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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


They are classic set, though DoA was changed from his original form (3/3 body) before any of the expansions came out. And that is indeed what I was going for at first. I conflated Vanilla WoW with "Vanilla Hearthstone" for some reason in that context.

There's no question that Huge Toad is a better 2-drop beast than Bloodfen Raptor, but I still think the only reason those are considered "vanilla minions" is because there aren't true vanilla minions in those categories. What would you say to a 3/3 for 2 with no text? But, they haven't printed such a card in any mana slot (again, unless you count Wisp, which I don't). The most they will do is add 1 stat, but for some reason they have no problem occasionally adding other stuff on top of that improved stat line.. or they print cards with +2 stats and crushing drawbacks like the new Arcane Golem or that Rogue Ambusher card.

Well, if we are to look at "vanilla set" minions that still see play, there are plenty.

Argent Squire (zoo/aggro), Abusive Sergeant (zoo/aggro), Southsea Deckhand (rogues as a finisher), Doomsayer (control), Loot Hoarder (some deathrattle rogue decks), Wild Pyromancer (pally/priest), Coldlight Oracle (mill decks), Harvest Golem (deathrattle decks), Earthen Ring Farseer (rogue), Acolyte of Pain (warrior/control), Defender of Argus (zoo/aggro pally), Dread Corsair (tempo/patron warriors), Violet Teacher (miracle rogue) Azure Drake (rogue/dragon decks/midrange decks/Tempo Mage), Harrison Jones (control/midrange), Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Sea Giants.

That seems like plenty of "vanilla set" minions being played, and that's only counting neutrals. Also not counting cards that were nerfed out of usage in constructed decks like Ironbeak Owl, Molten Giants, or cards in a deck archetype that isn't played very much anymore (handlock played Twilight Drakes and Ancient Watchers in the past as well).

3/3 for 2 would be way too strong, it will never happen without some kind of penalty like overload, and for that we have Totem Golem. Huge Toad has a deathrattle that deals 1 damage, King's Elkk can potentially draw you a card. Raptor and Crocolisk simply do nothing.


Anyone tried high rank wild ladder? How's secret pally? Anything changed? Does Secret Eater change anything?
Secret Paladin still top tier, no one is really using Eater of Secrets.

In this Brawl I found the following pairs to be strong:

Councilman/Forbidden Ritual
Brave Archer/Quickshot (ultimate top deck burn strat)


Thanks Soka!



You got me 2 packs in 3 minutes, lol.


He got it!

Emperor tick on Embrace Shadows, Prophet Velen and the two Mind Blasts. Top deck Flash Heal for 30+ damage in a turn!

LMAO now he pulls out the OTK Warrior!!!!

Nzoth Paladin has created a situation where gimmick OTK combo decks are kinda viable!


Ran into a Warlock running Mechwarper and Gorillabot. On turn 2 he went Mechwarper > Coin > Mechwarper > Mechwarper > Mechwarper > Gorillabot > Gorillabot > Enhance-o Mechano.



wow I thought the game would legit build a deck around the theme of the card I chose lol

I guess Sylvanas and mind control were 2 pretty bad picks then....
Well at least people are creative. So far I've gone against;

Innervate + Yogg-Saron
Target Dummy + Bolster
Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper
Murloc Tidecaller + Everyfin is Awesome

and..Wisp + Quick Shot from a Hunter who is just trying to burn me down with Quick Shots lol. So that guy is pretty uncreative.


If this game was created by any other company other than Blizzard, it would have been slammed into the fucking ground and not even remembered at this point. It's literally impossible to get any kind of win streak going with this dumpster fire meta Blizzard created with this abomination of an "expansion" unless you are incredibly lucky and go up against opponents that don't have exact answers (of course that's why people say this game is nothing but rng or rock, paper, scissors) or aggro/face decks where you get a shit opening hand. You will run into some dip shit zoolock that just flat out wins by turn 4 followed by a face shaman. The ladder has never been worse than it is now (I have seriously seen 1 hunter, 1 warrior, and 1 druid in the last 20 or so matches), wild is a complete mess that will never be balanced (not even sure why Blizzard said it would be, pretty sure they were laughing when they said that) and arena is the same as it's always been. It's seriously at the point where seeing a damn hunter is a means to get excited.

The team running this game are grade A idiots and shouldn't be allowed to work in the games industry. They treat everyone with zero respect, ignore criticism constantly, wait a good year to finally do any card nerfs/changes which either do nothing or go overboard to the point it may as well not even exist, they have provided no meaningful modes over the years unless you want to count fucking tavern brawl, which already has a limitation on when you can play it and even that has been abandoned and there hasn't been a new one in a month. They will never actually do anything to fix this garbage state the game is in, since that would require real effort outside of putting the artist team to work on new card art and animations, and the game will just continue to get worse and worse.

