Did you pay attention to any new music this year?
Absolutely. I can't keep up with all the records I buy. I get letters, like, "Dude, music sucks now." Not on my show, not on my stereo. I finally, forensically listened to the new David Bowie record. I put in a pair of good earphones and really sat down with that record on a day off.
You loved it?
It's way better than I thought it was the first time around. I don't know why he uses those heavy-handed studio drummers for everything, but the songs are pretty amazing lyrically and there's a lot of great backing vocals and some really smart overdubs. It took me a long time to get into modern David Bowie. I was such a fan. I got up really early this morning and listened to Station to Station and just went aw. Those records, those Bowie records to me are just about as good as a record can get.
Anyways, the new Marnie Stern record, Chronicles of Marnia — I love that new one. Ty Segall is a huge part of my radio show, and I play a lot of Ty. I'm a big supporter of labels. Like, when I watch a movie, I watch it for the director. When I buy a record, it's usually a label thing. I'm into artists, certainly, but there's labels I support, like Castle Face, John Dwyer and his band Thee Oh Sees. And I buy one of everything from Johnny. Anything Castle Face puts out. I have one LP and one CD of it. You know, CD for the radio show and portability's sake and the LP to listen to.
Did you follow any of the bigger things, like Daft Punk or "Blurred Lines"?
I've never heard Daft Punk; I've never heard a track of theirs in my life. They're the two guys with motorcycle helmets on?
Yeah, they dress up like robots.
You know what, you will take this any way you will. That to me is like Rolling Stone music. It's the shit that's in your magazine. And it's like, that world. . . I'm so glad that you all have found your people, but that world is so alienating to me. Anything that gets on the Grammys or the American Music Awards. . . like, was Miley Cyrus on the cover of your magazine?
She was.
Yeah, see, I like real music. John Coltrane's my favorite musician, what am I doing reading Rolling Stone? You know what I mean?
You don't give a shit about her.
Well, I don't. She's part of that bigger world of music I was just talking about. All of it to me is like, long may it wave, I don't have anything against anyone doing their thing, but it's just not for me. And Robin Thicke, is that the guy? I have no idea what he sounds like. I've never heard Kelly Clarkson, I just, I live in a different musical world.
A bit pretentious, but he does have a point. If you're not into mainstream, you won't find much to enjoy in an issue of Rolling Stone. There are other avenues out there for your musical pleasures if you don't like to watch Miley Cyrus.
Of course, he could be lying.