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Henry Cavill in Talks to Return as Superman for Warner Bros



Two years after departing the role, Henry Cavill is in talks to once again portray Clark Kent/Superman in films based on DC Comics, multiple insiders with knowledge of the situation told TheWrap.

The extent of Cavill’s return to the role — whether just for additional work to be done for the upcoming “Snyder Cut” of “Justice League” or for appearances in future films — has not been disclosed.



Think it would benefit all parties. Fans, the studio and probably Cavill himself. It’s a smart call, here’s hoping it happens.

Not a Snyder hater or lover but I think it would benefit to go in a different direction. Which? Fuck if I know. Handling Superman in modern times seems simple and confusing all-at-the-same time.


Not sure how true this is...

No, that's always been the intention. He was supposed to be in Shazam but the contract drama was going on so they used Cavill's stunt double instead. He's supposed to show up all over the place.
I have no problem with that. Henry Cavill is pretty cool over all and I enjoyed his performance in most of the movies he's in. plus the problem with the DCEU isn't really an issue with his performance anyway.
I like his Superman so I'd be happy to see him continue.

Though prob an unpopular opinion but I liked the out of standard take on Superman and would like to see more of it. That said I assume future portrayals will be more in line with the traditional stuff.
I loved man of steel.
Never understood why people have a problem with that movie.
All the movies that came after that one were trash, though.


Gold Member
Man of Steel was a good movie. But the fight scene at the end was probably double or triple length it should have been. That final fight went on forever.

Rest of the movie was excellent.
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Awesome. The guy's great and incredibly well cast in the role, so it was a massive waste for him to have been in nothing but utter shite.

Hopefully after the success of Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam pivoting away from the deconstructive, dumb, misery fests that were the preceding movies, we'll now get a real Superman movie with him.


I didn't like MoS at first viewing but over the years I come to appreciate the movie more.

Still didn't like how Jonathan died in the most ridiculous manner, or killed off Zod. Michael Shannon totally define Zod.
Henry lad was never the problem. The god awful scripts are.

man of steel worked because it felt grounded just with aliens. All the extendend super power and meta human bullshit was just stupid.


Perpetually Offended
I never really understood the dislike of Man of Steel. People were upset that innocents died or something? It was a cool movie and Cavill plays the role well.

Right? Like how about the buildings being destroyed in a fight in the comics and toons? They're ok with it there but not in a live action movie?


I greatly enjoyed the guy in the role. Honestly the only time he felt off was BatmanvSuperman, but that wasn't really his fault as even though I admittedly like the movie one of its several flaws is that it virtually never lets Superman show his optimistic and kindhearted side (like, yes he's facing a ton of criticism, but goddamn, you can see how many people are so grateful for him saving them in that montage, you'd think that would put some things in perspective for him). Man of Steel and especially Justice League did show this side of him and Cavill to me has shown he can do the role justice. Let's have Man of Steel 2 with Brainaic finally getting to be a movie villain, or Justice League 2 when they're ready.

I never really understood the dislike of Man of Steel. People were upset that innocents died or something? It was a cool movie and Cavill plays the role well.

I will always disagree with the "Superman casually caused deaths" in Man of Steel. Let's look at the film:

-Superman tackles Zod when he's about to kill his mother and sends him flying into a gas tanker. Okay, that likely could have killed someone, but come on. It's literally the start of his first fight ever against someone on this level, and who wouldn't lose control for a moment if their own mother's life was on the line? This doesn't make Superman "uncaring" or some shit

-Smallville fight. Superman warns the civilians to get inside. Now some might say he should have told them to run out the back, but think about it. We know how fast these beings can go and the fight could easily end up over there, and running outside just exposes them. Hiding is probably their best bet as at least they're not generally visible. And no, Zod and his troops are not above just murdering civilians. Faora flat out says they will kill a thousand people for every one Superman saves. Zod tries to kill a family as soon as he sees them. They see humanity as beneath them, and don't give a shit.

Then the collateral damage in the town? Mostly caused by the military, not Superman actually. And Superman saves a soldier who was falling, even asking if he's okay. Pointing this out as some claimed in the movie Superman only cared about his mom and Lois. I guess they immediately forgot about the scene where he saves a lot of people on an oil rig.

