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Hot Damn I love my PC! + Call of Duty /PC gaming appreciation thread..of doom!

So basically I've barely touched my consoles in about a month now in favor of my shiny new PC that can actually play games besides Diablo 2:)lol). Anyway, I've been catching up on a whole host of games I've been missing out on for the past year and a half or so. First and formost I must mention Call of Duty. My god if this isn't gaming perfection I don't know what is. What a damn great game!! I'm well into the Russian segment right now and it quite simply blows the Medal of Honor series right out of the water. Even the brand new Pacific Assault demo doesn't even come close. Is Ubi Soft on fire these days or what?!!

Another game I'm hopelessly addicted to now is Age of Mythology. Yeah. I know. It came out like 2+ years ago. Whatever. It seemed neat and I never played this type of game so I gave it a shot. I love it. The whole mythology theme, building up my armies and using the powers of various gods to crush my enemies. What could be better? I think I'll have to give warcraft 3 a shot now. Here's some other stuff I've tried:

Rome: Total war = Awesome. I will get this as soon as it launches.
Farcry: Pretty Graphics, standard gameplay. Still want to play through the full game though.
MOH:pacific Assualt: Seems decent, but after playing Call of Duty...I dunno. I don't think I care about this game at all.

Games I still need to play:

*UT2004: Is this the same ol same ol gameplay and is this worth the purchase? I'm not a big fan of Unreal Championship(or whatever it is) btw.
*DOOM 3: Played it for like 10 minutes at a friends house and LOVED it. However I've heard some negative comments about this one. Is it worth a purchase?
* Fill in the blank. What should I try out?

Games I'm looking forward to:

*Everquest 2
*Warhammer Dawn of war
*Guild Wars

So am I pc starved or is this just a really good time to game on a computer? :p I have to say, After playing Gamecube for so long this is a really nice change of pace(Not that I don't still love my Cube and all. I've been getting my Pikmin 2 on as well). Anyway, what are all you guys playing/looking forward to this year in the land of PC?


Steroid Distributor
I'm kinda in the same boat. I just got a new PC last month and I have spent way more time in front of it gaming that usual. I just installed Call of Duty so it's nice to hear from someone else that just started it. I've been waiting to play this game for quite awhile. I also just installed Allied Assault and Spearhead so that should be nice. But I originally bought my pc so that I could play Doom3 and I've freakin loved it. I haven't found anything that I didn't like about Doom3 yet. Play it with the lights off and headphones on. Good times.
i envy you guys

got a new pc 2 years ago (and have been on the cutting edge of tech eversince), after owning really outdated crap for years

and now Im so sick of pc gaming (aka rts fps and mmorpg) enjoy it while you can.


I built a new PC to play Doom 3 and Half Life 2.

I haven't finished Doom 3 because all I play is Diablo 2. :p
Bregor said:
I built a new PC to play Doom 3 and Half Life 2.

I haven't finished Doom 3 because all I play is Diablo 2. :p

lol.. My friend hasn't stopped playing diablo 2 since it's release. He keeps forcing me to play it with him... that bastard. :lol

btw- True- not sure how far you've gotten in COD, but let me tell you its AWESOME. The best single player war fps ever.


Yup! I love PC gaming.. I hardly play my consoles at all, and yes CoD is REALLY fun.

I'd also like to say.. that given it's time period of release (and pretty nice graphics!) it runs BEAUTIFULLY! My PC is getting a bit long in the tooth for brand new FPS's


Even with that CoD runs unbelievably well.. even with everything on. On the other hand Halo... not so good, and I can't even play Far Cry.


I'm looking forward to HL2, STALKER, WOW, and... well, that's about it for now, but I'm sure there's more later on down the line like KOTOR 2.


If you enjoy Call of Duty the new expansion pack will be in stores on Wednesday.


