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Help me Choose a Game!

Okay, I want to buy a new game for the Xbox, but I'm having a hard time deciding which one to go for.

Tony Hawk 4
Tony Hawk Underground

Just tell me what you would choose and why. Are the controls for SSX 3 easy to get into? Do you have to use the black and white buttons? Is Tony Hawk 4 superior to Underground? Which did you have more fun with, Underground, for SSX 3?


You'll probably keep a LOT more busy on SSX3. I didn't like the controls that much on the Xbox though.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Tony Hawk Underground

Personally, I'd go with the PS2 version for the controller and online options but I don't know if this is an option. Then again, the XBox version I'm sure has soundtrack support so it can't be all bad.


SSX3 is awesome! So much to do! Items to collect... Nothing is more awesome then to race down the mountain from the top to the end! Takes about 30 minutes.

I would never recommend an EA game to anyone… But I love SSX3 :eek:
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