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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I still think the standard meta we have now is preferable to the meta we had prior. It's kind of a bummer that the ladder has so quickly reverted to aggro, but I suppose it was inevitable while people were testing these slow, unoptimized C'thun decks.

I don't think the current meta is any better or worse than the previous one, Dr Boom RNG has easily been replaced and shaman are just as shitty to play against as secret paladins were, and priest seems to be worse off. Kind of expected but you'd hope Blizzard would know how to balance the game at least a little by now.


Tbh this is the most fun I've had with the game since vanilla probably, when everything was fresh. Dragon/N'Zoth pally is basically my dream deck and a joy to play.


Tbh this is the most fun I've had with the game since vanilla probably, when everything was fresh. Dragon/N'Zoth pally is basically my dream deck and a joy to play.

Yeah, I'm having a blast. Once I open my last 5 packs for old gods and finish my arena run, that'll be the next deck I make w/ my dust.


Yeah, when I first saw a secret pali, I assumed I accidently was in wild and played around avenge too. Lot harder to win when you do that.

Secret Paladin isn't so scary if you can control the board, but it's a lot harder to control the board when you're worried about avenge going off.

People play secret pally without Avenge (or Shielded Minibots) ? That doesn't seem to be very efficient.

Then again on the first day I fought a druid who didn't seem to know FoN was nerfed.


omg you shame us, you have unopened packs?!?! SHAAAAAAME!

I still have 1 more standard game to win. I don't play as much as you guys ;_;

I opened my packs on wed, won 2 standard games and 1 tavern brawl.

I played arena and won 6 standard games last night (lost 2 I think?).


Are we crafting things now? I feel like we should be crafting things now. Everyone, make Ragnaros Lightlord.

Anyone thinking of making a paladin deck needs it. Its so good, but my opponents are mean, rarely do they let him live more than 2 turns XD

In a nzoth deck, there being so many threats, even someone with a bunch of ways to deal with them eventually runs out and then you nzoth and win lol


Unconfirmed Member
People play secret pally without Avenge (or Shielded Minibots) ? That doesn't seem to be very efficient.

Mysterious challenger is still a strong turn and secret keeper is still strong. But still way reduced in power.


Oh man.

I was checking out gold legendaries in crafting and accidentally crafted a gold Tirion...I don't even play Paladin.

My dust..........


N'zothing tirion + chillmaw + sylvanas is game winning in just about any situation... unless your opponent is a freeze Mage. LUL


I was going to craft a normal one since I got Lightlord....still.....I'd cry but I cannot...my tears have been swallowed by spice
..er dust.

Time to throw good dust after bad. Guess I have to craft a LoH and Nzoth now...


N'zothing tirion + chillmaw + sylvanas is game winning in just about any situation... unless your opponent is a freeze Mage. LUL
Doomsayer + Fireball -> Sylvanas. So good.

Dropped 3 ranks with Astral Communion shenanigans this afternoon and quickly regained it with Freeze Mage. Only had problems with C'Thun warrior which was partly due to poor draws and him having Brann + Shieldmaiden 2.0
I was going to craft a normal one since I got Lightlord....still.....I'd cry but I cannot...my tears have been swallowed by spice
..er dust.

Time to throw good dust after bad. Guess I have to craft a LoH and Nzoth now...

Think of the gold value, though! You get the sweet golden Ashbringer too!
Doomsayer + Fireball -> Sylvanas. So good.

Dropped 3 ranks with Astral Communion shenanigans this afternoon and quickly regained it with Freeze Mage. Only had problems with C'Thun warrior which was partly due to poor draws and him having Brann + Shieldmaiden 2.0

I got the gold C'thun shieldmaiden, I should make a deck with it.

Finally beat a renolock with my Evo Shaman. I still feel like I should remove ancestral knowledge / nerubian prophet for argent squire and flametongue totems, but they set up some great Evolution combos.

I just have trouble with aggro without my spells :/

*Edit* Next game, all spells no minions. RNG pls.


