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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


just realized i'm 9 legendaries away from a full old gods collection.

need huhu, volazj, chogall, and 6 neutrals (soggoth, mukla, hogger, dark nat, boogeymonster and zerus)

and i'm done with this expac.

honestly i don't even want any of the rest of those. i might just start saving up for the next adventure.
just realized i'm 9 legendaries away from a full old gods collection.

need huhu, volazj, chogall, and 6 neutrals (soggoth, mukla, hogger, dark nat, boogeymonster and zerus)

and i'm done with this expac.

honestly i don't even want any of the rest of those. i might just start saving up for the next adventure.
Huhu is fun as hell and can get value in most Hunter decks, I really recommend it. Making feign death/deathrattle hunters or nzoth ones gives you a lot of options.
Damn. Chessdude just hit rank 1 Legend with Malygos Rogue. That really was my pick to be the OP deck of Old Gods prior to the Blade Flurry nerf.

I didn't see all the decks he beat to get there, but it was fun watching him burst down a Control Warrior.

I have been looking for a fun rogue deck to play and I only need to craft two cards, Edwin and Xaril, to have his list. Hmmmm


Some Rogue had me down to 2 health. Instead of finishing me off, he plays Yogg-Saron a second time, who then plays Doom! which draws him even further into fatigue until he dies.

And I was just about to commit suicide since he had a Deathwing on the board.


At some point we all have to decide why we are playing the game. Do we want to rank up, finish quests, get new cards, break the meta, create new and innovative decks, be a pro player, win tournaments, play arena, get all the gold portraits, get all the gold cards, etc?

All those other things are great too but yea...I love gollllddddddd.
Midrange Hunter lists running Huge Toad over Flame Juggler are doing it wrong imo. I think the more immediate impact of Flame Juggler is better than the beast tag.
I run Huge Toad and King's Elekk over Flame Juggler because I need to be able to kill Mana Wyrms and Tunnel Trogg ASAP. Flame Juggler leaves them with one health in most cases.

At this point I can't ever see myself playing more than 10% of my games in standard. The tipping point was last night when I battled my friend who has a bigger collection than me; I'd guess I'm at maybe 65%, maybe, but honesty I have most of the cards that matter to me so I can make p much most non rogue decks. When my friend and I battle we just have fun, he was challenging me to standard games and I just questioned him; why? We invested so much time and money to get all these cards. So why would we just not use them when we play together (which is the time when I have the most fun playing)?

Standard is a great idea for "competitive" play in order to keep letting new people play the game, it's great for f2p players. But as someone with most of the cards I care about, I get way less fun out of it. Sure opponents can drop annoying cards but I have access to them as well.

The most fun I have in this game is making home brew decks, where I start off play games and then adjust accordingly as I see the weaknesses. Wild gives way way more opportunity to do that.

For instance my favorite decks right now are nzoth decks since I pulled him. It inspired me to make Hunter deathrattle decks, and after crafting princess Huey, I have the ability to make zoo/flood/deathrattle Hunter decks that are fun as hell. Using the stalker card I can make Nerubian eggs 1/3 in my hand, or use princess to pop one on the board, or use feign death to pop them, or use call of the wild to make them roar! It makes weird things like Hunter zoo have a place, where in standard it's much less viable bc of less options. That's freaking awesome. In standard, my creativity for using princess and such is super limited with the low amount of deathrattles, so why limit myself when having a huge bank of cards is so fun? Sure some cards are borderline "auto include", but if shredder and creeper enable decks that wouldn't work in standard like a Hunter zoo deck, why would I care? It leads to More overal options!

The nerfs balanced wild out a lot more than it was before them as well. Sure there will always be OP netdecks, but personally, the aspect of being able to have more options available means I'm wild at least for this year. Arena is wild as well and Playing mostly standard could really hinder me when playing arena cos u could forget about playing around certain cards. And honestly I hate the aspect of being in a standard game and thinking something like "wait, is imp gang boss legal, do I need to play around it?? I forget what pack it was in...", it makes more sense to me to play around all of the cards I know for less confusion.

