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Hulk Hogan is back in the WWE for some reason


From https://www.cbssports.com/wwe/news/...s-hall-of-fame-after-a-three-year-suspension/

Just hours before presenting its Extreme Rules pay-per-view on Sunday, WWE announced that it has "reinstated" Hulk Hogan into the WWE Hall of Fame following a "three-year suspension."

Crediting the "second chance" to a string of public apologies and volunteer work from Hogan, WWE appears to be paving the way for Hogan to return to making appearances on behalf of the company, whether on television or otherwise.
WWE terminated its legends contract with Hogan on July 24, 2015, removing any mention of him from its website, including the hall of fame section. This firing came on the back end of a leaked sex tape involving Hogan. In addition to the salacious nature of the leak, Hogan could be heard on the recording ranting negatively about African-Americans, admitting to being a "racist, to a point" and using the N-word on multiple occasions.

Not sure why WWE is bringing back Hogan. I think his ability to make a crowd pop was yearssss ago. Ratings wouldn't go up drastically. Best case scenario is the locker room ISN'T weirded out by him hanging out backstage. And even if people didn't want him around, who's gonna try to cross Vince McMahon?

IMO, he's way past his expiration date. But carnies gonna carnie. This experiment will go as well as when they brought Boogeyman back.



He was too big a part of the company to "erase" his legacy. Fans still love him.
Fans might love him, but I don't see anyone who hasn't already bought a hulkmaniac shirt in the past 30 years buying one now.

And I won't even get into the problem of WWE bringing out these old dinosaurs for one last hurrah. Hulkster probably getting one last title run.


Fans might love him, but I don't see anyone who hasn't already bought a hulkmaniac shirt in the past 30 years buying one now.

And I won't even get into the problem of WWE bringing out these old dinosaurs for one last hurrah. Hulkster probably getting one last title run.
His body would crumble into dust if he took a bump. He is not going back in the ring, aside from being a mouth piece or megaphone for the WWE.

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Not sure why WWE is bringing back Hogan. I think his ability to make a crowd pop was yearssss ago. Ratings wouldn't go up drastically. Best case scenario is the locker room ISN'T weirded out by him hanging out backstage. And even if people didn't want him around, who's gonna try to cross Vince McMahon?

IMO, he's way past his expiration date. But carnies gonna carnie. This experiment will go as well as when they brought Boogeyman back.

You got jealous eyes, brother ...


showing sincerity with his apologies and volunteer work, sure give him a second chance, as long as you didn't rape/murder or lose your mind to steroids and violently kill your family and then commit suicide, you should have a second chance

MC Safety

He's valuable as an ambassador and possibly an on-screen figure.

He's apologized, he's served his sentence, and is entitled to a second chance.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
A ton of behind the scenes WWE people are OD racist(not the talent)so this doesn't shock me

Knew someone who worked there
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Outside of the Rock and maybe Steve Austin, Hogan is without a doubt the biggest star in the entire history of wrestling. He's a near mythical figure in the sport, so it makes perfect sense to bring him back.

Hard disagree with OP.


showing sincerity with his apologies and volunteer work, sure give him a second chance, as long as you didn't rape/murder or lose your mind to steroids and violently kill your family and then commit suicide, you should have a second chance


Make Hogan a manager with a stable of heels to oversee. Or a another angle is to make him a face and go with a Rocky Balboa angle training the current gen.

I like the heel angle better.
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Good because this could mean that they will include him in WWE games again. He was great in WWE 2K15.
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Hulk is a legend and certainly shouldn't be erased from history, but bringing him back is a big mistake. He's going to do nothing but bring a ton of baggage with him, not to mention his sagging skin...


If Mel Gibson can continue making movies, Farakhan can continue leading the NOI, then why can't Hogan get a second chance?

He held some disgusting views in his private life but outside of that I have never heard any stories about it effecting him in his professional/public life. Rather the opposite that many African American's have had good things to say about Hogan. I don't excuse him for saying those words or not wanting his daughter to date a black person but people can life and learn and change.


The modern wrestling industry exists because of Hogan. He's too old to actually wrestle but he belongs in the history books and the games. Whether he appears on TV I couldn't really care either way. I'll feel nostalgic when I see him, but haven't felt any sort of void by not seeing him.


And I won't even get into the problem of WWE bringing out these old dinosaurs for one last hurrah. Hulkster probably getting one last title run.
I don't think he would wrestle. He can't even do the leg drop anymore.
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