Corporate Apologist
We have these cards for two years...There's no way blizzard won't nerf some of these overpowered class cards and buff some of the under-powered (priest) ones. Right?

Blizard will not buff any cards. Plus, the new Priest cards are good. The issue is they have only been shown to work in a single, boring archetype (C'Thun Priest)


Blizard will not buff any cards. Plus, the new Priest cards are good. The issue is they have only been shown to work in a single, boring archetype (C'Thun Priest)

Hardly a replacement for the better cards that left Standard.

And surely you mean card (singular) because the majority are mediocre at best.


Yeah, I'm having a blast. Once I open my last 5 packs for old gods and finish my arena run, that'll be the next deck I make w/ my dust.

You're not going to regret it!

Had a game against a C'thun warrior. Pulled off his brann + shieldbearer combo, the other shieldbearer, 17 dmg C'Thun and got that one back for a 19 dmg C'Thun, ooh and Justicar. Still won the game thanks to N'Zoth and Deathwing.
I'm loving the heck out of Old Gods right now. I finally feel like I can play my Midrange Shaman and my Totem Shaman, to a lesser degree, while standing a chance against the meta! I wish Aggro Shaman had a hit or something so that people wouldn't keep hating on my favorite class though. ;_;


You're not going to regret it!

Had a game against a C'thun warrior. Pulled off his brann + shieldbearer combo, the other shieldbearer, 17 dmg C'Thun and got that one back for a 19 dmg C'Thun, ooh and Justicar. Still won the game thanks to N'Zoth and Deathwing.

i presume new Deathwing and not the regular one?


Legend with midrange shaman

And the deck list:

+1 earth shock at the top

C'thun decks were pretty easy to deal with.
Zoo, on the other hand, just gets out of control so quickly. It's probably the strongest deck atm, at least until we start seeing more refined decks.

+1 for this deck. Solid 5-0 so far.


Corporate Apologist
Hardly a replacement for the better cards that left Standard.

And surely you mean card (singular) because the majority are mediocre at best.

Shifting Shade, Twilight Darkmender, and Darkshire Alchemist are all good cards. that have already been shown to work.


Shifting Shade, Twilight Darkmender, and Darkshire Alchemist are all good cards. that have already been shown to work.
Part of the problem is people are refusing to test priest and falling back on easier decks at the moment so it is hard to tell how priest is.

I do decently with C'thun but I haven't faced stiff competition.


Shifting Shade, Twilight Darkmender, and Darkshire Alchemist are all good cards. that have already been shown to work.

I posted a Dragon Priest deck a few pages back that made use of Shifting Shade. The deck is 6-0 against aggro and 4-4 against mid/control decks. I think priest is in a great place, but they don't have as many easy to build decks. People are too afraid to try out new things without a solid template. Once their rank starts slipping they jump back to their tried and true decks.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Crafted golden N'zoth, Twin empror och Jaraxx.


Last night I tried out 2 decks.

Tempo Mage - Spells and spell synergy galore.
I could not get this deck to work. I tried speeding it up, slowing it down, including more card draw, adding secrets, removing secrets, and walked away from it after losing about 10 games.
I think Tempo Mage is hit very hard by losing Mad Scientist. They just don't have a 2 drop to replace that card.
They also lost 2 great 2 cost spells in Flame Cannon and Unstable Portal. They were cards that offered up big tempo advantages with a little risky rng. I can't figure out how to replace these pieces yet.
For now the deck is shelved until I figure out what the hell I want to do with it.

Mid-Range Totem Evolve Shaman - I found my ladder deck
Totem Shaman was tried by a lot of people when TGT came out. The deck was missing something though, and I figured out what it was. It was a 5/5 Taunt that reduces in cost for every totem you summon.
Master of Evolution is a great card. I would love to upgrade my 6 drop played on turn 3 into a 7 drop, why thank you.
Hex is still king of removal. Eff your death rattles. Eff your 7/7 for 4 mana. Eff your Councilman. Eff all your old gods. Hex is here to eff up your deck.

