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High Speed, Accelerators, 5x faster?

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ISPs have this plans in which you pay something like 5 bucks and they claim you´ll go 5x faster. Does anyone have this? Is it faster? Physically its imposible so why do they claim this? Please explain to me this.

Netzero High speed
PeoplePC accelerator
Earthlink accelerator
ATT accelerator


I think it's possible. You wouldn't be accessing the website or downloading a file directly, your ISP would be accessing it directly at high speed and then stream it to you.


Junior Member
tenchir said:
I think it's possible. You wouldn't be accessing the website or download a file directly, your ISP would be accessing it directly at high speed and stream it to you.

That is how dialup has always been.


Chili Con Carnage!
Probably something to do with pushing more data through the line than they normally would, most telephone cables support much higher levels of bandwidth than companies lease out to customers.

Ive worked for people who have leased dedicated lines at certain rates then doubled the rate with no problems untill the line provider realised and cut them off.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Its just lame link caching from what I have heard."

I've always suspected this. But 5x faster than dialup? Those must be pretty crappy machines to only be 5x faster.


Gek54 said:
That is how dialup has always been.

What the hell was I thinking..... Ack, I have been using the internet before it became huge. I used to directly access other computers using 2800bps modem.


Here's the explanation from MaximumPC:

"The majority of speed booster technology is really just smarter graphic and page handling. All this means is that the sites you visit often are preloaded and cached for faster delivery, and/or that graphics are downloaded in smaller sizes and lower resolutions. While this may feel speedier, you're technically only getting an optimized solution-not a faster connection."


Yeah, it's amazing how much faster the page loads when ALL THE GRAPHICS ARE ALREADY DOWNLOADED. Go try actually downloading a file and you won't be getting those 5x speeds.



teh_pwn said:
"Its just lame link caching from what I have heard."

I've always suspected this. But 5x faster than dialup? Those must be pretty crappy machines to only be 5x faster.

You can put money down that the "5x" is a completely arbitrary number thought up by the marketing department. Short of magic, the only way to pull this off with a standard dialup line is to do the link caching thing, so yeah, the pages will load nigh-instantly because they're in your cache. At that point, the only thing slowing you down would be your computer's specs.


gblues said:
Yeah, it's amazing how much faster the page loads when ALL THE GRAPHICS ARE ALREADY DOWNLOADED. Go try actually downloading a file and you won't be getting those 5x speeds.


Read the small print, it will say that download speed will reamain the same. This was my first indication that all they were doing is checking for the sites most people go to and caching them for quicker accaess. Loading google or some other high volume site will load faster, going to Pete's Polka site will load slower.


Netzero lets you adjust the quality of pictures yourself. All they do is compress the pictures and you download the smaller files.
Yep, they just compress the image to make it load faster. I have NetZero Highspeed and it's ok when it works.

Close to maybe 40% of the time it's on regular speed. If it doesn't connect with the high speed server it will go default to regular speed dial up.
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