-Metropolis. Okay, I feel casualties would have been way lower if some of the citizens had used basic survival instincts. The Daily Planet employees just stare at the World Engine killing people for minutes before Perry finally yells for an evacuation of the building. Then, when Superman and Zod are clashing in the sky, people are just staring. RUN!!!!! Yes, aliens with superhuman abilities, it's fascinating sure, but you've seen the destruction so far so USE YOUR BRAIN! It's not Superman's job to tell people when it's obviously time to evacuate the city as quickly as possible.

Then, when Superman and Zod fight, Zod has made it very clear he does not give a shit anymore. He wants to hurt Superman as much as possible. Some people were all, "Clark should have led him out of the city." HOW?! This isn't Dragonball Z where the few times they could do that it was believable the villain would allow it, or the hero was waiting there. If Superman simply flies off to leave the city, Zod would likely just start murdering a ton of people to show what he thinks of Superman seemingly running away. It's why when he flies away to the Fortress of Solitude in Superman 2 thinking Zod will follow him it really bothers me, heck Zod has Lois and Lex right there, Zod could have just murdered them and then flown off after Superman! And no, the argument of him aiming his punches to "lead" Zod out of the city is insane. I feel some people must have no idea how a fight works or seem to be under the incorrect assumption that Superman was vastly faster than Zod as there's no way he could pull that off. Not to mention that would distract his focus which should be purely to stop Zod as BILLIONS of lives likely ride on it as Zod could be indestructible against all of humanity since Kryptonite isn't discovered later (and Diana does exist, but let's be real they didn't know that when writing this movie).

Then, when Superman kills Zod to save the family, people still complained. Never mind how he did kill Zod and two other Kryptonians in the comics as it was his one option to save people from dying, but nobody freaked out when Batman basically killed Two-Face and Talia in the Dark Knight trilogy as he did it to save innocents. Yes, the whole "no killing" policy is nice, but I always believed that was only if there were realistically other options, and if following that policy meant the immediate death of innocents they would make an exception if they had to. And it's not like Superman enjoyed it, dude fucking freaks his shit out about it.

I know BatmanvSuperman plays out like it agrees with the critics of MoS somewhat, but I question if that film's story wasn't written in response to those criticisms. Not to mention Batman ultimately doesn't even really seem to want to kill Supes because of that but more because he thinks anyone with that much power should be killed because there's a possibility they could go evil which never felt Batman to me at all even in his more extreme depictions in the comics like in Kingdom Come. Thankfully after the fight all this shit is pushed aside and hopefully not brought up again (no, I don't want that "bad future" the Flash warned Bruce about to play out even in an alternate timeline, the "evil Superman" shtick is played out for me at this point).

Sorry if that was pretty lengthy, but yeah I never had that much of an issue with how Superman handled his fighting in MoS. It felt mostly believable what would happen if beings on his level showed up with ill intentions in an occupied area. No way is that clash just going to play out without some serious destruction.
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Right? Like how about the buildings being destroyed in a fight in the comics and toons? They're ok with it there but not in a live action movie?

Because it’s Superman. We expect him to save every life he can. They got this right in the 80s.

Damn kids today


Oh, and let's not forget Civil War trying to pull the same nonsense.

-New York City. Okay, so I guess the Avengers should have stayed back and let the World Council NUKE MANHATTAN. Because apparently Ross would have preferred that since at least then the Avengers wouldn't have "acted on their own". Also, maybe criticize your own military first? I couldn't believe my ears when a cop said it would take the Air Force 30 minutes to get there. Granted, I'm sure that's the MCU not knowing how real life works because I'm pretty sure NEW YORK CITY of all places has it set up so the Air Force can get there faster than that.

