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I got Shin Megami!


Tag of Excellence


I'm not really interested in RPGs anymore, but this game sure looks interesting, and I'm curious as to what the hub-bub is all about with this series.

Also, that thick, cool-sized strategy guide from Double Jump books is...damacy. Yes, damacy. Henceforth, damacy shall be used as an adjective for something so ultra-f'ing cool that every other descriptor fails in properly clarifying an object's baditude.
Baron said:
I'm not really interested in RPGs anymore, but this game sure looks interesting, and I'm curious as to what the hub-bub is all about with this series.

Also, that thick, cool-sized strategy guide from Double Jump books is...damacy. Yes, damacy. Henceforth, damacy shall be used as an adjective for something so ultra-f'ing cool that every other descriptor fails in properly clarifying an object's baditude.

Ao that strat guide is 'soul' and anything else we can't describe is also 'soul'? Thanks!


MrAngryFace said:
Yes! Great for me! So far this is looking like it might top SoA as #1 RPG! WHO KNOWS THO! CLASH OF TITANS!

Its better than SOA oh noes Wait did i just say that? Yeep i did. Good Job Atlus thanks for the game and MAF enjoy it cause it gets only better.
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