Then again I'm not one to care about breaking the meta or making legend. I usually just make it somewhere in the 5-10 range, losing doesn't bother me if I get to have fun crafting new ideas. For instance the most fun I had in hs was taking an aggro priest archetype and getting it to rank 6 or 7. Wild gives way more opportunities for fun like that IMO
I feel a similar way, but my GvG collection is pretty minimal, so I don't lose much in Standard. I imagine that in a year or two I'll play Wild for my favorite decks that have died.


Aggro Shaman is going to have problems after January 1, 2017. They get smacked with the loss of Lava Shock, Totem Golem, Argent Horserider, and Flame Juggler all at once, plus the midrange deck loses Fireguard Destroyer in addition. At least I feel like most of the goldens I crafted for Grim Patron will still be good going forward, I don't see the future of Shaman play being the brightest. It could be back to shit tier though the midrange deck could still be OK.
Aggro Shaman is going to have problems after January 1, 2017. They get smacked with the loss of Lava Shock, Totem Golem, Argent Horserider, and Flame Juggler all at once, plus the midrange deck loses Fireguard Destroyer in addition. At least I feel like most of the goldens I crafted for Grim Patron will still be good going forward, I don't see the future of Shaman play being the brightest. It could be back to shit tier though the midrange deck could still be OK.
They'll provide replacement cards.

Eternal Sentinel is better than Lava Shock anyway.


I am pretty certain there's an algorithm in place that checks to see if I'm about to gain a rank. I've been rank 14 full stars a half-dozen times over the weekend and this morning--every time I either get queued up against a counter deck or some shitty aggro deck with perfect draws.

I lost to bubble paladin today. Bubble Paladin! That's like a tier 9 deck for people who think aggro Shaman's mechanics are too complicated.

Ah well. At least I kicked the teeth in of two miracoli rogues in a row. My best match up, I haven't lost to a Rogue all season.
Aggro Shaman is going to have problems after January 1, 2017. They get smacked with the loss of Lava Shock, Totem Golem, Argent Horserider, and Flame Juggler all at once, plus the midrange deck loses Fireguard Destroyer in addition. At least I feel like most of the goldens I crafted for Grim Patron will still be good going forward, I don't see the future of Shaman play being the brightest. It could be back to shit tier though the midrange deck could still be OK.

Standard doesn't rotate until the first expansion in 2017 hits, not the first day.


I climbed from Rank 12 to Rank 7 this weekend and here are my thoughts.

I currently hate the ladder. It took a single week for rank 10 ladder to be full of nothing but 3 decks. Aggro Shaman, Zoo Warlock, and Miracle Rogue are the three decks to beat. It's a rock, paper, scissor match up between them and I haven't found a deck outside those 3 that perform well enough to be competitive.

What sucks is that there are a lot of Mid-Range and Control decks that could beat Shaman & Zoo, but Miracle Rogue will dominate all of those decks about 75% of the time.

This weekend I tried out Tempo Mage, Control Warrior, and Zoo.
Tempo Mage can't keep up with Zoo or Shaman and lost most of my match ups against them. I was probably going 50/50 against control decks, it really came down to them pulling off multiple board clears before I burned them down. The deck overall lost me ranks.

Control Warrior can't keep up with Zoo or Shaman. You need to have your removal drawn and a way to activate it by turn 4 or Dark Councilor or Faceless will likely put your health so low that stabilizing becomes almost impossible. The match up was great against Rogue, you can armor out of combo range and usually have the removal for their big turn 6+ plays.

Zoo Warlock has a good match up against everything. The deck has a much more consistent curve, with more 1 drops in the deck and it has some really great finishers that come out as early as turn 3. The key to beating Shaman is good trades and getting a taunt on one of your beefy targets. Faceless can be an issue, but by turn 4 you should have several 1/1 minions out ready to be buffed up for trading.
The mirror match is about making better trades than your opponent. The boards can swing quickly if you don't trade smart.
Against Rogue you have to make an effort to deal face damage. You need to flood the board and make them use up as much of their removal before turn 6 as possible. They will need to use their weapon to keep the board clear, so always keep an eye on their health for possible lethal, if you miss it you will probably lose. If the rogue is running Skulker and Fan of Knives the match up is much harder because you have to swarm the board. Otherwise just trade smart and smorc more.
The dream



What sucks is that there are a lot of Mid-Range and Control decks that could beat Shaman & Zoo, but Miracle Rogue will dominate all of those decks about 75% of the time.