-Washington D.C. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that Steve, Natasha, and Sam are apparently at Thor's power level now and should have caught those falling airships before they hit the ground. No really, what was their other option? There was literally no time to get anyone else within the government for "mission approval" or whatever (I mean, starting the mission as soon as possible is kind of important if your enemy can kill hundreds of millions with just its FIRST attack) plus for all they knew HYDRA had infiltrated other government organizations as well. Hey, shocker, in Civil War Steve questions letting their team be controlled by a government organization, can't imagine why he'd be suspicious of one! Hey General Ross, maybe get your own government's shit together before criticizing the people who wiped your ass when you shit all over yourself

-Sokovia. All right, criticize Tony, who's right there, and Bruce if you ever find him for partially being responsible for creating Ultron. Oh, and Wanda should probably be behind bars or facing some sort of punishment. Huh, that's not what this one's about? Just still mad that innocents died? This shit again doesn't even make sense, the Avengers saved a fuck ton of civilians and that would be on the record as would Ultron's plan would have wiped out most of humanity if not all if he had succeeded.

-Lagos. All right, that's fair, I understand Steve not wanting terrorists to have biological weapons, but that probably isn't a high of a level of threat to warrant breaking tons of international laws. Granted, undercover US forces do that shit all the time even within the MCU (SHIELD was led by a SPY, they called Fury that several times) but whatever. If they had simply had this incident as the reason for the Accords being pushed to happen, fair enough, but trying to tie previous movies into it just fell apart if one thought about it. The Ultron angle would have worked, but I assume Tony never even made it public knowledge that he and Bruce were involved in that monster's creation. Which makes Tony in Civil War giving Steve an attitude about falling in line with the law pretty hypocritical.

Oh, and uh, General Ross, wasn't there a superhuman incident that I'm sure had some civilian casualties that you somewhat were responsible for? Does the word "Abomination" ring a bell? Again, some hypocrisy on display here.


Elden Member
I couldn't believe my ears when a cop said it would take the Air Force 30 minutes to get there. Granted, I'm sure that's the MCU not knowing how real life works because I'm pretty sure NEW YORK CITY of all places has it set up so the Air Force can get there faster than that.

So IF that ever happened, it would be the Air National Guard would be the first emergency responder, way before the air force and that would be out of Stewart. So lets say suddenly the portal appeared over NYC, aliens start crashing out. First the alert would have to go through the chain of command to get the guard deployed, lets say minimum of 5 minutes for that to happen. But lets just pretend the COP already got word the order had been given. At that point the first emergency team, who is -suppose- to always be on standby would be rushing to suit up and get to their planes, ground crews would have them already mostly fueled but would have to do a few pre-flight checks while the pilots are finsihing getting read and rushed out to the field. Thats another 5 minutes. Instant take off clearance would be given and 2 jets would be in the air within another 5 minutes (taxi time, final safety check on the current patterns, clearance to go, and relaying of orders and flight plan). Already we've chewed through 10 minutes before a Jet is even in the air. Then the travel time to NYC (90 miles away) even at full burn (these would be f16's launching first so 1500mph) would be another 10 - 15 to get to altitude and speed and get there.

So yeah, 30 minutes? Does not seem crazy. And that's for a first responder, NOT the air force. Look at 9/11 and how long it took to get jets in the air and tracking, even after a scramble call it took 7 minutes to get 2 F-15 fighters in the air, that was with the crew already on alert that something was happening and having pilots sit in ready possition with the planes in full take off mode, awaiting launch orders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._military_response_during_the_September_11_attacks


Perpetually Offended
Because it’s Superman. We expect him to save every life he can. They got this right in the 80s.

Damn kids today

Read Doom85 Doom85 's post. He nailed it.

Also, this was a Superman who JUST started to do his thing. He'd been helping people all that time between the start of the movie til he finally put on the cape. But the city stuff... Doom explains it well.


I wish Tom Welling could have a shot at big screen Supes but that ship sailed a long time ago.

IIRC it was at least considered way-back-when to transition him from the small screen to a film adaptation. Not sure if it was McG, Ratner or Singer involved at the time (Superman, Batman films were so in flux for a second) but he was considered.



Possible gonna appear in Shazam 2?

Makes sense, WW 1984 is ready to hit theaters, TSS is well into production, and The Batman isn't taking place in the DCEU.

SHAZAM 2, Black Adam and Aquaman 2 are still in development stages, so if he shows up they can easily have it be Cavill.
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