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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Seems like that's a (newer) theme this expansion. You grab the board, keep it, or die (as an aggro or midrange deck.) As a Priest, I'm pretty much used to conceding control unless it's a class that doesn't have access to early weapons, 3/2 minions, or cheap three-damage removal (in which I may play a NSC.)

I played one match yesterday as a midrange Shaman against another midrange Shaman, and my turn one + two Totem Golems just snowballed the game.

Same with Zoo. The game doesn't actually start (for Priest) until after you clear the first wave of creatures. If you can clear the second, you almost always win.

I feel like Midrange Hunter (until you can pull Justicar and maybe one Entomb) is actually the harder matchup. I rarely play against Shaman since they've all ranked up out of my bracket.

My single most-hated card changes every expansion, but recently it's Gorehowl. What a huge pain to deal with as a Priest. Doomhammer may exceed it eventually, but there just aren't a lot of Shaman in the high teens.


Random note but Nzoth Priest absolutely demolishes Nzoth Paladin.

*Oh you played that Tirion? I will Entomb it, then kill it off and use Nzoth to revive it on my side instead!


After the game, when you add them from their name, it sends a request to that player. If that player doesn't respond to the request, or just declines, they won't be added as a friend. Mostly, people won't accept your request because they assume you're just gonna trash talk them (like the guy in my above post did).

I see, thanks. It seems different than when you add the battletag manually
Random note but Nzoth Priest absolutely demolishes Nzoth Paladin.

*Oh you played that Tirion? I will Entomb it, then kill it off and use Nzoth to revive it on my side instead!
Plus you can Entomb other high-profile deathrattle minions like Savannah Highmane, a second Sylvannas that everyone seems to run these days, etc.


I still prefer the Standard meta to the Secret Paladin meta. Unfortunately there's always going to be one cheap, annoying and efficient deck that the netdeckers, tryhards and f2p players are going to gravitate to.

It's not just one dominant deck, though. The meta is varied with decks from every class that have their good and bad matchups, and a lot of them are cheap to build. Even the classes that are under-represented have competitive options. Zoo will always be popular because it is easy to learn and hard to master, and just about everyone understands how it plays. Aggro Shaman is the best rush deck but it has its weaker matchups, too.


It's such an odd thing to say that they aren't trying right after they drop an expansion, introduce a new format, and plan to ramp up expansions rather than let them slow down.

As for modes? This is brought up from time to time. I don't even see how hearthstone could be made into a 2v2 mode effectively, let alone a 4v4 mode. We're talking about a game that fits on a mobile phone screen here.

Not even close man. You could have a 4/5 undertaker by like turn 3 lol. Plus all the deathrattles. It's not even in the same ballpark.

I didn't mind, I played Druid then and had all the removal I could, and all the taunts. Lol
I see, thanks. It seems different than when you add the battletag manually

Yeah, it's basically to prevent harassing people. You'll notice that when you add your last opponent, you can't see their Battle.net ID, only their name in HS. The ID only is shown after they accept your friend request.


I like N'zoth Priest, but the sacrifices you make are hard to stomach.

1) the lack of a board clear (as you mentioned.) Holy Nova isn't enough because your early game minions can't reap the heal. -and- two points of damage is not enough to deal with most (non-Hunter) threats. EE wipes out all of your early game minions.

2) Shifting Shade only has three health. It doesn't stay on the board long enough to contest anything. I LOVE the free card, but 3/4 or 4/4 would have been better. The 4 attack is sometimes relevant when you're trying to take out a six-health minion like Twin Emps.

3) You're usually sacrificing one or more of the following: Entomb (which you need TWO of to deal with Control), Injured Blademaster (usually doesn't make the cut), one or more Holy Novas (inadequate, but better than nothing), CSP (which is an interesting debate, a lot Standard decklists are starting to cut one or more CSPs because of the lack of low power, stealable minions, or the lack of impact it has), Thoughtsteal (needed to fight control), Justicar.

4) N'zoth frequently has little impact when played. It's not really enough to turn the game around back in your favor since you tend to pull out a Shade and maybe a 2/4 taunter or Twilight Summoner (if you play with them, I usually don't.) I think N'zoth Priest can be really, really good at countering N'zoth Pally, but it feels like it loses to Control Warrior.

