Okay, so what is the purpose of the 403b? Is that basically an account that I can then invest into an IRA/Roth?
They are both considered retirement accounts, aka
retirement vehicles. So many funny names in finance. With 401k or 403b, the employer sets aside a portion of your paycheck and deposits that into the 401k or 403b account, which is then used to buy hopefully low cost mutual funds where money can grow for retirement. That obviously decreases your take home pay, but guess what, you didn't have to pay any upfront taxes on the money deposited into your 403b. So you save on taxes that year. You can start withdrawing the money after age 59.5 or later. It's only
then you start paying taxes on the money in the account. It's tax deferral. Your money in the 403b grew tax-free until you started withdrawing.
An IRA means Individual Retirement Account. Think of it like an independent retirement account completely separate from your employer. Less middlemen, more control for you. You use the money from your take-home pay to put money into the IRA. So that money was taxed before it got deposited into your bank account, right? If you then transfer that money into a traditional IRA, then you can deduct that amount from your taxable income the next time you do taxes. You pay taxes only when you withdraw the money out after it grows for decades. It grows tax-free, like the 403b.
A Roth IRA means that you're okay with the upfront tax hit when you deposit money into the IRA. You don't deduct it when you do taxes. It grows tax-free and you withdraw tax-free. Sounds pretty sweet, eh? So, whether you do a traditional IRA or Roth IRA will depend on how you project your tax rate now versus when you retire. For example, if you live in a state that doesn't have its own income tax but you think you'll retire to another state that
does have an income tax, then doing a Roth IRA may be a great idea. Or, if you're currently in the 15% tax bracket but your career is projected to you retiring in the 25% tax bracket, then paying tax upfront can save you money. You're typically going to be paying Federal income tax.
Roth was the name of a dead Senator from Delware who sponsored this option. It's not an acronym.
So why have both a 403b and an IRA? Because many employers do matching with 401k or 403b. That's free money for you. But usually IRAs have better investing options. But you can only contribute $5500 a year per individual to an IRA. That's not enough. So, the common strategy that's recommended here has been:
1) contribute to 401k/403b up to match, get that free money. That money stays in the 403b, growing (hopefully growing).
2) contribute to IRA, max it out $5500. That money stays in the IRA, growing (hopefully growing).
3) if you still any left over to save, fill the rest of the 401k/403b bucket. That money stays in the 403b, growing (hopefu...)
This is the exact strategy from the first post of this thread, written in 2014 and last updated in June 2016. It's still relevant. I recommend you read through it. I myself didn't know what a 401k or a 403b, outside of commercials and advertisements, until last October.
In your case Step 1) above doesn't apply to you, since your non-benevolent employer doesn't match, hence my question to Randolph about filling the IRA bucket as the first step.
If you change jobs, you can keep the money in Job1 403b, move the money from your Job1 403b into your Job2 403b, or roll it over into your IRA (I believe that's separate from the $5500 annual limit). Just have to make sure there are no stupid fees.