Bought it cause it turned out to be cheaper than I thought and good price for a 512mb usb mem stick. THE REAL REASON however is because I stepped on my ipod headphones and had to use my SONY headphones (earcup ones). Felt like I lost style points for not having white cords. :lol And I needed someone for jogging.
Its small.. really tiny and flatish. As far as design goes, it looks okay but isn't stunning like a regular ipod. They should have released these in colours since its so fruity anyhow. I can't wait for the damn thing to power up (4hr first charge) so I can do a test run to see a) if lack of screen will drive me mad b) sound quality is on par with ipod c) how long battery life lasts d) if its even remotely possible to go down to such a small storage size.
I'm rather annoyed that the sales guy tried to sell me an extra 5 year warranty. The warranty was expensive, and I reckoned I'd do better to buy a new one down the line when it fucks up because a) the heaphones are worth about 20+ new and well... the shuffle ain't that expensive. And fuck Apple for making the battery non user replacable. FUCK APPLE I SAY!
Its small.. really tiny and flatish. As far as design goes, it looks okay but isn't stunning like a regular ipod. They should have released these in colours since its so fruity anyhow. I can't wait for the damn thing to power up (4hr first charge) so I can do a test run to see a) if lack of screen will drive me mad b) sound quality is on par with ipod c) how long battery life lasts d) if its even remotely possible to go down to such a small storage size.
I'm rather annoyed that the sales guy tried to sell me an extra 5 year warranty. The warranty was expensive, and I reckoned I'd do better to buy a new one down the line when it fucks up because a) the heaphones are worth about 20+ new and well... the shuffle ain't that expensive. And fuck Apple for making the battery non user replacable. FUCK APPLE I SAY!