If you like the Call of Duty multiplayer they are really expanding it. They are adding some vehicles like Tanks, Jeeps, and Motorcycle. New weapons including a flamethrower. The ability to sprint, cook off grenades, and call in air strikes. New multiplayer maps and modes including CTF, control points, and a base assault mode.

Even if you dont play it for the multiplayer, they are adding about 14 new missions ot the game also. Its not going to be done by the same developer, but it still looks and sounds just as good as the first one.


SyNapSe said:

Even with that CoD runs unbelievably well.. even with everything on. On the other hand Halo... not so good, and I can't even play Far Cry.

Are you serious? I have the exact same thing and I run FarCry really really well with customized medium/high settings on and it still looks awesome.


Is Ubi Soft on fire these days or what?!!
Maybe, but Activision published CoD...
UT2K4 is a must buy. The game by itself is great, and there are alot of excellent mods for it.
About Doom3... I dunno... Maybe you should borrow it from your friend and play some more to see if you want to buy it. I got it on the day it was released, and I just finished it today, and not because I didnt have time to play. At the beggining I really liked it, than at around the middle it got very boring imo. But hell is really cool. Oh and the bosses are weak bitches! Especialy the finale boss.
And get DX:IW if you liked the first one. Its not as good but its still a nice game.


bogg said:
And get DX:IW if you liked the first one. Its not as good but its still a nice game.

Id say the exact opposite. If you liked the first one stay as far away from IW as you possible can. Terrible game. It was extremely clunky and dumbed down. The first one shits all over it in every imaginable way.


Yes, CoD is AMAZING Sheer gaming perfection.
For some odd reason, it hasn't received the credit it deserves (probably because it's a WWII shooter). No FPS in the past 5 or so years matches its gameplay (PC or console).

I didn't really care too much for Age of Mythology. It's packed with a lot more stuff, but it's just not as good as Age of Empires II imo.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yes, CoD is AMAZING Sheer gaming perfection.
For some odd reason, it hasn't received the credit it deserves (probably because it's a WWII shooter). No FPS in the past 5 or so years matches its gameplay (PC or console).



AeroGod said:
Are you serious? I have the exact same thing and I run FarCry really really well with customized medium/high settings on and it still looks awesome.

Hmm, well I suppose I should specify that it was the demo I tried out. Perhaps the retail version of the game was tweaked. I'm running the latest 4.8 or whatever Catalyst drivers with that overclocking feature thing.

Still my framerate was god awful in Far Cry. Even when I tried to turn off a lot of settings.

edit: What the hell is "cook off grenades"? I've seen the air strikes or whatever in the total war mod, and I don't like them. Medics are a nice touch tho.


It's nice to see the CoD love. It's being released on the consoles in November; I wonder how good the conversion will be...
rc213 said:

That's the one I forgot about! Thanks. :D

It's nice to see the CoD love. It's being released on the consoles in November; I wonder how good the conversion will be...

Thats what I was just thinking. Is this going to be a port of the PC game or an all new console version??


SyNapSe said:
edit: What the hell is "cook off grenades"? I've seen the air strikes or whatever in the total war mod, and I don't like them. Medics are a nice touch tho.

Cook off grenades is when you pull the pin then hold them in your hand while the timer runs so you can time your explosion in a certain point in the grenades trajectory.


AeroGod said:
Cook off grenades is when you pull the pin then hold them in your hand while the timer runs so you can time your explosion in a certain point in the grenades trajectory.

? Is this an extra counter that would show up on screen? You can already do this with the grenades.. You can even hold them until they blow up in your hand. I mean w/o an on screen counter.. you kinda have to try and time it yourself right now.
clipunderground said:
That's the one I forgot about! Thanks. :D

It's nice to see the CoD love. It's being released on the consoles in November; I wonder how good the conversion will be...

Thats what I was just thinking. Is this going to be a port of the PC game or an all new console version??

AFAIK it is a new version of the game.
I remember I read this once in the german issue of Gamepro.

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