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How soon have you said "I LOVE YOU" to someone?


I've been seeing this guy for 6 weeks now and I feel so ready to tell him. curious what your experiences have been like. I think 6 weeks seems too soon but we've done so many things it feels like 6 months already.

What's the soonest you've told "I love you" to someone you're dating?


I think it really depends on the relationship.

My current relationship she said it first and it kinda took me by surprise since I wasn't expecting it.

You'll know when the time is right though. Like when you see the person you're dating (in person or a picture) and it just brings a smile to your face, or when you can't stop thinking about him or her.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
1. You say you love him
2. He doesn't say it back
3. You get upset
4. He gets mad

That the worst that can happen? Seems like win-win to me.


I think it really depends on the relationship.

My current relationship she said it first and it kinda took me by surprise since I wasn't expecting it.

You'll know when the time is right though. Like when you see the person you're dating (in person or a picture) and it just brings a smile to your face, or when you can't stop thinking about him or her.

yeah i think we're both feeling it, yet we keep telling ourselves that 6 weeks is too soon to say it. he almost blurted it out recently and then got all red and said something like 'yeah you know like i heart you and it's too soon to say the L word, right?' and I just smiled.

So, i might say it soon. Your description is just how I feel.
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