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There are far, far easier ways to obtain Third Strike (by hook or crook)

Makes me wish I kept my copy many moons ago though
I wouldn't sell mine for that much.

I mean, I'd sell it, for some amount of money, now that I have the PS2 version, but it would have to be a pointlessly large amount to make me remove the favorite son of the Sega-Capcom Dreamcast lovefest I've got going on.

I kind wonder how much my Double Impact copy would net.


Odd that that copy of the game reeled in $250 while all the others that sold around the same time went for between $20-45. Are people really that crazy about a bit of cellophane? Or did this copy actually sell...?

At any rate, I sold mine recently (July, I think) and got about $30 for it. At any rate, I have no guilt about selling it, especially when I could easily pick it up in the Anniversary Collection for the same price.



Got my copy of Third Strike for the DC, brand spankin' new, off eBay for no more than $10. Same goes for MvC2.

[EDIT] - Now that I think back on it, I got 'em both together, and "no more than $10" does not include shipping charges. ;)


What kind of mental midget pays that much for a sealed copy of an inferior port of a game released recently on a still-alive platform?
I've seen Street Fighter 3: Third Strike in quite a few places. Maybe not recently, but recently enough to know that there's no way in hell it's worth $250. Am I the only person here who's skeptical of this suspect price?
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