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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I think Freeze Mage is probably a direct result to all of the Zoo / Aggro Shaman we've been seeing. (Though I hardly see any Freeze at my rank.)

I think the most successful counters to aggro shaman / zoo are Priest (though probably Dragon now, though ASP / EtS + CoH in a dragon list is awkward) and Freeze. Maybe Control Warrior also, though I have zero knowledge of everything Warrior.

Priest is in a decent spot meta-game wise--they just lack ways to deal with early aggression. If N'zoth Pally really takes off, then I think we could see Dragon Priest with two Entombs become a thing again. If DP gets big, then damn, maybe we'll see dumb-ass Handlock and Control Warrior really pick up.

I don't know.

N'zoth Pally is pretty OK against Freeze.

They are a lot of fun for the guy playing them :)

More like, "Oh, shit! If I don't steal this I'm going to die in like two turns."

Stealing Twilight Summoners is pretty fun, but gone are the days of Shrinkmeister shenanigans though.
I hate loosing to priest. Granted it almost never happens, but man I hate it.
Having your shit stolen all the time just isnt fun.
Control priest and Freeze mage are anti fun

The last three times I faced Priest with my N'zoth Pally I just instaconceded. It's just not worth the time and heartache. The match is basically unwinnable, if the Priest doesn't fuck up but still takes ages ..
I hate Ram Wrangler so much

Can you give me something good for once

I don't really play hunter at all but I got the quest recently and took one of the deck recipes and tweaked it as I didn't have all of the good cards. Threw in Ram Wranglers just cause. I'm getting destroyed by a rouge, he has Sylvanas up and all I have is the hyenas from Savannah. I throw down Ram Wrangler and get Scavenging Hyena. I think meh and am about to concede but I have enough health to survive another turn of humiliation. Turn 8 he plays his Call of The Wild he got off huckster and goes full on face bringing me down to 5. I have Unleash the Hounds in hand and top deck another one. The 24/13 hyena smacks the rouge in the face and I get my quest gold.
Ram Wrangler seems like a good card.


Blizzard should remove common and rare cards as rewards in Arena, specially when it insists with the same card again and again. No, I don't need another Shadow Word: Horror.
Played against a Rogue that had like 3 assasinates, 2 Eviscerates and thistle tea'd his Sabotage, that's a lot of fucking removal. Ended up having to ping him to death due to him removing literally all of my threats.
Ha stole a win from a Cthun druid by topdecking a hammer of wrath which gave me exactly lethal. Ashbringer + Hammer + Consecrate for 10.
I love the 1-of addition of redemption to my N'zoth Pally list, lets me play Tirion with Redemption backup for taunt overkill.
Totally lost on board but getting rid of 6/6 and a 6/1 divine shield taunt minion and 25 health wasn't easy in a single turn.


fuck me, I just want get my 2 last wins for the brawl quest

and I keep getting shit cards after shit cards, and when I do get good cards, my opponent gets even better cards

fuck me, I just want get my 2 last wins for the brawl quest

and I keep getting shit cards after shit cards, and when I do get good cards, my opponent gets even better cards


Yea I am not a fan of this brawl, got my pack and am done with it. Too many portals and Raven idol are way better variants as they at least are not restricted to beast minions.

I would love an Evolution Brawl. Perhaps replace hero power with a 2 mana evolve board?


Thanks! I'll try it out. I really like Shadowcasters a lot but it's hard to find good targets for 'em when you don't have good legendaries to copy.

EDIT: If you shadowstep an Antonidas, do you get a fireball?

Yes, because of the order of play rule. Antonidas was played first so his text takes precedence. Even Assassinating him with your own card would give you a Fireball.
Dude what rofl
I had the win, too. I just played Casual mode after that because clearly my head wasn't in the right place.

I miss playing priest but man Cabal is expensive, is she even a stàple right now?
There are some great 2-attack creatures to steal:

Shaman: Spirit Wolf
Warlock: Gang Boss Imp
Warrior: the 2/6 taunt (used in Grim Patron), Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain
Rogue: the new deathrattle dude
Priest: the usual suspects; I like stealing from Dragon Priest a lot
Mage: Acolyte of Pain, Flamewaker
Druid: Not a whole lot; I usually steal a 2/1 Disciple of C'Thun
Hunter: Not much - the 2/1 bat or a 1/1 charge dog is all you usually get. Sometimes you get lucky and steal a Leokk or Grub.
Paladin: something with divine shield, or the 2/1 that gives divine shield.

I think there are good thieving options for her these days in most matchups.

