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hey LOTR fans, I need your help!

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Alright, circa Fellowship, Frodo is attacked by the ghosts of the human kings who wielded the rings....but what were they called? The Nazeroth?


Unconfirmed Member
They, like other things in the books, have several names.

Black Riders, Nazgul, the Nine etc.

The creatures they ride are reffered to "fell beasts" in the book iirc.


*nerd mode on*

The Nazgul of course, before their horses were destroyed in the river Anduin (I think) by the magic of either Gandalf or Glorfindel. I also believe that the Nazgul actually stabbing Frodo is actually the leader of the Nine, the dreaded Witch King of Angmar !

*/nerd mode off.. damn it's malfunctioning*
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