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Hi-res Pac-Man Vs. box art, where?


I'm sorry for this, I know it's been asked a bajillion times on the old forum already. The link to the hi-res custom sleeve which was on the old GA doesn't seem to be on the new one, does anyone know where I can find it? I've downloaded a 1192x800 version from CDCovers.cc but I'm sure there was a much larger one available somewhere, and I'd prefer that one for when I get it printed out on a good printer. Cheers.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I don't have any hosting set up for it on a permanent basis... but e-mail me and I'll see if I can get it to you. DavidDayton at potchgult dot com.


Thanks! :) I use a free Yahoo account as my main email, and I'm not sure what the limits for attachments are, so hopfully it will accept large-ish attachments. I'll give you my ISP address in the email too, just in case Yahoo wants to shit you around.


u_neek said:
When is this game released anyway??
It has been released, it was packed in with i-Ninja, that racing game, and Pac-Man World 2. I wonder if they are still being packed in.



Junior Member
Shiggy said:
In Europe it is packed together with R:Racing.


I guess a lot of Europeans must be playing Nintendos HUGE E3-03 hit now then ..


Is there a official Pac-Man VS. packshot? In Europe it was in the same package as R:Racing, not in an own.
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