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He'll be back? Terminator 4/5 updates.

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C2 checked into Moviehole this weekend with an update on all things "Terminator" this weekend, saying Schwarzenegger will definitely be a part of both of the two planned sequels (hmmm, I'll believe that when I see it):

"I've learned (removed) that the offer Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna will make James Cameron to come back to direct the final chapter in his own Terminator universe is to give him "complete control" on the project.

Kassar and Vajna will still own the rights (and would be fools to give it up due to the millions they will make) but the idea or deal is to give Cameron full control to do or write whatever he wants. This is said to include a pay day that will rival or eclipse Peter Jackson's deal for King Kong (20 million upfront plus a huge percentage).

Also, not to belittle T4 before it comes out or ruin anything, but Mario and Andy wants Arnold back for T5 (the final chapter) playing the evil cyborg. When I say "evil", I mean just as nasty as he was in The Terminator. Before he became a babysiter in T2 & T3."


Damn! 20 mil, huge profit cut, and complete creative control? Cameron would be a moron not to take that.

I doubt Arnie will be filling that T5 role though.
That would rock with Arnold playing the Bad Guy.

No doubt this would be filmed back to back like the Matrix.

T4 = Mostow
T5 = The King Of The World ... Whooooooooo !


Hollywood Square
I think Terminator 3 stretched the limits of Arnold's age barrier. I can't imagine he can hold up that well for a fifth installment. Or hell, even a fourth one.


He really isn't needed (as far as we know), but as a bit part in maybe the 5th movie. Everything else could be the exoskeletons


Gold Member
SKluck said:
You can't film back to back with different directors. That just wouldn't work.

Superman 1 and 2 were done that way. Donner sort of directed both, but 2 was re-shot by a different director because Warner got super cheap.


So they demand 2 more movies? Cameron should contract that last movie, then do it as if 3 and 4 didn't exist. Give him the same contract for Alien 5.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
3 was incredibly average but I'm happy for two things:

1. Some kick ass action sequences and;
2. It carried us to the future war.

So finally 4 should take place completely in the skull ridden HK-laden fractured US, I've been waiting for that ever since the flashbacks from the original movie.


T3 was good, but not as great as T1 and T2, IMO. I don't know about Arnie coming back. It could work. I would like a another male Terminator to be the enemy or whatever and not a female.
DarienA said:
3 was incredibly average but I'm happy for two things:

1. Some kick ass action sequences and;
2. It carried us to the future war.

So finally 4 should take place completely in the skull ridden HK-laden fractured US, I've been waiting for that ever since the flashbacks from the original movie.

I agree. Although I think T3 would be much better if they fleshed it out a bit more with the rumoured extra footage awhile ago and put the Terminator theme in at the start!

I really don't see the need for a movie beyond T4 though. And besides Arnie will definately be too old by then. Which is pretty sad as I'll certainly miss Arnie's flicks.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I really don't see the need for a movie beyond T4 though. And besides Arnie will definately be too old by then. Which is pretty sad as I'll certainly miss Arnie's flicks.<<<

Why does Arnold need to be in every goddamn Terminator movie? At a certain point, it just becomes ridiculous.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>He really isn't needed (as far as we know), but as a bit part in maybe the 5th movie. Everything else could be the exoskeletons<<<<

Or one of the HUNDRED (at least) other skin models, maybe?


Still Tagged Accordingly
"I've learned (removed) that the offer Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna will make James Cameron to come back to direct the final chapter in his own Terminator universe is to give him "complete control" on the project.
They'd never give "complete control" to anyone.

When I say "evil", I mean just as nasty as he was in The Terminator. Before he became a babysiter in T2 & T3."
I'd like to see an Arnie vs. Arnie scenario in T4 or T5. :)


I saw T3 for the first time last night on HBO and I must say I completely disagree with those calling it average. I saw the first two (at the time they both released, and many times since) and I must say, three is my favorite of the trilogy.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
this just makes me long for a highly-unlikely james cameron-directed alien movie .. (again) :p

i actually quite enjoyed t3 - i was ready to bag it cos of the new director but it was entertaining, and the ending was bleak enough that i didn't feel it was sold out as a franchise too much (e.g. WE SAVED THE WORLD! *hug*)


Still Tagged Accordingly
Lost Weekend said:
I saw T3 for the first time last night on HBO and I must say I completely disagree with those calling it average. I saw the first two (at the time they both released, and many times since) and I must say, three is my favorite of the trilogy.
Oh dear god no. T2 rapes both T1 and T3.


