How to Get Away with Murder S3 |OT| Why Can't I Hold All These Murders???

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Hi and welcome to the Season 3 OT of ABC's show How to Get Away with Murder! Last season was full of twists and turns and murder and gay sex! great! we learned that being Wes is suffering, Laurel is a badass, Connor is actually a pretty nice dude, MIchaela is unable to make good choices, and that Asher will not hesitate to run you over with his fucking car. Annalise Keating and her team of jr. murderers return for another season full of "holy fucking shit" moments!

About the show:
Created by Peter Nowalk, produced by Shonda Rhimes and distributed by ABC Studios.
The brilliant, charismatic and seductive professor Annalise Keating gets entangled with four students from her class "How to Get Away with Murder." Little do they know that they will have to apply what they learned to real life, in this masterful, sexy, suspense-driven legal drama.

So, who are our asshole heroes?
Anime Keating (Played by Viola Davis)

Annalise Keating is everything you hope your Criminal Law professor will be – brilliant, passionate, creative and charismatic. She’s also everything you don’t expect – sexy, glamorous, unpredictable and dangerous. As fearless in the courtroom as she is in the classroom, Annalise is a defense attorney who represents the most hardened criminals – people who’ve committed everything from fraud to arson to murder. Annalise seems like she has it all – a successful career and a loving husband, Sam – but soon she will be forced to confront secrets about her life she never saw coming.

Connor Walsh (Played by Daddy Falahee)

  • a very nervous, cute, and caring gay who is also an asshole
  • actually got into stanford

Wes Gibbins (Played by Alfred Enoch)

  • his life fucking sucks
  • like seriously
  • has had a bad day for like a year now

Michaela Pratt (Played by Aja Naomi King)

  • incapable of making good choices in men
  • dated a murderer
  • banged asher

Laurel Castillo (Played by Karla Souza)

  • future serial killer
  • was getting that frank cock but then she exposed him to annalise and he's evil now
  • you go laurel

Asher Millstone (Played by Matt McGorry)

  • "your dad deserved to die"
  • ummm watcha sayyyy ohh that you only meant welll well of course you diddd
  • *runs you over in fucking reverse*

Frank Delfino (Played by Charlie Weber)

if you have any information about this man please let the police know immediately thanks

Bonnie Winterbottom (played by Liza Weil)

  • a mess
  • needs to get her shit together

What are the biggest questions right now?
Who shot Wes' dad

Episode List:
coming soon



Amazing OT, good job Blood Diamonds.

Ready for the fuckery and more of best couple Connor and Oliver and of course best bitch Laurel.
i'm going to predict that the one in the ending is
Nah, Annalise would only react like that for
. Or
, but I have no idea if she's even appearing this season.

Or one of her vodka bottles, but the thing on that stretcher was too big to be a wasted, unused vodka bottle.
I will watch the premiere when I get home from work. This has been my guilty pleasure for the past two seasons, the sheer level of fuckery is amazing to witness.


god that was so fucking GOOD except for connor and oliver breaking up bOI accept your nice boyfriend and be fucked up together

for fucks sake


Nah, Annalise would only react like that for
. Or
, but I have no idea if she's even appearing this season.

Or one of her vodka bottles, but the thing on that stretcher was too big to be a wasted, unused vodka bottle.

Wait, you're right. It must be her precious vodka.

Her saying "I'm getting sick of vodka" and the human shape on the stretcher are throw-off maneuvers by the writers. It's a fodder character holding her last vodka bottle after the rest got burned!!!

Case solved!


god that was so fucking GOOD except for connor and oliver breaking up bOI accept your nice boyfriend and be fucked up together

for fucks sake

Seriously, I was like "why????" OLIVER.

Also, loved the mutual screaming session with Annalise and Wes.


I guess the
dead body is Nate
, but that would be too obvious.

Maybe one of the Keating 5? I mean it's a Shonda Show, and we're already in season 3...

And yeah I agree, the break up scene was sooo dumb.


Stupid Frank shaving his hair.
Laurel looking disappointed when talking to Wes and he not missing her.


Man, if dude broke up for that, let his ass go. Conner did his best.

Seems like retconning to make the Annalise 5 bad students at this point. And Intro to Criminology couldn't have been Annalise's only class, right? Really forceful world-building around all of this.

All the time-jumping is making it really tough to follow this episode. It was one thing when we were jumping back and forth to a single event, but the montage way of doing the summer bits was weird.

If the
body isn't Nate
, it's gonna be a season character. Maybe
the new president
I think it's gonna be
one of the five, Nate, or Bonnie

or Annalise planned this and
she set the house on fire and that was just acting


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I could watch that opener another 5 times and still not be able to follow the timeline
Its opened up a metric ton of aveneues for the show to go down though so I'm excited


So I'm almost halfway through the first season and while I somewhat enjoy it, I'm not really into it fully. Should I stick with it or give it a miss?


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
So I'm almost halfway through the first season and while I somewhat enjoy it, I'm not really into it fully. Should I stick with it or give it a miss?

stick with its amazing
iirc it steps it up a gear after the halfway point
This show is like sweet candy.

It's a soap opera for the modern age. Slick and ridiculous but in the most engaging way.

As for the body:
Unless Analise's reaction was for show it has to be Wes or Nate. I'm guessing Nate because frankly he serves little narrative purpose other than as a cop to do cop things. That and Wes is the main character so... That said I also wouldn't be shocked if it was one of the 5 cause they introduced that top of the class student so maybe he gets into the group to replace whoever dies.... doubt it though


I'm certain that the season finale reveal will be
Annalise walking to her car, wiping the tears off her face, giving a dead look to the camera and high-fiving Frank in the backseat.


"We are good people now."


I thought Wes was dating his psychologist, I'm glad that's not the case. I hope they don't turn his relationship with Laurel romantic, but I think it will be the case.

The Oliver/Connor scene was pretty bad. But hey, at least we are getting slutty fun Connor back!

I completely forgot Nate was a character. I hope he's the body but I actually think it's going to be Oliver.
I didn't enjoy the premiere... the argument between Oliver and Connor was ridiculous and nonsensical. I mean, I know I shouldn't expect much logic from this show, but that conversation felt even more forced than usual. I'm also not feeling the hook for this season. Still gonna watch this, because I guess I need my soap opera fix.


"We are good people now."


I thought Wes was dating his psychologist, I'm glad that's not the case. I hope they don't turn his relationship with Laurel romantic, but I think it will be the case.

The Oliver/Connor scene was pretty bad. But hey, at least we are getting slutty fun Connor back!

I completely forgot Nate was a character. I hope he's the body but I actually think it's going to be Oliver.

About Laurel, ugh I hope not. Why are they pairing her with every straight person on the show lmao. Asher's already slept with all the girls too, all that's left is Annalise
So I think what's freaking Ollie out is the things Connor says.. like "I'll do whatever you want me to do, all I want to do is make you happy" but maybe that's just dialogue... I really hope they give Ollie enough screentime to let us see his angle and what he's thinking about this tbh


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~

rest of the episode was good


Yoooo this episode
i felt that slap in my soul lmfao. Miss keating don't fucking play!

I actually was legit afraid
he was going to get "triggered" again and try to kill her.

Great episode, but that ending definitely narrows down who I think is killed, unless Anneliese is just acting.

Asher sure is doing fine for someone who killed in cold blood like 2 months before, uh.

Timeline wise, the murder was in December since it was the midseason finale. That means it's been about 10 months. Plenty of time to get over murdering someone. :p
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