every single turn is eternal as enabled by Life Tap. Sticky garbage was simply the flavor Zoo embraced because those were the highest value, low-curve minions in the game. If the 1/5 3-drop wasn't a thing it'd be replaced with the next best 3-drop ez.

There'd have to be a massive hole in a slot that only has a few bombs, like 3, left through rotations plus Blizz printing nothing but joke 3s. Not only will that never happen but even if it did Zoo would find a way to at least stay tier 2-ish relevant. Remember since its inception it completely dominated Classic with Shattered Sun, Harvest Golem etc., and those are still highly valued arena cards to this day.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think the optimal Cthun decks don't need to run all the shitty Cthun buffing minions. Just enough to get value our of Cthun. People will soon realise a 2-mana 2/3 that does nothing is a really bad play.

C'Thun Priest will probably run Beckoner because it wants those trade focused minions to grab the board with. And Cthuns Chosen is a poorer card for them because she can't really be healed.


First ever use of Malkorok... Cursed Blade.

I don't know what I expected.

First time I used him I got cursed blade but I was so far ahead I won anyway. Second time I needed 4 damage to win, got a 3 damage weapon and lost next turn.


People didn't overlook anything for Zoo. They just dumped 2 of the best Zoolock cards introduced in the set at the end same for Shaman (Faceless,Evolve, Nerubian Prophet, Eternal Sentinel etc).

It's almost like they knew these cards woukd be controversial so they saved them at the end.

Zoo was always going to be strong, even if you take out Councilman. Councilman just puts them over the top yet again.

Zoo will always be a thing as long as Warlock has great 1 drops, PO and Life Tap.


I think the optimal Cthun decks don't need to run all the shitty Cthun buffing minions. Just enough to get value our of Cthun. People will soon realise a 2-mana 2/3 that does nothing is a really bad play.

I think I might swap out my Beckoners. I'm running a C'thundin deck and finding them not too useful.


Today seems to be legendary day in Arena. On my first Rogue run today I got one and in my currently Paladin Arena I have an Emperor and a Hogger.


this brawl is frustrating, cthun cards with no cthun in the deck, yogg but 1 spell before 10

Yeah, that's the silliest part. Either make no c'thun cards selectable or guarantee a c'thun as soon as one c'thun card is put in your deck.

I'm convinced doom! was only put in as a way to make yogg kill you more often.



Went on a crafting spree. Rip in peace my dust, but now I can try some new decks. Haven't really found one that clicks for me yet.

Feeling really down on the expansion today, all morning all I saw was Aggro Shaman and face hunter. Loving this new "slow" meta.


yup, my mage gets patrons and secrets, my opponent get rag and faceless manipulator. fuck these stupid pre built and random brawls. just let me craft a deck

this guy can do work in arena. get some much value from it with living roots.

I was playing in Arena last night and discovered that a Faceless Summoner that summons an Addled Grizzly gets buffed by the Grizzly. It wound up winning me the game because my 6/6 Faceless and 2/4 Mana Wyrm took out an Ironbark.
I want you to be honest with me: Is Priest bad?

I enjoy Priest the most but I'm bad at making decks plus people say he's bad. :(
Priest has holes that weren't filled. They gave Priest a 4-drop like most of the classes, except Priest doesn't need a 4-drop. It need early game. Deathlord was the best to survive the early aggro game. Lightbomb was to wipe pretty much any board. Both are gone, so Priest has to be more creative at handling these situations.

Mage has that 2/2 for 3 that basically casts AE now, might as well use that instead.

I do think new Zoo gets dumped on by those type of effects though. They feel strong but in a more...honest way, I guess. It feels weird to say that with their disgusting new 3 drop. but atleast now board clears actually clear their damn board.
Yeah, but if you're Tempo Mage, wouldn't you rather get the Flamewaker proc?

Anyone playing Vilefin Inquisitioner?
How is it?
I've played 2 Murlo Paladins and haven't seen it. Still just using the 2/1 charge guys to kill.

this is the patron list (this one actually has patrons in it!)


It's pretty good. There are not many board clears in this meta. I'm very impressed with bloodhoof brave, it's a good card. Blood to Ichor seems like an alternate cruel taskmaster and at times it's more flexible actually.
This is exactly my list except I have:
-1 Sir Finley (I think Armor is fine)
-2 Frothing Berserker (the card never gets anything done for me)
-1 Kor'Kron Elite (it just dies)

And instead:
+1 Ragnaros
+1 Ysera
+1 Tentacles for Arms
+1 Wild Pyromancer

Grim Patron is kind of a slow deck, and I find that people blow all their resources on the early game. So I surprise them with the late value cards. Tentacles for Arms put in some good work last night. Only 2 weapons in a Warrior deck is kind of weak, and Tentacles for Arms can help a lot in control matchups where you might have to go to Fatigue. Just one card to perform better in a huge number of matchups seems worth it to me.

Interesting that both of us aren't running the 1/1 tentacle that hits for 1. I thought that would be guaranteed, but I just can't find room for it, and it's less flexible than Pyromancer, Whirlwind, and Ravaging Ghoul.

I'm roping every Shaman I face. Fuck faceless.

Rofl get fucked shaman with your brokeback double rockbiter to my face.

5-1 with my pirate warrior.
LOL, so much salt!
Really having fun with N'Zoth Hunter

I put Chillmaw in my N'Zoth deck since it's kind of the best Taunt with Deathrattle that is available. I also have a higher curve and it seems to be working out better than when I was going with a lower curve deck.

Either way, I'm having a lot of fun with it too. Seems to work out pretty well for the most part.
Yeah, I noticed that. Unique interaction with Misdirect? Is that new?

Yeah. If a minion hits a player with a weapon out, it counts as a hit off the weapon. His Ashbringer lost a durability when it went off. It's been in since Beta I'm pretty sure.

Edit: I'm wrong, didn't lose a durability, but the damage still went out.
Kinda hilarious that Zoo, Freeze mage and aggro shaman stay the strongest competitive decks in the game, maybe a sign that you should be nerfing shit slightly more frequently Blizzard.


Yeah. If a minion hits a player with a weapon out, it counts as a hit off the weapon. His Ashbringer lost a durability when it went off. It's been in since Beta I'm pretty sure.

Ok, so it worked as intended. The weapon didn't lose durability though. Never noticed that before. Learn something new everyday.
Ok, so it worked as intended. The weapon didn't lose durability though. Never noticed that before. Learn something new everyday.

To be honest, I don't know if 'intended,' is the right word here, but it is how it works. Basically your hero has that attack in that moment when Misdirection has triggered.
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