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Holy SHIT, DELL RAWKS!!! AKA I got some free shit!

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Okay, here's the story:

About a month ago I busted my Windows registry. I couldn't recover it at all, I had to reinstall Windows. I had a lot of un-backed up data on the HD so I didn't want to do a format. So I took my 40GB HD and tried to install windows to that. It didn't work at all... It would act like it was going to install, reboot, and do it again. I finally called Dell for help. As usual, I got connected to some dude in Bangalore. He tries to help me; eventually I guess he gives up because the call gets disconnected. I repeat this process about 4 times. THEN I get this lady who says "Judging from the number of calls you have had today, I am going to just replace the system." Then she says "It looks like we do not make your system or many of its parts anymore, the system will have to be upgraded."
"Nice, I can get my computer upgraded for free," I think to myself. After that I waited 7-10 business days for the system to be built and the order to be processed. During that time I keep pestering them by asking them what the exact specs are. Finally I get the word that my processor has been upgraded from a

P4 2.56GHz to a P4 2.8GHz with HT
256MB DDR PC2100 to 512MB DDR PC2700
CDRW Drive to DVD+RW Drive
60GB HD to 160GB STAT HD
But there was a mysterious part...
I HAD a ATI Radeon 9700TX (Dell's under clocked X4AGP version of the 9700PRO) all they had listed was a "128MB Video Card"

I asked what exactly the card was, but the chick couldn't really tell. Nor could I from what they were reading from. When I set up the PC after a few "issues" (http://ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=7306 http://ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=7369) I was up and running. Then I saw what card I got... it was a shitty GeForce 5200 FX. I was pretty pissed off. I had my old system with me so I could have easily taken out the 9700 and replaced it but I wanted to try for a 9800. So I called Dell... and had a million convos that went like:

Me: The card you sent is inferior to the one that I previously had, that is against your policy...

Techie: I am sorry but the techs beg to differ. If you give us some documentation, maybe we can help you... WAIT! Your contract with us has expired...

Me: Uh, NO, we have 2 more years left, check the old system.

Techie: Oh, sorry...

Me: Yeah, about that documentation, just search for the NVIDIA 5200 FX and you will see that it isn't even compared to the 9700; it's comparable to a 9200...

Techie: Wow, looks like you got ripped off... I will schedule a specialized tech support guy to call you back...

Me: Okay, but they never do! Can't you just solve this NOW?

Techie: Sorry, it is out of my hands!

Me: Gah.

Then I wait for when they are scheduled to call and they never do, so I call back and do the same convo over again. This goes on for 5 days or so. Until today...

Me: You gave me an inferior card

Techie: We did? Let me fix that for you!

10 Min hold...

Techie: Looks like we don't have your old card in, but we can give you a Radeon 9800PRO

Me: Kickass!

Techie: Let me set this order up...

10 min hold...

Techie: Okay, your order number is Blablababalanalkalfas

Me: Great, bye

Techie: Anything else?

Me: No, bye!

Techie: Is that all for today?

Me: Yes I'm fine... bye!

Techie: Okay, thank you for calling Dell, I hope I helped you, is that all for today?

Me: I'm fine, problem fixed, bye

Techie: Okay, bye!

Gah, it takes forever to hang up on those guys.

Anyway, I check the website and see the status of my order... then I notice they are sending another item... I click to find that they are sending this:


Which scares me because I didn't order that... nor did my mom. So I call them up. This time I get this Mexicano named Alberto. He was a pretty funny guy, he was cracking jokes the whole call... he explained that the camera was a gift because I bugged them so much :p I lucked out big time. On top of all of that I get to keep the 5200FX, so I will give that to my bro to spruce up the shitty eMachines he bought.

I also copped a 21" Trinitron recently. I can't WAIT to game on this beast. w00t!


A similar thing happened to me. When I purchased my system, at the time, the GeForce 4600Ti was the best thing available, but after only one year of use, the fan on the GPU died and the card burnt itself out. After a week or two of deliberation with Dell, I was upgraded to a 9800Pro [and that was one year ago to this summer]. Still runs great. :)


Same here, but with logitech. The keyboard started acting up after about 2 years, just called 'em, turns out I had a 3 year warranty on the desktop, they sent me the newest version of that keyboard and mouse (MX700). :D


Drexon said:
Same here, but with logitech. The keyboard started acting up after about 2 years, just called 'em, turns out I had a 3 year warranty on the desktop, they sent me the newest version of that keyboard and mouse (MX700). :D

It works the same with any logitech product actually. They have some lengthy warranty where you can basically get replacements on any device they carry. If you have older versions that they no longer stock, they'll replace it with what they do carry of comprable value. I imagine after about a year or so, my 3rd generation iPod will die again and I'll replace that with the version currently being sold.


I've never called any tech support in my entire life. If I can't fix it, it's probably too fucked to do anything about it.


Not surprising. Dell computers have a lot of hardware breakdowns.

Surprisingly enough, I hear the same things about macs and have experienced many varied issues with my iPod. I guess that's why both companies have extensive warranties.

I've never called any tech support in my entire life. If I can't fix it, it's probably too fucked to do anything about it.

If you don't bother to call to have it replaced for free, then you're obviously paying for it to be replaced with your own funds. Why would you not want a free upgrade\free replacement with brand new hardware?


Never had anything break within warranty.

I have gotten free mice from MS, but that was online, not through the phone.


I call Dell on a regular basis (for work). If your HD dies within your warranty period - BANG 10x the space sent to your doorstep.

Some techs are a bit on the stingy side. Ask you to run the utility disc, and have you tried this and this. Other techs WANT you to rip them off. "Oh this system is out of warranty. Do you have another similar system you can just swap the part from?"

I usually only do HDs since we have an assload of IBM and Maxtor based systems. For those 10 giggers they send 40, 60 or 80 GB drives to replace them. Pretty sweet. I should try the video card thing. Hopefully someone has a bombed out Radeon 9000 series somewhere...


So, if I were to say, call them a year from now, and tell them my video card went to shit, sould they have me run any tests or something to verify that it wasn't working?


Unconfirmed Member
Damn... this is tempting. I doubt they'd bend over backwards for my situation tho. Its been over a year since I've purchased my computer from them, and I don't recall purchasing any extended warrenties.


There's a motherboard diagnostic on the back, usually 3 green LEDs if all is working properly. One of them signifies the videocard. They'll ask about that, send you the replacement part, then ask for the old part back. I don't know if other motherboards have this feature or not with Dell systems.
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