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Help Me Pick a Game To Play: The Triple-A Flops Edition

Which game do you recommend the most?

  • Valkyrie Elysium

    Votes: 11 10.2%
  • The Callisto Protocol

    Votes: 24 22.2%
  • Life Is Strange: True Colors

    Votes: 11 10.2%
  • Gotham Knights

    Votes: 13 12.0%
  • Ghostwire Tokyo

    Votes: 14 13.0%
  • Deathloop

    Votes: 16 14.8%
  • Forspoken

    Votes: 19 17.6%

  • Total voters


The "Triple-A Flops" is a bit of a misnomer, but I couldn't think of anything better for a thread title, so quit writing whatever you just wanted to post about the semantics of it.

The general idea is that I have all those high-profile games that released sometime between last year and this year that I still keep in my backlog because, up until now, I busied myself with other, more interesting things. But since that well is now all dried up and it won't be until Starfield when I'll have something else to play that I'm actually looking forward to, the time has come to plunge my hand into the toilet of backlog and fish out something that I've been putting off for this occasion.

The games from this poll are precisely the kind of games that I'm vaguely interested in playing but wasn't in a hurry to do so, therefore, I've been saving them for a rainy day. I'm still at least curious about them, and even if none of those are gonna be as great as some of the other games that I played recently, at the very least I just hope for something mindlessly entertaining to distract me from the constant dread of living.

Thanks in advance, and if you're thinking about commenting on how I should pick better games, then kindly stick your dick into an anthill first so that I would at least know that you've already received your punishment for being annoying.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
A bit funny seeing all these picks, since I literally bought all of them either day 1 or shortly after they launched. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Anyway, I will say that even if it was meme'd to death I've enjoyed Forspoken a great deal. It has some very cool exploration through parkouring and the combat was fun as well. You should give it a shot!
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Life is Strange: True Colors is actually really decent. Much more like the first game than the second. It's also quite a bit shorter than the others you listed.
Pretty good list of average games. Hard to pick. Depends on what genre you're in the mood, the length of the game, etc. True Colors is decent but far worse in budget and story and everything than the first and second. Deathloop is the poor mans Dishonored so enjoy playing the same 4 maps for like 20 hours or so even if they are decent maps. Gotham Knights is a piece of shit, delete that shit, avoid that shit. Ghostwire has amazing atmosphere and a decent story but the gameplay is just not very good at all, enjoy colelcting shit worse than Ubisoft games. The other 3 havent played yet, prolly never will. Tired of average games.
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I've played a few of them recently so here goes:

  • True colors: I found it to be pretentious hipster trash with terrible writting and even worse characters and story. No idea why I even finished it, look elsewhere. The first game is a nobel prize winner in comparison.

  • Callisto: Amazing visuals and a semi-decent story. The combat is weird and might not be most people's cup of tea, not really scary as your character feels like a walking tank. It was an overall ok experience, I didn't feel like I wasted my time.

  • Ghostwire: I thought I'd hate it at first, but I actually grew to enjoy it. Great visuals, decent writting/characters/voice acting (at least in Japanese) and surprisingly good combat. A little repetitive, side quests are meh and performance was bad on both PC and PS5. Still, I would recommend this the most from that list.

  • Valkyrie: Tried the demo, didn't even finish that. Bad performance on PS5, meh visuals and combat. Felt like a PS2 game in the worst way possible. Maybe the full game is better? Who knows.

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Life is Strange: True Colors is actually really decent. Much more like the first game than the second. It's also quite a bit shorter than the others you listed.

Was my immediate first choice. I actually think I enjoyed True Colors more then any of the other LiS titles.


Can’t Git Gud
I can't believe how many people recommend shit protocol. You go around, wham what back and forth and then backtrack. Game done.
Shitty characters, story, terrible gameplay. It's the worst game I played last year. get Dead space remake if you want space horror.
It just got nice graphics.

Power Pro

Life is Strange: True Colors is actually really decent. Much more like the first game than the second. It's also quite a bit shorter than the others you listed.
Yeah, I actually enjoyed my time with this one. Gonna depend on the person I guess, but it was the first time I enjoyed one of these games since the first.


Most the games on your list aren't AAA

If you're going by biggest AAA flop then It has to be Forspoken, but I don't know you well enough to hate you that much so I voted for Deathloop cause you might actually have fun.


