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I Got Someone Fired from Guitar Center

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Or rather... he got himself fired for being a dick.

Last Saturday I bought an Epiphone LP 100 from a guitar center about 45 minutes drive away from where I live. They were the only "nearby" store that carried that particular guitar so it was essential I purchase it there. It was either that or order the guitar at the guitar center down the road from us and wait weeks for it to arrive. Good guitar for the money I spent on it, about $300. It was either I buy the LP or an ESP LTD Eclipse 100qm.
From what I hear that guitar is more for playing Heavy Metal and such, unsure of it's versatility I bought an Epiphone Les Paul 100. It's fairly good, I'm not sure what else I could have gotten that would have been good for my style of playing which is Blues and classic rock. I don't know if the choice I made was a bad one, I'm not a beginner to playing, but I'm a beginner to all the tech stuff since the experience I've had is only just playing on guitars given to me by my older brother and father. So I go to the guitar center and purchase the instrument which is a display model (nearly all guitars at Guitar Center are display models) and we ride home. I didn't have enough time really to try out the guitar before buying it to realize the neck was rather warped and the bridge/saddle needs adjusting
I should have asked the workers at the guitar center I purchased the instrument from to set the guitar up for me but for some reason... I didn't think to ask though it's a complimentary service (as well as a free set of strings).
So my step dad takes me to a guitar center that’s fairly close to us which I called and asked if they would set up an instrument I purchased at a Guitar Center at another location, they said sure.
We walk into the building and basically get frisked upon entry. After signing my guitar into the front desk we wander around looking for an employee. We don't have to search long as an employee quickly finds us. We inform him of our problem and he explains he's about to get off work and go play a gig. He will however set my guitar up as a favor for $20.
He takes behind a counter and dicks around with it for a while before approaching us, telling us we need new strings. We fork over the money for a new set of strings that he picked out while he attempted to pitch us a standard guitar tuner which would be useful to a "beginner" like me... asshole. We decline and he takes the guitar back again and messes around some more for 20 minutes. Eventually he walks up to us and describes what he found was wrong with my guitar; my tuning knobs were loose, my bridge needed adjusting, and the neck needed adjusting. We think nothing of it and give the man his $20... which he promptly puts into his pocket and we receive no receipt.
We walk out of the store and think nothing of this still until we are in the car and halfway home. We paid him money for a service that is supposed to be free and he pocketed the cash. Oh, and by the way, he did little in the area of jack shit when it came to adjusting the neck of my guitar since the buzz was still there and VERY heavy in the high and low E strings.
Today we took the guitar back to the place of original purchase and described what happened to the person who I originally bought the guitar from, what the man who fucked me and my step dad over looked like, the time and day it was, ect ect. The guy seems very alarmed by what happened at the other guitar center.
He takes my guitar to a stand where he adjusts the neck to the best of his ability and offers us $20 worth of free stuff anywhere in the store, which we don't accept because after all... he's a nice dude and it wasn't him who screwed us over. He said to come back in 3 weeks when the tech guy returns from vacation so he set up my guitar perfectly, free of charge. The employee also tells us to hold up as he makes a call to the store where that one guy who's name I cannot remember but looks a lot like Shooter Mcgavin from Happy Gilmore screwed us over and pocketed the cash we gave him. He gets on the line with the store manager who upon hearing the description of the employee and situation states that the person who did that, will no longer be working for guitar center. OH SNAP, we'll swing by that guitar center soon and reclaim our $20 and point out exactly who it was who charged us for a complimentary service and pocketed the cash.

What should I get with my reclaimed $20 from Guitar Center?
Long story short: Man sells me guitar that needs adjusting. Doesn't get adjusted at time of purchase. We take guitar to another Guiter Center in a different location. Man claims to have adjusted guitar and charged us $20 which he put into his pocket. We complain at a store at another location. Employees at that store complain to the manager at store of incident. Bad man who looks like Shooter Mcgavin from Happy Gilmore gets fired. I laugh.
I get my $20 back.
? :lol ?

My stepdad and I sort of realized that something was up at the time of the incident... but we both figured nothing in this world is free and he didn't give a shit about the money either way.


Hail to the KING baby
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Shooter McGavin ROFL

That makes the situation sooo much better.



Glad you got your guitar lemurs. Just curious...what other instruments are you interested in? Do you like to play say, the drums? Keyboards? Sax?


Neo Member
lol man thats some good shit man. stupid guy for taxing ur money. i think u should by some strings or some other guitar shit for ur LP
The asshole took off the Gibson strings I had on and replaced them with slinkys or something similiar. He said I put my strings on wrong. The asshole wrapped the string around the knob once and cut the string off as low as he could.

I can't tune my guitar up or down. I hate him. He'll never work in my town again!

I'm also interested in playing the drums however, there's no way in hell I'm going to spent that kind of money on something I have a slight interest in.

I split what I wrote into paragraphs. Every five sentences I pressed enter and indented. There's no pleaseing some people. :p


He said to come back in 3 weeks when the tech guy returns from vacation so he set up my guitar perfectly, free of charge.
Three weeks? That tech guy sure does have nice vacation benefits.


Scary Euro Man
Get a decent locking strap, even if it ends up costing more than $20. I love my locking strap (it's a Planet Waves one...)
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