Hold onto your panties

Volcán Popocatépetl EN VIVO hoy 21 de mayo 2023 | Erupción
El volcán Popocatépetl presentó diferentes exhalaciones este 21 de mayo. Puebla amaneció cubierta de ceniza.

Volcano Popocatepetl has been erupting violently most of my Sunday.
Friday the 19th I woke up to a graphite-like powder on everything. Videos from the 19th and 20th show how intense the eruptions have been. Last night it went to another level though. We heard the explosion early morning and woke up to a greyish-white city. Everything is coated under ash. First time in my 7-years abroad seeing an eruption fall out of this scale.
The above blog can be translated easily into English. There are English articles floating out there but that's from Friday. I guess GAF gets the news sooner than other places.
This site uploaded pretty good night shot of the eruptions. I'll share my own photos and videos of the ash fall below.

Una explosión en el volcán Popocatépetl obliga a cerrar por unas horas los aeropuertos de Ciudad de México
Localizado a 72 kilómetros de la capital, el ‘Popo’ ha rociado de ceniza varias alcaldías de la ciudad y de la vecina Puebla
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