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How does this Stargate atlantis work this friday?

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My friends keep bugging me if I'm going to watch Atlantis this friday but I only made it to end of Season Five on dvds so far. Will this follow some continuity that it would be better for me wait until Season 8 lands on dvd or not? Im a stickler for not jumping around but half my friends are. They say this is running side by side Season Eight right now??
I heard Richard last episode was to make appearance in Atlantis and then retire. I wonder if that just rumor and how Series Finale would affect everything.


madara said:
My friends keep bugging me if I'm going to watch Atlantis this friday but I only made it to end of Season Five on dvds so far. Will this follow some continuity that it would be better for me wait until Season 8 lands on dvd or not? Im a stickler for not jumping around but half my friends are. They say this is running side by side Season Eight right now??
I heard Richard last episode was to make appearance in Atlantis and then retire. I wonder if that just rumor and how Series Finale would affect everything.

Most of what leads up to Atlantis takes place in season 7 of SG1, so you might not get all of Atlantis at first. Richard has a limited role in Season 8 of SG1 as he wants to spend more time with his family. He's been promoted to Brig. General and now commands SGC in stead of Hammond.
All this happened pretty much in the last season finale/premiere, so don't read if you don't want that spoiled.

He was
replaced when Kinsey became Vice President then led the Prometheus and Earth defensive forces when Anubis attacked Earth. The President saw what an ass Kinsey was and dismissed him as VP then thanked Hammond for all he had done. He was never reinstated though, but rather became head of all of Earth's defenses against space attacks or something.


The Fronde said:
All this happened pretty much in the last season finale/premiere, so don't read if you don't want that spoiled.

He was
replaced when Kinsey became Vice President then led the Prometheus and Earth defensive forces when Anubis attacked Earth. The President saw what an ass Kinsey was and dismissed him as VP then thanked Hammond for all he had done. He was never reinstated though, but rather became head of all of Earth's defenses against space attacks or something.

Yes, he was "promoted" out of a relatively steady slot on the show (i.e. he's riding the pine)


Phoenix said:
Yes, he was "promoted" out of a relatively steady slot on the show (i.e. he's riding the pine)

Officially he, the guy who plays Hammond, said he wanted to pursue other opportunities. That's usually code for, "I was fired but I want to make it look like I left on my own."


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have only seen a few episodes of SG-1. I'm too far out to catch up now, but I figure I'll watch Atlantis because it's a new series.


I don't get to see it till tomorrow so I can't really comment, although I have seen pictures of the aliens I thought they sucked and were un original. Space vampires.


ShadowRed said:
I don't get to see it till tomorrow so I can't really comment, although I have seen pictures of the aliens I thought they sucked and were un original. Space vampires.

As opposed to the body snatchers? ;)

So, I've missed season ... 6 I think, and almost all of season 7 except the end. Am I right in understanding that the Ancients are in fact now considered to be ancestors of humans, or am I missing something?

I like that they haven't gotten back yet, after the first episode. It'll be great if they don't manage to communicate back with Earth until about halfway through the season or something. Give them time on their own.
Yeah, the Ancients, the Gatebuilders, were actually human like us. I forget how the split came, I guess they left or were taken or just somehow were elsewhere for a while, but they were from Earth. The survivors ascended to a higher plane of existence and are those white floaty light things that you sometimes see.

I thought Atlantis was very good. Decent set-up for a show, good action and plot, nice effects. I don't mind the vampire factor, it makes them more menacing anyway, it's all about the implementation.


On the subject of Atlantis...
I thought for the most part it was good. The pilot moved fast and a lot happened. I thought it was a little too convinent that Major Sheppard had the gene, though. And it still has the 'distant galaxy but everyone speaks flawless english' shtick that has plagued scifi for years. I suppose if you look as the ancients as the originators of the language and spread it everywhere, than I guess it becomes more plausable.

As far as the Wraith is concerned, based on the previews, I was unimpressed as well. But after I saw what they did to Colonel what's-is-name (That was Robert Patrick, wasn't it?) my opinion changed. Especially after what the Colonel looked like before Sheppard shot him - he literally had most of the life sucked out of him - creepy. I think the Wraith have potential to be a good persistant villian.