Tirion -> Redemption -> N'Zoth

4 Tirions in 2 turns #dealwithit
If only you had four arms for the swords.
x2 SW:D
x2 Wild Pyromancer
x2 Entomb
x1 SW:p
x1 Excavated Evil
x1 Holy Nova
x2 Circle of Healing + Auchenai Soul Priest

Bonus: x1 Embrace the Shadows for reliability

.... wow

Someone on here argued with me the other day Priest was still viable when I made the case just to replace Lightbomb you need to add almost 6+ removal cards to your hand to stay alive and pray you can drop a minion at some point. I've been running 2x doomsayer as well so it feels like more than half of my deck is techs to keep the board clear.

Lightbomb would destroy 90% of the NZoth drop. They probably will never reprint a similar effect or add Lightbomb to standard.


Someone on here argued with me the other day Priest was still viable when I made the case just to replace Lightbomb you need to add almost 6+ removal cards to your hand to stay alive and pray you can drop a minion at some point. I've been running 2x doomsayer as well so it feels like more than half of my deck is techs to keep the board clear.

Lightbomb would destroy 90% of the NZoth drop. They probably will never reprint a similar effect or add Lightbomb to standard.

But why? Out of all the classes Priest's broken cards have all gotten nerfed or rotated out. Where every other class has something to raise them even higher.
Someone on here argued with me the other day Priest was still viable when I made the case just to replace Lightbomb you need to add almost 6+ removal cards to your hand to stay alive and pray you can drop a minion at some point. I've been running 2x doomsayer as well so it feels like more than half of my deck is techs to keep the board clear.

Lightbomb would destroy 90% of the NZoth drop. They probably will never reprint a similar effect or add Lightbomb to standard.

But even with Lightbomb and Entomb, Priest still didn't have a top tier deck. Control Priest was playable, but it took forever to get a single win since all of your games went to fatigue unless you managed to frustrate an aggro player enough to concede.
Even though I really want Priest to work, I think Lightbomb was pretty OP still. In what other way can you wipe an entire board of big bodies on turn 6? Priest shouldn't outdo Mage at its speciality.

Priest just needs some early game minions and it will be fine. It runs all those clears because it has no hope of early stability outside of dragon decks.


Even though I really want Priest to work, I think Lightbomb was pretty OP still. In what other way can you wipe an entire board of big bodies on turn 6? Priest shouldn't outdo Mage at its speciality.

Priest just needs some early game minions and it will be fine. It runs all those clears because it has no hope of early stability outside of dragon decks.
Warriors can do it at turn 5 with Brawl.

Paladin can do it with Wild Pyro plus Equality for 4. For 6 they can also use Enter the Colisseum which will only keep one if their minions alive.

Warlocks can do it for 8 or for 4 with free Molten and Shadowflame.

Lightbomb wasn't out of the norm for the game. Can't compare it to Mage because Mage doesn't have symmetrical clears.
Lightbomb doesn't necessarily wipe the board entirely either.
In practice, it usually does. I'm just saying I wasn't a huge fan of the card. Even from a stylistic approach, I don't like Priest being about big board-clearing nukes. It's really far from how the class is supposed to play. It would be better if they got something like an Excavated Evil that heals you for the damage done - that has a Priest flavor to it based on WoW class practices.

It'd be interesting if you did a "class flavor" review, because some of the classes have gotten refined identities that are working well for them, and others are total garbage right now. For example, why does Mage even have a 5/5 that summons a 3-cost minion? Yes, it's absurdly strong, but why is it there? Why is that a Mage card?

Rogue has gained some of Priest's value-oriented identity with Thistle Tea and Undercity Huckster.

Warriors can do it at turn 5 with Brawl.

Paladin can do it with Wild Pyro plus Equality for 4. For 6 they can also use Enter the Colisseum which will only keep one if their minions alive.

Warlocks can do it for 8 or for 4 with free Molten and Shadowflame.

Lightbomb wasn't out of the norm for the game. Can't compare it to Mage because Mage doesn't have symmetrical clears.
Paladin takes 2 cards and wipes both boards.

Brawl wipes both boards.

Lightbomb almost always wiped the opposing board while keeping yours intact.

between overwatch and picking up dota 2 i may end up dropping hearthstone rip
Probably for the best.


Mage got that 6 mana summon card because randomly summoning/conjure stuff has been their theme for quite some time now. Stuff like Cabalist's Tome, Ethereal Conjurer, Unstable Portal.

One of Priest's theme is having higher HP on their stuff versus their opponent. It's why stuff like Inner Fire/Divine Spirit exists and why Lightbomb existed. It gave Priest incentive to run higher HP minions so they can heal them.

Lightbomb is only really used in Control Priest, even with high HP dragon minions it wasn't a great inclusion in dragon Priest (though people ran a single copy in case things got dire). You are over valuing the clear potential of Lightbomb vs the other available clears because it does not in fact guarantee a clear especially in the current meta with all the beefier minions especially Cthun decks.