I'd like to see it work, but I've found standard Control Priest to be slightly more stable. That could be because I'm used to it though and just need to learn to adapt.

thx n'zoth

That didn't quite go as planned...


thx n'zoth



If this game was created by any other company other than Blizzard, it would have been slammed into the fucking ground and not even remembered at this point. It's literally impossible to get any kind of win streak going with this dumpster fire meta Blizzard created with this abomination of an "expansion" unless you are incredibly lucky and go up against opponents that don't have exact answers (of course that's why people say this game is nothing but rng or rock, paper, scissors) or aggro/face decks where you get a shit opening hand. You will run into some dip shit zoolock that just flat out wins by turn 4 followed by a face shaman. The ladder has never been worse than it is now (I have seriously seen 1 hunter, 1 warrior, and 1 druid in the last 20 or so matches), wild is a complete mess that will never be balanced (not even sure why Blizzard said it would be, pretty sure they were laughing when they said that) and arena is the same as it's always been. It's seriously at the point where seeing a damn hunter is a means to get excited.

The team running this game are grade A idiots and shouldn't be allowed to work in the games industry. They treat everyone with zero respect, ignore criticism constantly, wait a good year to finally do any card nerfs/changes which either do nothing or go overboard to the point it may as well not even exist, they have provided no meaningful modes over the years unless you want to count fucking tavern brawl, which already has a limitation on when you can play it and even that has been abandoned and there hasn't been a new one in a month. They will never actually do anything to fix this garbage state the game is in, since that would require real effort outside of putting the artist team to work on new card art and animations, and the game will just continue to get worse and worse.

This game is so undeserving of the money it makes it makes me physically ill to think about it. It was easy to give a pass during its first year or so, but now after this long, it's clear they don't give a shit. The profit the game makes sure as shit isn't going back into the game, as a mater of fact, i'd be willing to bet more money goes into the garbage cinematics for each expansion than the actual expansions themselves. This game desperately needs more modes. 2v2, 60 card deck matches, 4 way ffa, fucking anything.

good. let the hate flow through you.


The only vanilla minions at 3 cost are the three Ragers that no one will ever put in their decks. (Carrion Grub is a Beast.) There are no vanilla 2-drops or 1-drops - not a single one. Taunters don't count, it influences the board state. Chillwind Yeti is literally just two numbers that you can run into two other numbers. Wisp is technically a card, but let's not kid ourselves here. A lot of games are decided in the mulligan and first 3 turns, and there are no vanilla minions worth mentioning in that bracket. Once you get to turn 4+ you really have to start playing the power game and vanilla minions aren't enough to keep the boil on.

The entire reason why I even replied to you in the first place is because you called Acolyte of Pain and Defender of Argus vanilla minions - they are not. I believe the term you were looking for was classic set minions, by which you'd be wrong as well.

The bolded is only true if you consider a tribe tag to be "non-vanilla", but that's not how it works in the game. By and large, Bloodfen Raptor and River Crocolisk are considered Vanilla minions. Beast tag alone is not enough to get these cards to see play anymore considering that only 2 classes have cards to support the tribe/archetype, and even then there are simply better options out there for 2 drops. And yes, Carrion Grub is a Vanilla minion as well.


The entire reason why I even replied to you in the first place is because you called Acolyte of Pain and Defender of Argus vanilla minions - they are not. I believe the term you were looking for was classic set minions, by which you'd be wrong as well.

The bolded is only true if you consider a tribe tag to be "non-vanilla", but that's not how it works in the game. By and large, Bloodfen Raptor and River Crocolisk are considered Vanilla minions. Beast tag alone is not enough to get these cards to see play anymore considering that only 2 classes have cards to support the tribe/archetype, and even then there are simply better options out there for 2 drops. And yes, Carrion Grub is a Vanilla minion as well.

unless you get them from ram wrangler/tomb spider rip rip


The entire reason why I even replied to you in the first place is because you called Acolyte of Pain and Defender of Argus vanilla minions - they are not. I believe the term you were looking for was classic set minions, by which you'd be wrong as well.

They are classic set, though DoA was changed from his original form (3/3 body) before any of the expansions came out. And that is indeed what I was going for at first. I conflated Vanilla WoW with "Vanilla Hearthstone" for some reason in that context.

The bolded is only true if you consider a tribe tag to be "non-vanilla", but that's not how it works in the game. By and large, Bloodfen Raptor and River Crocolisk are considered Vanilla minions. Beast tag alone is not enough to get these cards to see play anymore considering that only 2 classes have cards to support the tribe/archetype, and even then there are simply better options out there for 2 drops. And yes, Carrion Grub is a Vanilla minion as well.