I think it has to do with me always wanting to see a movie that took place just before Judgement Day, and T3 delivering on that premise (rather wonderfully, IMO) that makes me give it the nod. A personal thing, I guess. I truely dug it, though.
T3 sucked. Its like they took everything Terminator 1 and 2 were, removed all the dark and deep thinking bits and turned it into a pg-13 film for the family, purely a popcorn flick which the first 2 were not


julls said:
i actually quite enjoyed t3 - i was ready to bag it cos of the new director but it was entertaining, and the ending was bleak enough that i didn't feel it was sold out as a franchise too much (e.g. WE SAVED THE WORLD! *hug*)

Agreed 100%.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
<devil's advocate mode: engaged>
T1 was built around a paradox, and the assumptions made in T2 about how Judgment Day could be stopped were flat-out dumb. (Don't get me wrong, it COULD HAVE been stopped, they just killed the wrong people.) Military projects are proposed and planned FAR in advance, and for Judgment Day to happen in 1997, even without Terminator-fueled advances in processing power, the Skynet project would have to have been rolling well before the events of T2.


being watched
Three was a decent sequel. But for two things:-

Limp wristed non-Terminator score.
Skynet as a virus bollocks.


T4 will be set in the dark ages, do you really think knights were an idea of the people of that time?!?!?! Ofcourse not, Arnie inspired them!!!!!11!

DopeyFish said:
Popcorn flick = most retarded term ever. Please don't use it again.

Popcorn Flick

Wanna go see the Popcorn Flick?

I really hated that Popcorn Flick.

I hear DopeyFish doesn't like the term Popcorn Flick. Do you like the term Popcorn Flick?

Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Three was a decent sequel. But for two things:-

Limp wristed non-Terminator score.
Skynet as a virus bollocks.

Oh god yes.... I should have had the score comment as my #3.

How could they have a terminator movie without the main friggin terminator theme? What kinda dumb shit is that? I think a remix of it plays during the credits or something stupid like that?

EDIT: Van Helsing was a Popcorn Flick, Popcorn Flick, Popcorn Flick, Van Helsing was a Popcorn Flick, Pop....corn... Flick.


T3 was the biggest dissapointment I've ever had from a movie. And to think that I was expecting it to be kinda bad cos the director was a total jerk. I would prefer not to have Arnold on the movie and instead have Cameron as a director, so that monstrosities like this movie can be avoided. So I'm very very happy when I hear that Cameron might come back.

PS. Popcorn flick :)
TAJ said:
>>>I really don't see the need for a movie beyond T4 though. And besides Arnie will definately be too old by then. Which is pretty sad as I'll certainly miss Arnie's flicks.<<<

Why does Arnold need to be in every goddamn Terminator movie? At a certain point, it just becomes ridiculous.

Actually I agree. Beyond maybe a cameo in T4 he's not really needed. Unless they flesh out some of the back story that was introduced in T3 (conversations in the bus). Also, what is the need for a T5? Not the fact that Arnie will be too old by then. What more can they do beyond the future war setting of T4?
MrPing1000 said:
Popcorn Flick

Wanna go see the Popcorn Flick?

I really hated that Popcorn Flick.

I hear DopeyFish doesn't like the term Popcorn Flick. Do you like the term Popcorn Flick?

Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Red Dolphin said:
Actually I agree. Beyond maybe a cameo in T4 he's not really needed. Unless they flesh out some of the back story that was introduced in T3 (conversations in the bus). Also, what is the need for a T5? Not the fact that Arnie will be too old by then. What more can they do beyond the future war setting of T4?

I don't expect the future war to be settled in one movie..


MrPing1000 said:
Popcorn Flick

Wanna go see the Popcorn Flick?

I really hated that Popcorn Flick.

I hear DopeyFish doesn't like the term Popcorn Flick. Do you like the term Popcorn Flick?

Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick
Popcorn Flick


I've said all along that Arnie is only needed for a few scenes, such as when the Terminators are being lined up on the assembly line or whatever. And he could supply the voice to the T-800's endoskeletons, without needing to supply the likeness. There's all sorts of things they could do there.

I wonder if that T3.5 stuff is actually legit. I really liked T3, but wouldn't object to seeing it improved even if it meant a lot of changes. And of course I want to see at least one future war movie.
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