Gold Member
Out of that list I’d definitely give Deathloop a go. I didn’t really jive with it myself, but that’s more to do with me not enjoying the core mechanics. But everything is very solid and works as intended, it’s a lot of fun to play.

I haven’t finished it yet, but GhostWire have been pretty enjoyable as well.


If I had the time, I'd be choosing between Forspoken and Ghostwire. FFXVI got me in the mood for more Square Enix action RPG, and Forspoken looks fun although at glance I'm very uninterested in the story.


Genuine question: Why don't you (re)play a game that you actually like instead of these mid to bad games?
There wasn't a single game that came out in 2022 that I would actually want to revisit in the future. I'd rather just play something that I haven't experienced before because it won't feel like such a waste of time as replaying, idk, Horizon 2, for example. Honestly, why would I ever want to suffer through 90 hours of padding just to experience the same mediocre, boring story again, lol.


Just because you've thrown Deathloop in there with the rest of these games I'm voting for you to suffer through Gotham Knights.
It looks like a perfect game to put on while catching up on podcasts so I'll probably get what I want out of it. :pie_ssmiling:
  • Triggered
Reactions: GHG


There wasn't a single game that came out in 2022 that I would actually want to revisit in the future. I'd rather just play something that I haven't experienced before because it won't feel like such a waste of time as replaying, idk, Horizon 2, for example. Honestly, why would I ever want to suffer through 90 hours of padding just to experience the same mediocre, boring story again, lol.
Alright. Then I recommend Deathloop.
Play Psychonauts 2 instead.

Out of that list I have played Deathloop and Ghostwire only.

Deathloop is good, not something I would call average or below. Ghostwire is cooler, but gets repetitive fast.


Death loop, Arkane always makes some great worlds, it's everything Redfall wanted to be but so well executed, it was mored deserving of the marketing redfall got, it's the right amount of immature yet stylish. Very unappreciated.

Also a great game to rip off, so many interesting ideas


Oh my, Callisto and Foreskin are going head to head.

I'm not gonna try to rig the election or anything, but I will just discreetly mention that I think I'd rather not be playing sub-par horror games right now, wink, wink.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I can't believe how many people recommend shit protocol. You go around, wham what back and forth and then backtrack. Game done.
Shitty characters, story, terrible gameplay. It's the worst game I played last year. get Dead space remake if you want space horror.
It just got nice graphics.

The level of hatred you have for this game is so absurd it’s like the devs hurt you personally or something.

I’d take Callisto over the “safe & sound” and unremarkable DS remake any day.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Oh my, Callisto and Foreskin are going head to head.

I'm not gonna try to rig the election or anything, but I will just discreetly mention that I think I'd rather not be playing sub-par horror games right now, wink, wink.
A shitty braindead game with crap graphics and MCU level dialogue or a linear, tight horror game - that doesn't outstay its welcome - with Joshua Dumah delivering a great performance. A visual treat too.

You know it makes sense.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
The level of hatred you have for this game is so absurd it’s like the devs hurt you personally or something.

I’d take Callisto over the “safe & sound” and unremarkable DS remake any day.
Glen Schofield punched his face in and forced him to crunch for 50 weeks. Ya luv it!!!


The level of hatred you have for this game is so absurd it’s like the devs hurt you personally or something.

I’d take Callisto over the “safe & sound” and unremarkable DS remake any day.
Tbh, the way he also keeps shitting on everyone for not liking Forespoken makes me want to not play that game just out of spite. Nothing against the guy but that shit is just so obnoxious, lol.


Out of those games I finished Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Gotham Knights and Life is Strange.

They were all good with my favorite being G:T. Just skip most of the side activities and time wasters and there’s a really good game: story, atmosphere, gameplay and an amazing sound design.

Gotham Knights is only worth it if you can play the PC version and have a PC capable of running it at 60 fps most of the time (except when you’re driving in the city and it always falls down to 45 or so).
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Also, while Deathloop could arguably be considered one of Arkane’s weakest efforts, I had a great time stealthing around and capping dudes. The way things play out ultimately in the end is awesome too. By end game I could clear every target off the map and be done within 10 minutes. It’s pretty fucking cool.
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