There's no question that Huge Toad is a better 2-drop beast than Bloodfen Raptor, but I still think the only reason those are considered "vanilla minions" is because there aren't true vanilla minions in those categories. What would you say to a 3/3 for 2 with no text? But, they haven't printed such a card in any mana slot (again, unless you count Wisp, which I don't). The most they will do is add 1 stat, but for some reason they have no problem occasionally adding other stuff on top of that improved stat line.. or they print cards with +2 stats and crushing drawbacks like the new Arcane Golem or that Rogue Ambusher card.
I "lost" my third arena game at 5 wins due to a disconnect, although I had just delivered the lethal blow.

Still though, I'm pretty proud I even got that far. I'm making progress!


Sir Finley has been the MVP of my Warrior arena run. At 7-1 so far and Finley won me at least 3 of those games.

EDIT: got knocked out at 7-3 because I didn't play around topdeck consecrate. wee.


Unconfirmed Member
I like how Blizzard nerfed aggro and it still shits on everything.

I wish I could quit this damn game thinking I can make control work.

The most powerful aggro deck before the nerf was already Aggro shaman, and I don't think they got much of a nerf at all outside of losing crackle. Meanwhile control got some significant nerfs with standard. This could be seen coming from a mile away even before they revealed buffs like 4 mana 7-7.

I have to imagine Blizzard wanted this type of meta. If not then they are a bunch of idiots.
The most powerful aggro deck before the nerf was already Aggro shaman, and I don't think they got much of a nerf at all outside of losing crackle. Meanwhile control got some significant nerfs with standard. This could be seen coming from a mile away even before they revealed buffs like 4 mana 7-7.

I have to imagine Blizzard wanted this type of meta. If not then they are a bunch of idiots.
Replaced Crackle with Flamewreathed Faceless.
I run 2x Stormcrack instead of the Tuskarr.. that card has never failed me yet.
Stormcrack can't go face, so I haven't been using it.

Tuskarr is just another RNG card. It can be amazing and get you Mana Tide Totem, Flametongue Totem, or Totem Golem, or it can be crapola and get you a basic totem. Personally, I mainly run it for its synergy with the 5/5 taunt for 6.


The criticism hearthstone gets remind me of Mario Kart. Player A with more "skill" loses to player B with less "skill" because of the "RNG".
Same story, although on average the better player always wins more.


After playing for hours straight I think I finally came up with a solid control N'zoth Priest that doesn't use Auchenai/Embrace. My winrate certainly picked up after I stuck in two Power Word: Glory cards, it's a devastating card to aggro and in control if you're desperate you can slap two of them on one big guy to also nullify their attack. Works wonders on those pesky 4 attack minions. I've even won more consistently versus Shaman! I might swap Cairne for another Darkshire Alchemist though.



I feel like some people are incapable of playing around Fatigue decks. Just faced a Patron Warrior who kept drawing with Acolytes and Battle Rage even after I played my first Coldlight, like what are you even doing?
I feel like some people are incapable of playing around Fatigue decks. Just faced a Patron Warrior who kept drawing with Acolytes and Battle Rage even after I played my first Coldlight, like what are you even doing?

I played a Warrior like that, but he didn't seem to be running Patron.

Just kept dropping Armorsmiths and Acolytes hoping to get something to clear the board with, but he lacked punch and used too many control cards early on.

Rank 15 and climbing, go me! I hit 12 last month, but I didn't really push until the last week so I'm happy I'm already this close.

Would've been at 14 already had I not fat fingered a couple misplays. I need a bigger phone...


so I got this quest to watch a friend win in spectator mode but I have no friends ;_;

anybody wanna do me a favor and let me add them?
I like how Blizzard nerfed aggro and it still shits on everything.

I wish I could quit this damn game thinking I can make control work.

The problem is aggro cards are too efficient. There isn't enough trade off. I think any cheap minion that has an effect should have a 1/1 base period. stop. You can't buff have an effect and still trade efficiently.


Used up most of my dust now, crafting spree:

Rag Firelord
Rag Lightlord
2nd Forbidden Healing

then an hour later i went back to Totem Shaman. :/


I love playing Renounce Darkness-lock because my attitude automatically becomes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to the outcome of the game. No more saltiness because I'm completely at the mercy of RNG.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Anyone tried high rank wild ladder? How's secret pally? Anything changed? Does Secret Eater change anything?


New brawl up - pick 2 cards and your deck is nothing but those 2 cards.

Try out Naturalize plus Coldlight Oracle, it's fun as hell


2 quick brawl packs this week.

Innervate/dr. boom (beat flamewaker/missles)

Arcane missles/mana wyrm (beat naturalize/coldlight)

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