I havent actually put together a computer since my old 486.. Ive bought prebuilt ever since, but have been talked into the fact that I can build something more powerfull than I could buy in a store for alot less money as well. I'm actually going to build two computers, one for me one for my father (who has my old old one a P3 600 mhz :lol )... so please suggest everything (case, mobo, Ram placement, etc.).. and do it in two categories.. a) full blown nuts money is no object computer and b) low/mid end PC for about 1500 bucks or so (dont worry about monitor here, my dad went out and bought a 21" one last year so he could see stuff easier)..
also, if anything is coming out in the next 5-6 months that is going to be significantly better than what I have now let me know.. I dont care too much about a vid card coming out soon because I can replace that easy, but new processors or something I might want to wait for...
also, if anything is coming out in the next 5-6 months that is going to be significantly better than what I have now let me know.. I dont care too much about a vid card coming out soon because I can replace that easy, but new processors or something I might want to wait for...