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help, first time at gym today

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well, i'm going to a gym to workout for the first time ever. i believe i should work out some sort of schedule, so i look like i know what i'm doing. cause whenever i look at people in a gym, they're always set on what they need to do. thing is--how should i begin working out? the treadmill first? then light weights...then maybe a machine? and for how long. i'm 5'11 and 160 pounds...i'm just looking to get toned.... any advice?


no expert here but make ur schedule so u work out certain parts of ur body one day and then the other the next day.

for example if u work your arms today, then chest tom, and then shoulders wed....etc.

always rest ur muscles for at least 48hrs b4 we working them.

as for what u should do b4 u start working out...always break a sweat. jog a little or something. if ur lifting weights make sure u warm up also...sort of to get ur heart pumping.

never ever make the mistake of lifting more than u can even if u feel ashamed at how much u can lift. its always better to the motion of the exercise correctly then lifiting heavier.

when i started i couldnt bench more than 100 and now im up to 150 in about under 2 months so its nothing to worry about. just make sure u have the motion of the excersize right.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Well you should warm up a bit first, maybe at a light jog on the running machines for 5 minutes, then do your stretches, then I'm not sure of the best order for running/weights as I only do weights generally, then do more stretches at the end.

Or that's what I seem to remember being told anyway. I just do the stretches then the weights then leave, I just can't be bothered with the rest. Probably risking injuries, but I guess I've been lucky so far.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
1. Stretch
2. Treadmills are good, but there are similair machines where you can also work your hands. I use a really great machine that is simalir to ski's, but there is a slight curve. You can adjust incline, and force, and you can also use your hands.
3. All machines have stickers showing you how to use them, and what part they work on. Just choose what interests you.
4. The amount of reps you can do of a weight is more important than how heavy it is. Start with something that you can handle.
5. Hiring a personal trainer for 1 session to set a workout routine for you is not a bad idea.


oh yeah im 5'7 and 150 so im about the same. as for the question about how long...make sure ur when ur lifting weights that you can do at least 8-10 reps. for example if im curling dumbells for my biceps i would make sure i can lift the weight for at least 10 reps. if its light or you think u can do more raise that weight by a lil and see how many you can do.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I've found between 6-8 reps to be more effective on most weights. Except when working the shoulders where I do a lighter weight for more reps and do it fast, someone told me that was a better way.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Repetitions, the number of times lift the weight.

I found www.bodybuilding.com good personally. There are a hell of a lot of articles and information on exercises for specific body parts, things about diet too. Don't be put off by the name, I'm no bodybuilder and never will be. Most of the stuff applies to people just wanting to put on a bit of muscle too though.


Don't focus on working out single body parts right now for each day off the bat. Do more of a circuit training for the first 2 weeks so that your body gets used to the wieghts.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Make sure you dont go all out. This is your first go in a gym (Sounds rather strange), so start slow. Once you get the hang of things, start doing a little more, but make sure you dont force yourself.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You might ache like hell the next day after you work each body part, but don't worry. That happens to me every time I start working out again, it won't be like that every week. If you're anything like me, it won't happen at all after that first time.


Since its your first time you should probably start on machines, use light weights and concentrate on form. Start with off with one set with 8 - 12 reps. Depending on how many times you'll go to the gym you can either do full body or concentrate on upper body one day, and lower body the next day. Make sure you research on supplements as well. I used this site to plan my overall strength training. Oh yeah, make sure you WARM UP either on bicycle/treadmill/elliptical for min of 8 minutes and then stretch if not you'll be aching for a couple of days.

way more

Wipe down your machine and don't talk to people while they're on a treadmill.

Shower before you get in the pool and two in a lane is acceptable if the others are full.


you have most of the info you need, but i can not stress enough the need to warm your body up by running, and stretching before you do any kind of work(especially your stomach muscles) out! if you want to make it look like you know how to lift weights, do the basic lifts you see others do(Bench, Curls, butterflies) these work the arms. ( calf excersises, leg lifts, and squats) these work the legs. then you want to work the abdomen. if this is really your first time lifting, dont' focus on legs until you know how to properly do the excersises. stick with upper body.


thats a really good tip about my legs. doing any leg excercise today was really difficult. i suppose strengthening my upper body will only make it easier to lift the legs up.

training my arms was just darn right difficult, not even the lightest weights were easy. but i suppose i'll get used to that too.

so in conclusion, the treadmill is important to warm up. stretching is important too. and working on the upper body with free weights is what i'm doing in the weight room.
i always start off with 15-20 minutes on the treadmill, then an hour of weightlighting, then another 10 minutes on the bike.

my trainer will not let me skip the treadmill or bike portions of the regimen. :-/
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