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How does one rekindle his love of video games?

Lil' Dice

haven't played a video game in almost 3 weeks, yet i talk about them every day. Lately I've been feeling less and less motivated to turn on a console, i have XBL with Black Arrow,
ESPN 2K5, Riddick, FSW and a slew of other recently released titles....yet none of them beckon to be played.

This Wednesday i will be leaving my desk at work to race over to EB to pick up Burnout 3, later this month I'll buy Kingdom Under Fire on release day, Fable will be bought on day one as well. Yager and Star Wars Battlefront will most likely be mine soon, and Halo 2 has been on pre-order for over 2 months now......Am i buying too many games, or do i have too little time to play them? Or am i just in a funk?
I average 1-2 hours of play time whenever i do play on weekdays, and 3-5 on any give weekend......

Lil' Dice

The Shadow said:
Honestly? Just avoid this forum.

That's a good point. Ever since I've been a member here I've found myself being obscenely jaded and overly judgmental when it comes to video games. I'm factoring in too many variables when playing a particular game, thus making it more of a chore rather than means of entertainment.....
Don't buy too many games to the point where youre severlely backlogged. Cause pretty soon you'll be playing for the sake of finishing them. Play to enjoy,if it feels like work then forget it.

One man's cracker is another man's steak. Keep the hunger there,don't over indulge yourself.
Strange. As I was headed to this forum I had a fleeting thought- Are games losing their excitement and attractiveness? It seems I'm less and less interested in games despite my buying habits steadily increasing. It's as if I'm trying to rekindle that kind of enjoyment I experienced in high school and elementary school by going through all these games. I guess that's why the DS excited me truly, because it wasn't the typical handheld fashioned with just better graphics. It was an entirely off-center idea and I loved it (still do of course). But I just think it's funny you say that when I was just now thinking the same thing. Luckily over the past week Pikmin 2 has got me excited again, but really, I watched my gf play through the whole thing over the summer so it wasn't like getting a brand new game. But still it has that kind of value true games have. The feeling it gives while playing- the really fresh and fun feeling like I'm sure everyone got when they played Mario 64.

Hmmm...Super Mario Sunshine was definitely one of those games as well that rekindled my love. Actually a lot of games that year, including Eternal Darkness and Metroid Prime.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I talk about games so much more than I actually play them. Its hard to enjoy games when you talk about all the company politics and whatnot, it surely doesn't feel like the good old days of just playing anything...

I don't know what you could do, I've just learned to accept it. :)


hyperbolically metafictive
fuck a pikmin 2. i quite liked the original, but it's slow and sedate and won't rekindle much of anything. you need some gradius v in your life. i think the us release is impending.


Lil' Dice said:
haven't played a video game in almost 3 weeks, yet i talk about them every day. Lately I've been feeling less and less motivated to turn on a console, i have XBL with Black Arrow,
ESPN 2K5, Riddick, FSW and a slew of other recently released titles....yet none of them beckon to be played.

This Wednesday i will be leaving my desk at work to race over to EB to pick up Burnout 3, later this month I'll buy Kingdom Under Fire on release day, Fable will be bought on day one as well. Yager and Star Wars Battlefront will most likely be mine soon, and Halo 2 has been on pre-order for over 2 months now......Am i buying too many games, or do i have too little time to play them? Or am i just in a funk?
I average 1-2 hours of play time whenever i do play on weekdays, and 3-5 on any give weekend......
You're playing boring generic games. Play Viewtiful Joe, Wario Ware and Pikmin 2.


The best way to rekindle your love for games is to play something quirky. Looking at your list, you have the standard genres covered, and while great titles, they are more of the same.

Try some of these titles. They'll make you appreciate games much more:

Pikmin 2
Gradius V
Katamari Damancy
Klonoa 1/2/GBA
Mr. Driller
Toki Tori GBC
Astro Boy GBA
Metal Arms
I forgot to add,well its more a question i suppose. How many games are you buying this year? I've got no more than 3 myself.

I very much plan to enjoy Battlefront,Outrun2,and Halo2. If I buy any more then its a waste and I'd probably start to burn out soon after.
Seriously, get rid of games you'll never play again and cut back on buying some many new ones. I've just eBayed and traded-in a bunch of games that I've no desire to ever play again and it honestly felt good. I'm also limiting myself to 2-3 new games for the rest of the year (and we all know what November will be like), so I can force myself to be choosy about the games I buy and give myself the time to truly enjoy them.

The game that's bringing me out of a gaming funk is Phantom Brave. Probably not a game that would re-light everyone's fire, but it's complicatedly simple open-ended design has me totally geeked out.


I haven't bought/played a game since Ninja Gaiden. Yup, NINJA GAIDEN.

But I'm picking up Burnout 3 and Fable this month. Thankfully my lack of interest in titles being released happened to coincide with my abject poverty! Now that I'm making decent money again, good stuff is starting to come out again. A winner is me!