I think Evolve is a mediocre card. It has won games and it has lost games. Overall I find it has too much variance. I find myself only using it when I have 2 to 3 minions on the board to limit the destruction it can cause. Sometimes I just want the good cards I have in my deck, not the crappy ones waiting to be revealed by this card.


Flame Juggler
Jeweled Scarab
Totem Golem

Lighting Storm
Argent Horserider
Tuskarr Totemic

Master of Evolution

Azure Drake
Thunder Bluff Valient

Fire Elemental
Nerubian Prophet
Thing from Below


Shifting Shade, Twilight Darkmender, and Darkshire Alchemist are all good cards. that have already been shown to work.
Shown to work? I've only seen one of those three cards getting consistent use on streams (Kolento and Zetalot) and during my own games.

Shifting Shade has too little impact. People only run it due to lack of other deathrattle cards. Some have even cut it and went with other 4 drops. I've tried several different deck (dragon, reno, control, c'thun, n'zoth & combo) and never once felt like it was the optimal play when it was put on the board.

Twilight Darkmender is outclassed by the Warrior one. It's necessary to run two of them in C'Thun decks, but that's not a seal of quality in itself.

Darkshire is by my opinion the only good card given to Priest this expansion. It's flexible and can be run in multiple archetypes.
2 Mind Controls in a meta with zoo, freeze mage and face shaman?
I've only faced one Freeze Mage this week, and I don't think there are a lot of Priest options that will help that matchup.

I have 6 clears to deal with Zoo, and Shadowform kills more than half of the Zoo deck every turn. Not every card is amazing for every matchup. The game usually ends around turn 10 for me. If I get one of my early clears, the game is very manageable. Of the Zoo minions, there are 4 that are really dangerous:
1) Sea Giant
2) Doomguard
3) The new guy that gets buffed when minions are played.
4) Gang Boss Imp

Between Cabal Shadow Priest, Shadow Word: Death, Entomb, and Shadow Word: Pain, I have all of these guys covered. If their draws are less than perfect, Mind Control might take one of the first two.

The only thing I can't deal with very well is Jaraxxus' Infernals...but can anyone? Haha.

Doomsayer is there pretty much just for Aggro Shaman and Zoo. The only problem I have with Aggro Shaman is the Doomhammer + Rockbiter combo. I have zero problems dealing with the deck. I actually pushed a game late enough to use Mind Control on Al'Akir two nights ago.

The thing about Shadowform is that it drastically changes how of these matches play out. Once you wipe the board, Shadowform lets you maintain permanent board control without using cards except for major plays. Mind Control takes care of those major plays, and it forces your opponent to use the limited removal he has like Polymorph/Hex/Hunter's Mark on whatever you stole. That means there's no answer left for when you play Ysera or Ragnaros. Against Control decks that already want to play this huge stuff, Mind Control + Entomb covers 4 major plays, and Shadow Word: Death is there as well.

In the current meta, the most prevalent decks I face are C'Thun and N'Zoth. Mind Control counters both of those decks hard. I don't know how else people manage to deal with N'Zoth bringing back Tirion + Sylvannas + Cairn all in one turn. That combo is brutal unless you have a 100% board clear like Twisting Nether, which Priest no longer has access to.

Are we crafting things now? I feel like we should be crafting things now. Everyone, make Ragnaros Lightlord.
I've never been this dust-rich before. :-O

I'm waiting until I absolutely need something to complete a deck. My pity timer is near max for for Classic and WotOG, so I'll wait on it. My top crafting temptations are Antonidas and Leven, but I'm not even sure if I can fit a change into my current deck.

Oh man.

I was checking out gold legendaries in crafting and accidentally crafted a gold Tirion...I don't even play Paladin.

My dust..........
Why didn't you insta-DE and get it back?

Wait are divine shield Paladin and murloc Paladin the same deck?
Murloc Paladin runs Anyfin Can Happen.
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