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How good are the chances of MS making another US bundle or LE bundle? (US crystal?)


I want a crystal Xbox. Right now I only have a modded Xbox that I'm worried about taking online. I was wondering the chances that the US will get a better bundle than the NCAA/Topspin one. I already have TopSpin and NCAA is IMO worthless.

I'm thinking the chances are good, because MS knows that the public does not really care about those two games. I'd say the Tetris/Star Wars bundle last year was more impressive to new buyers interested in buying a new console. Facing off with the sleeker PStwo and a GC/GBA adapter bundle might push MS to consider new bundles aside from the aforementioned one, or at least that's what I'm hoping.

Your thoughts?


Vagabond said:
I'm thinking the chances are good, because MS knows that the public does not really care about those two games.

Then why would they come out with this bundle in the first place? This is this year's holiday bundle and it will do fine. People are already showing they're willing to buy the Xbox at $150, throw in 2 free games and the casuals will snap it up.


I'm asking myself the same question. The only thing I can think of is that it's a vain attempt to solidify their relationship with EA, much like they did with Sega early on.

Crystal Xbox is coming to Canada w/ Crimson Skies and Fable, yay!

Hey, Hey, Hey, Fuck you. :mad


I think chances are decent...

my guess is sales are really good as it is anyway so they aren't doing anything too different other than the pack-in of 2 sports games...

If next year during Spring PS2 starts coming out again ahead in sales, I'd definitely could see them releasing a special edition during a price-drop (which could come sonner than PS2 anyway w/ XBox 2 only a year away...)


Is there a problem with "importing" a Crystal bundle from Canada?

Not trying to be snotty, but with the conversion rate (and no custom tax?), what's stopping us from importing?


Tsubaki said:
Is there a problem with "importing" a Crystal bundle from Canada?

Not trying to be snotty, but with the conversion rate (and no custom tax?), what's stopping us from importing?
My last experience trying to import a Canada only limited edition bundle was horrible. It was not even carried in any local shops.


Tsubaki said:
Is there a problem with "importing" a Crystal bundle from Canada?

Not trying to be snotty, but with the conversion rate (and no custom tax?), what's stopping us from importing?

Other than paying customs and having French manuals, you should be ok.

"Oh no! Teh FREEDOM manuals in teh Xbox pakage!"
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