This game is so undeserving of the money it makes it makes me physically ill to think about it. It was easy to give a pass during its first year or so, but now after this long, it's clear they don't give a shit. The profit the game makes sure as shit isn't going back into the game, as a mater of fact, i'd be willing to bet more money goes into the garbage cinematics for each expansion than the actual expansions themselves. This game desperately needs more modes. 2v2, 60 card deck matches, 4 way ffa, fucking anything.

lmao goddamn man. Game isn't necessarily my cup of tea either, but this is letting it get to you farrrr too much.


Well at least people are creative. So far I've gone against;

Innervate + Yogg-Saron
Target Dummy + Bolster
Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper
Murloc Tidecaller + Everyfin is Awesome
Wisp + Quick Shot (What?)
The Wisp Quickshot basically aims to empty hand from turn 1 and start top decking with Quickshot.

I like Brave Archer Quickshot variant better.


Well at least people are creative. So far I've gone against;

Innervate + Yogg-Saron
Target Dummy + Bolster
Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper
Murloc Tidecaller + Everyfin is Awesome
Wisp + Quick Shot (What?)

I played Rogue with the 2/1 1 mana snake that kills all minions and my second card was the 4 mana 4/4 that gives your weapon 2 attack on deathrattle. Won against everything I played that couldn't hero power the 2/1 snake down.
The Wisp Quickshot basically aims to empty hand from turn 1 and start top decking with Quickshot.

I like Brave Archer Quickshot variant better.

Yeah, I actually lost to it.

Pretty stupid combo lol.

Now I'm facing Murloc Tinyfin + Evolve lol.

Edit: And they're only going face. Sigh. People suck.


I won with Councilman/Forbidden Ritual against that Hunter deck.

But then another Hunter played Scavenging Hyena and UTH, then absolutely crushed me LMAO!
Well, if we are to look at "vanilla set" minions that still see play, there are plenty.

Argent Squire (zoo/aggro), Abusive Sergeant (zoo/aggro), Southsea Deckhand (rogues as a finisher), Doomsayer (control), Loot Hoarder (some deathrattle rogue decks), Wild Pyromancer (pally/priest), Coldlight Oracle (mill decks), Harvest Golem (deathrattle decks), Earthen Ring Farseer (rogue), Acolyte of Pain (warrior/control), Defender of Argus (zoo/aggro pally), Dread Corsair (tempo/patron warriors), Violet Teacher (miracle rogue) Azure Drake (rogue/dragon decks/midrange decks/Tempo Mage), Harrison Jones (control/midrange), Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Sea Giants.

How are any of these minions vanilla when they all have an effect? Divine shield, buff, charge, deathrattle, deathrattle, effect, battlecry, deathrattle, effect, effect, buff, taunt, effect, battlecry, battlecry, deathrattle, effect, effect.


Ran into a Warlock running Mechwarper and Gorillabot. On turn 2 he went Mechwarper > Coin > Mechwarper > Mechwarper > Mechwarper > Gorillabot > Gorillabot > Enhance-o Mechano.


Mechwarper and Fel Cannon is a fun alternative. Turn two Life Tap, turn three fill the board and nuke to death any minion your opponent played.


How are any of these minions vanilla when they all have an effect? Divine shield, buff, charge, deathrattle, deathrattle, effect, battlecry, deathrattle, effect, effect, buff, taunt, effect, battlecry, battlecry, deathrattle, effect, effect.
Please look at the quote I was replying to. He mentioned that he initially considered acolyte of pain and defender of argus to be 'vanilla minions' in the sense of 'initial set of cards that hearthstone launched with' that still see play.

Context is a thing.


Mechwarper and Fel Cannon is a fun alternative. Turn two Life Tap, turn three fill the board and nuke to death any minion your opponent played.

Gorillabot seems to give you Fel Cannon a lot. But there's also the chance you can pull other useful mechs like Enhance-o or Healbot.


Iceblock + Forgotten Torch

Blizzard hates us Euros and I have to wait a couple hours to try it, but that should be the most broken combo in this brawl. Provided you always have a spare secret in hand your opponent can't kill you on his turn and because of all the roaring torches you are going to shuffle into your deck, fatigue isn't going to kill you either.
Very easy priest win with cabal and swp. Went against a mage with flamewalker, perfect match up actually. Gonna run an entomb/swd deck next lol.
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