Tempo warrior is very strong against zoo and rogue, and 50/50 vs aggro Shaman, so if that's all your seeing I'd give it a shot. It's weak to midrange Shaman and of course if you're not skilled enough to avoid drawing all your late game in your opening hand you'll have a bad time.


So I had an 11/18 Acolyte of Pain and my opponent Bronzebeard + Cthun'd me and basically drained my deck.

If I didn't have 20+ armor on me that would've been it.


I climbed from Rank 12 to Rank 7 this weekend and here are my thoughts.

I currently hate the ladder. It took a single week for rank 10 ladder to be full of nothing but 3 decks. Aggro Shaman, Zoo Warlock, and Miracle Rogue are the three decks to beat. It's a rock, paper, scissor match up between them and I haven't found a deck outside those 3 that perform well enough to be competitive.

What sucks is that there are a lot of Mid-Range and Control decks that could beat Shaman & Zoo, but Miracle Rogue will dominate all of those decks about 75% of the time.

This weekend I tried out Tempo Mage, Control Warrior, and Zoo.
Tempo Mage can't keep up with Zoo or Shaman and lost most of my match ups against them. I was probably going 50/50 against control decks, it really came down to them pulling off multiple board clears before I burned them down. The deck overall lost me ranks.

Control Warrior can't keep up with Zoo or Shaman. You need to have your removal drawn and a way to activate it by turn 4 or Dark Councilor or Faceless will likely put your health so low that stabilizing becomes almost impossible. The match up was great against Rogue, you can armor out of combo range and usually have the removal for their big turn 6+ plays.

Zoo Warlock has a good match up against everything. The deck has a much more consistent curve, with more 1 drops in the deck and it has some really great finishers that come out as early as turn 3. The key to beating Shaman is good trades and getting a taunt on one of your beefy targets. Faceless can be an issue, but by turn 4 you should have several 1/1 minions out ready to be buffed up for trading.
The mirror match is about making better trades than your opponent. The boards can swing quickly if you don't trade smart.
Against Rogue you have to make an effort to deal face damage. You need to flood the board and make them use up as much of their removal before turn 6 as possible. They will need to use their weapon to keep the board clear, so always keep an eye on their health for possible lethal, if you miss it you will probably lose. If the rogue is running Skulker and Fan of Knives the match up is much harder because you have to swarm the board. Otherwise just trade smart and smorc more.

You Should try patron warrior. Or maybe tempo warrior.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I had an 11/18 Acolyte of Pain and my opponent Bronzebeard + Cthun'd me and basically drained my deck.

If I didn't have 20+ armor on me that would've been it.

You never go full Acolyte.

I've seen people do similar shenanigans with Bouncing Blade.
Is Justicar absolutely required for a non Patron Warrior deck? I'm really interested in playing the new Tempo Warrior build or simply some standard Control but I don't have the resources to craft Justicar at all right now.


Is Justicar absolutely required for a non Patron Warrior deck? I'm really interested in playing the new Tempo Warrior build or simply some standard Control but I don't have the resources to craft Justicar at all right now.

Tempo warrior doesn't run Justicar. You can run control warrior without it but you'll lose the mirror every time and it'll be harder to live until your late game win conditions against a lot of decks.
Gormok is so good in wild Hunter now, nobody expects that shit but double spiders, a wolf, double snake traps, 3 1 drops, it's very easy to set that up on t4 if you get ahead on the board. Plus if you end up behind RTH can get you to trigger it which helps make up for the lack of good removal


lost to two warlocks in a row to ruin my win streak in arena. If i have a poor opening draw their life tap power just keeps them pushing out cards and i can't keep up. Plus everything had divine shield.


TwoBiers (known from his 100 in 10 arena run) made legend from rank 15 in just 89 games (70-19) with this Shaman deck. No Flamewreathed Faceless or Fire Elemental

TwoBiers (known from his 100 in 10 arena run) made legend from rank 15 in just 89 games (70-19) with this Shaman deck. No Flamewreathed Faceless or Fire Elemental


so shaman's got a third deck now. totem rip. But twobiers is probably one of the best HS players out there so he can make anything work


TwoBiers (known from his 100 in 10 arena run) made legend from rank 15 in just 89 games (70-19) with this Shaman deck. No Flamewreathed Faceless or Fire Elemental

Good, hopefully this means we'll see more shamans on ladder, they've been woefully under represented since Old Gods was released.