Losing Lightbomb means that players can just dump their hand with mid sized bodies and not respect Control Priest. Even if Lightbomb wasn't going to full clear, the threat of it removing some meant people respected Priest. No one respects Priests anymore except weenie decks that can die to smaller clears.
yolo rag on a 12/8 concealed Van Cleef, damn I would have been smashing stuff lol
That feeling when you wear someone down to just top decking and then play Ragnaros.


Mage got that 6 mana summon card because randomly summoning/conjure stuff has been their theme for quite some time now. Stuff like Cabalist's Tome, Ethereal Conjurer, Unstable Portal.

One of Priest's theme is having higher HP on their stuff versus their opponent. It's why stuff like Inner Fire/Divine Spirit exists and why Lightbomb existed. It gave Priest incentive to run higher HP minions so they can heal them.

Lightbomb is only really used in Control Priest, even with high HP dragon minions it wasn't a great inclusion in dragon Priest (though people ran a single copy in case things got dire). You are over valuing the clear potential of Lightbomb vs the other available clears because it does not in fact guarantee a clear especially in the current meta with all the beefier minions especially Cthun decks.

Losing Lightbomb means that players can just dump their hand with mid sized bodies and not respect Control Priest. Even if Lightbomb wasn't going to full clear, the threat of it removing some meant people respected Priest. No one respects Priests anymore except weenie decks that can die to smaller clears.
I don't disagree with what you wrote here, aside from whether I overvalue Lightbomb. Maybe it wouldn't be as good now, though.


Fuck these epic board clears in arena man, Doom/ED/Nether/Lightbomb every time and with most non-Mage drafts you just cannot afford to play around them


I think dragon priest is still viable. If they draw the right hand they get some sticky taunts at the beginning that can take several turns to get rid.

That's a rather big if. What's holding Dragon Priest back is the activator for a lot of cards has to be held in hand. Too often couldn't I play anything because I had several dragons in my deck but none in my hand.


Dragon priest lacks consistency, that's why I'll never have the feeling it'll be a tier 1 deck.

Sure it's great to play a 2/3 1-drop, a 2/4 taunt 2-drop, a 3/6 taunt 4-drop and a 5/4 5-drop with 3 dmg ping, but if you're unlucky with your activators you'll be playing

a 2/1 vanilla 1-drop
a 1/4 vanilla 2-drop
a 2/6 vanilla 4-drop and
a 5/4 vanilla 5-drop

And suddenly the deck doesn't seem that great anymore.
Yeah definitely could see that. I think I just have bad luck guys. Lol I almost always see them get those cards and have dragon in hand. Them and Zoolock and control paladin are my nemesis because it never fails that they have the dream opening hand and top draws.


Warrior popping Reno at 1 HP and clearing the board feeling pretty smug. Oops here comes N'Zoth and my board is full! He roped out after that. N'Zoth Rogue is my jam, could be my favorite deck ever.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Is there a Control Paladin that's NOT N'zoth? I really love Control Paladin (I mained Anyfin Reno before) but damn I just played a mirror match and it was THE most prolonged unfun thing ever. We went to fatigue and he played his N'zoth first (HUGE no-no). Only reason I won was because the last card in my hand was Rag Lite. Other question, why are there sooooooooo many Legend cardbacks? Did a ton of new people hit it last month?
Warrior popping Reno at 1 HP and clearing the board feeling pretty smug. Oops here comes N'Zoth and my board is full! He roped out after that. N'Zoth Rogue is my jam, could be my favorite deck ever.
Right now I am really regretting crafting Alexstrasza for freeze mage. That is the most boring deck I have ever played. I want to try Dragon Priest and N'Zoth Priest. :-(
Warrior popping Reno at 1 HP and clearing the board feeling pretty smug. Oops here comes N'Zoth and my board is full! He roped out after that. N'Zoth Rogue is my jam, could be my favorite deck ever.

I really want to play N'Zoth rouge but I lack a lot of the cards so it will be a costly venture into it. I never got Slyvanas even. A lot of the early rouge cards in old gods seem fun as well with journey below and under city huckster. Waiting to open more packs before jumping in.


Right now I am really regretting crafting Alexstrasza for freeze mage. That is the most boring deck I have ever played. I want to try Dragon Priest and N'Zoth Priest. :-(

Alex is also good for control warrior if you want to try the card out in a different deck.


So this just happened...


71.8 tier score on HearthArena. Preeeeeeetty good.

My first opponent rage quit after I played Steward of Darkshire into Muster and Southsea Deckhand.
1-3 for the evening, 1 game I just misplayed and was dead exactly if he had black knight, he had it then 1 with the most awkward draw imaginable and the last with a hand full of boardwipes against cthun warrior with zero board presence he brawls twice and had justicar, the 2nd brawl he keeps his 6/6 in a 1/7 chance...

I've been durdling around 15, 16 longer now than it took to get there.
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