Lil' Dice

Spike said:
The best way to rekindle your love for games is to play something quirky. Looking at your list, you have the standard genres covered, and while great titles, they are more of the same.

Try some of these titles. They'll make you appreciate games much more:

Pikmin 2
Gradius V
Katamari Damancy
Klonoa 1/2/GBA
Mr. Driller
Toki Tori GBC
Astro Boy GBA
Metal Arms

Metal Arms was my favorite game last year, and Astro Boy didn't really do anything for me @ E3.

Lil' Dice

Traumahound said:
Seriously, get rid of games you'll never play again and cut back on buying some many new ones. I've just eBayed and traded-in a bunch of games that I've no desire to ever play again and it honestly felt good. I'm also limiting myself to 2-3 new games for the rest of the year (and we all know what November will be like), so I can force myself to be choosy about the games I buy and give myself the time to truly enjoy them.

The game that's bringing me out of a gaming funk is Phantom Brave. Probably not a game that would re-light everyone's fire, but it's complicatedly simple open-ended design has me totally geeked out.

That's what i decided i'm going to do. When i go buy BO3 i'll trade in BO2,
Rally Sport Challenge 2, and other games i never play. Either that or sell them online tonight.
Please tell me you have a ps2 and gamecube too. If not, I know what you're missing.
Seriously, playing all of those overly serious XBOX FPS games wold burn me out too.

Lil' Dice

Heliocentric said:
Please tell me you have a ps2 and gamecube too. If not, I know what you're missing.
Seriously, playing all of those overly serious XBOX FPS games wold burn me out too.

I had[/b] all three consoles and a GBA:SP and my PC, but felt like i was stretched too thin, so i sold the PS2 and GC and don't regret my decision. The only game i want that's feature on the PS2 is GTA:SA.
I've tried quirky games like Space Channel 5, Chu Chu Rocket and the like, but they never really appealed to me after i passed my mid 20s.


Your not alone. I think it's the lack of any interesting titles. There's nothing to get you motivated. Nothing that screams out to you. Tonight I fired up Amped 2 and found myself once again glued to the TV. Just find that title that you really enjoyed and let yourself be challenged agin.
R&C2, Jak 2 and Metroid Prime were the key for me. I only wanted 2 games at the start of the summer, and then I played these 3 games to the end, and now I love video games more than ever.
Well, one game that has me up all night whenever I flip it on is Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. Jak 2 also had the same effect on me. Those are what I'd suggest, if ya had a ps2. I think they've been dropped to $20 too. Mix those with some games like ICO, Viewtiful Joe, R-Type Final, Klonoa 2, Sly Cooper and that's good times.


All those games you mentioned are very intense and dark. Try something like Voodoo Vince. I was on a big streak of stealth games last year and got REALLY burnt out on them, then I got Ninja Gaiden and it's been pure love ever since.


Stop complaining about little things in games. Seems to happen to much these days. People claim to play for gameplay, but thats a lie.

And also, like someone else suggested, avoid this forum.


Tag of Excellence
Remember you're mom saying that you were going to eventually grow out of this hobby? Yeah looks like her prophecy is coming tue.

get a girlfriend and a job then when you realize you have no time for yourself and havent relaxed and played a game in a while, you'll want nothing else.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

At least stop buying them upon release. Appreciate what you already have.


I've found that if you still want to enjoy reading this board and play video games, avoid the negative threads about the current game you are playing. For example, if you are playing Fable or will buy it without a doubt, do not go in any Fable threads (especially the negative ones) until you are finished with the game.

The current games that are under media blackout for me are:
Halo 2
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Solid 3
and a few more...

The only thing I will read on these games will be Gamespot's review. Everything else will wait until after I've either started playing the game or have already beaten it. Then I will come to the forum and discuss what was good, bad, etc about the game.

Musashi Wins!

TekunoRobby said:
Remember you're mom saying that you were going to eventually grow out of this hobby? Yeah looks like her prophecy is coming tue.


hahaha, TekunoRules. Ignore your mom, take a few gaming days off and don't talk about them. You'll probably miss it.


If you aren't feeling like playing games, don't buy any new ones. And don't play until you feel like it. You shouldn't make buying games be your hobby.

The list of games you're currently playing looks kind of blah, but if that's what you like good for you. I would get sick of games too if I was playing the same type of game over and over.

Again, don't buy new games if you're not really excited to play them or if you're not in the mood to play them. You can always buy them later when you are.
I´ve also lost interest in actually playing games during the last few months. Only buying them to never touching them again, with the exception of the games in the Winning Eleven series.

But lately there are two games that have rekindle my love for games. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Baldur´s Gate: Dark Alliance. :) Had both for months and just played them over an hour. But now that I´ve sink quite a bit of time on them, I just can´t stop. :D


For a Finer World
Buy Burnout 3. And Pikmin 2. Then stop buying games until you have completed both. Either you will love gaming again or you can quit.


I just think back to the days of the NES, Genesis and even the PSX. Console gaming really really sucks now. The only hope left is the PC.
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