Just pulled off a 23 damage combo with Beast Druid for perfect lethal on a C'thun Warrior. I had 2 minions on board though.

On board: 2/5 Druid of the Flame, 3/2 Druid of the Saber.

Druid of the Claw (charge) + Living Roots (2 damage) + Swipe + Innervate + Savage Roar.


Good, hopefully this means we'll see more shamans on ladder, they've been woefully under represented since Old Gods was released.

the funny thing is that between the shaman decks we've seen there's like an entire vector space of shaman decks that are not wrong. one card closer to one deck or another .


Anything shaman is strong, it doesn't exactly needs deck building innovations, just put together their best class cards and you have a pretty good deck. yeah, they like just change two cards, it suddenly has a new name associated with some streamer.
TwoBiers (known from his 100 in 10 arena run) made legend from rank 15 in just 89 games (70-19) with this Shaman deck. No Flamewreathed Faceless or Fire Elemental


I love totem shaman. I abandoned it when old gods came out and have been meaning to try it again with that primal fusion card. May give this a go. Literally have everything that is needed.


Anything shaman is strong, it doesn't exactly needs deck building innovations, just put together their best class cards and you have a pretty good deck. yeah, they like just change two cards, it suddenly has a new name associated with some streamer.

Haha yes. I quickly built an overload Shaman just now and it actually has only Shaman cards. It also seems to work pretty damn good, it's 5-0 so far.


Tempo warrior is very strong against zoo and rogue, and 50/50 vs aggro Shaman, so if that's all your seeing I'd give it a shot. It's weak to midrange Shaman and of course if you're not skilled enough to avoid drawing all your late game in your opening hand you'll have a bad time.
I haven't played Tempo Warrior and all of the sites that host decks are blocked at work. Would you mind listing out what's in it? I imagine it's similar to Patron Warrior, which has always been one of my favorite decks, before and after it's nerf.

I was having a lot of success with Zoo, so trying out new decks wasn't something that I wanted to keep doing.

I think DahBomb is right on. It's funny how fast people will switch over to what a website calls tier 1 decks. It's just a map for a stale meta.
Can't imagine there's anything more backbreaking than Tuskarr Totemic into Mana Tide Totem then evolving then Tuskarr into Hungry Dragon.

Sorry about that C'Thun Druid.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
> 50+ million players every month

> Still no daily bug fix; still (sometimes) forces you to log out and back in when trying to progress the "win X times"-dailies.

Absolutely fucking pathetic company. I wish for them to just stop making games all together and go find something that triggers the passion that existed in this company in the early 00's.


> 50+ million players every month

> Still no daily bug fix; still (sometimes) forces you to log out and back in when trying to progress the "win X times"-dailies.

Absolutely fucking pathetic company. I wish for them to just stop making games all together and go find something that triggers the passion that existed in this company in the early 00's.

Figured you'd be gone for a bit longer.


I haven't played Tempo Warrior and all of the sites that host decks are blocked at work. Would you mind listing out what's in it? I imagine it's similar to Patron Warrior, which has always been one of my favorite decks, before and after it's nerf.

It's totally different than Patron. More similar to Reno Warrior than any of the other archetypes.


Another Arena destroyed by crazy opponents, I don't know how they could lose even one game, the last one was a constructed aggro paladin. And another card as a reward instead of those "common" second packs. Bullshit.

As for better news, I got a Princess Huhuran in a pack earlier and crafted Grommash Hellscream. Time to start using hunter again, I stopped using it in LOE and I hope it feels better now.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Figured you'd be gone for a bit longer.

I've been playing this game, basically every day since the early days of beta. Most likely more games played than you. I don't "put this game down".


I've been playing this game, basically every day since the early days of beta. Most likely more games played than you. I don't "put this game down".

This game is an RNG Clown fiesta full of bullshit game mechanics that reward lucky ass players.

I should know. I play it everyday.

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