My main concern with the show is that the cast gives me an Enterprise vibe; that is, the characters don't really stand out that much, with Mckay maybe being the only one that's fairly interesting. The guy with the scottish accent and the black guy paticularly remind me of the austrailian(?) and black guy on Enterprise. Also, the show lacks an 'anchor' actor like SG1 had with Richard Dean Anderson, so that may hurt it in the long run.


I was okay with it up to a point and then it just got really boring and I wanted to turn it off. The whole wraith thing just seemed like budget jafa with some people who you can't easily kill (anubis chapter) fighting people on the equivalent of babylon 5 or deep space 9. Soon I'm sure the streets will be filled with a great many races that they contact through the gate who seek refuge on Atlantis .... and the hilarity begins :( This series is as transparent as the air we breathe...


British ;)

Personally I've always rather disliked the focus Richard Dean Anderson gets when it comes to SG1. A more diverse cast gives you more opportunity for growth. Just because Enterprise has failed to live up to that opportunity doesn't nullify the shows that have, like the other Star Treks, or B5, and so on.

It's time, if you ask me, that SG outgrew Anderson. But maybe I'm just tired of hearing "STARRING.... RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON" on every next-time-on as if he's some amazing god or something.


Well, personally my favorite character is Daniel anyways, so it's not my personal taste, rather than the show's success. I honestly think RDA's presence helped the show get off the ground.
I liked it, even though I thought the promos made it look dumb.

The complaints here are valid. Shepard's "convenient" ancient gene. The Wraith are a generic bad guy. Etc, etc.

I'll add a few of my own. I hate that they killed off Sumner so early. Admittedly, I'm a fan of Patrick but that's not the reason. Him and Shepard had a very interesting non-spoken conflict between them and I thought that would have made future episodes interesting. Instead, they kill him off and now you can expect a nice, well oiled love-y dove-y crew. It's not unlike Voyager, where you have a nice opportunity to expand some internal conflict and you throw it all away.

I also wouldn't be surprised if they start implying some sexual tension between Dr. Weir and Shepard.

So, I'm happy that they made Atlantis a distant, "lost" outpost that can't communicate back with earth. But, I can see they screwed up on a few areas that would have made the situation much more interesting. And the Wraith really are pretty generic as far as bad guys go. :(


Not bitter, just unsweetened
when all the wraith woke up, that was an awesome scene, with the looks on their face and everything

but when it's all said and done and you compare the series premiere of SG-1 to atlantis... Atlantis is millions times better


That's not really fair, Atlantis has the benefit of all that SG1 has built up, while SG1 only had the terrible movie for a foundation.

I think it being Robert Patrick kinda doomed his character. I can't see him doing a whole series again at this point. Might still have been good if he'd stuck around a little longer.

And I don't think it's Weir that Shepard is supposed to end up with over the short term. I think you may also see some of what you wanted out of Patrick come out between Weir and Shepard, since she seems to really want things her way.


MoxManiac said:
On the subject of Atlantis...
My main concern with the show is that the cast gives me an Enterprise vibe; that is, the characters don't really stand out that much, with Mckay maybe being the only one that's fairly interesting. The guy with the scottish accent and the black guy paticularly remind me of the austrailian(?) and black guy on Enterprise. Also, the show lacks an 'anchor' actor like SG1 had with Richard Dean Anderson, so that may hurt it in the long run.

Patrick should have been the Richard Dean Anderson of the show, but no they screwed that around.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I missed it because I forgot :( ...and went to see Spiderman 2 :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Just watched atlantis, i liked it, the Wraiths were damn scary. One question though...

So can they still not get back to earth?

Is the next episode next week or are the alternating with SG1?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
next week will be SG1 AND atlantis. they are both running now.

i think they will intentionally keep atlantis not connecting to earth because then atlantis would quickly turn from a base to an outpost imo.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt

I had to record this since I was busy last night and my damn VCR ate my tape one hour into the epsiode. Damn you Scif-Fi! Why can't you shoiw this episode again before next week? Would it really hurt you to show this again instead of some crap movie that no one cares about?
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