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How much could I get for my GBA SP and games?


I haven't touched my GBA SP in over a year and I need money right now. How much could I get for all of this on ebay?

1 Black GBA Japanese GBA SP

Games (No manuals or boxes)
Zelda: A Link to the Past: 4 Swords
Phantasy Star Collection?
Metroid Fusion
Golden Sun 1
Golden Sun 2
Tactics Ogre
Advance Wars 1
Advance Wars 2
Super Puzzle Fighter II
Castlevania: HOD
Castlevania: AOS
Castlevania: COM


I really don't know how much, but I think it's fair to say that, once you include the time it takes to bundle up the games and go to the store, in addition to some minor gas money, it really wouldn't be worth selling. :\


someone said yesterday they sold their tactics ogre on ebay for $60. didn't say if it was new, sealed or what though.
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