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I just did the Pepsi Taste Test and FAILED!!!

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Outside of London Drugs on Graville in Vancouver they were doing the taste test. I tried the two and I just picked the sweeter one which is almost always Pepsi. I got owned by Coke!
Well you see what you did was pick the better tasting drink which is always Coke. And by the way, PEPSI SUCKS AND I HATE PEPSI AND IT IS COMPLETELY HORRIBLE AND I CAN"T STAND IT ONE BIT!!!!! PEPSI SUCKS!!!!


Raise Havok said:
Well you see what you did was pick the better tasting drink which is always Coke. And by the way, PEPSI SUCKS AND I HATE PEPSI AND IT IS COMPLETELY HORRIBLE AND I CAN"T STAND IT ONE BIT!!!!! PEPSI SUCKS!!!!

That's great, but tell us how you really feel.
You know...

I actually like Coke with ice more than Pepsi with ice.

I also like liquor with Coke more than Pepsi, especially Rum.

I like 7-11 Slurpees with Pepsi as it tastes like those cola bottle candies.

I like Diet Pepsi more than Diet Coke.

Coke and Pepsi taste differn't all around the world. I was just in the US and it was substantially differn't than in Canada.

Coke in England is really different that both the US and Canada.

Actually my favorite cola is generally the cheap ass no-name brand your grocery store sells.


Warm Machine said:
Outside of London Drugs on Graville in Vancouver they were doing the taste test. I tried the two and I just picked the sweeter one which is almost always Pepsi. I got owned by Coke!

You're normally from around here, right?

In the States, Coke uses Corn Syrup to sweeten the flavour. Up here in Canada, they still use Sugar from sugar cane. A lot of people notice it tastes sweeter up here. Pepsi uses corn syrup in both countries, if I recall correctly.
Dyne said:
You're normally from around here, right?

In the States, Coke uses Corn Syrup to sweeten the flavour. Up here in Canada, they still use Sugar from sugar cane. A lot of people notice it tastes sweeter up here. Pepsi uses corn syrup in both countries, if I recall correctly.

Yeah, I live in Vancouver. For me, Coke has always been the more subtle of the two. Pepsi, especially at movie theaters, is really sugary in comparison.


They still do these? Before I did one years ago I couldn't tell the difference. After I did it, I could.


Unconfirmed Member
Warm Machine said:
As a side note. Mountain Dew in Canada has NO caffein in it.

It's any pop that isn't dark like a cola, where caffeine would occur naturally, I believe. So, like, Sunkist doesn't have it either, for example.


Warm Machine said:
Yeah, you are not allowed to use caffein as an additive in Canada.

I didn't know that. one more thing to add to my Strange Things Canadians Do list.
That makes 2 things so far.

1. eating Fries with Mayo.
2. caffiene not added to anything.


What about Jolt? It still has caffeine in Canada I think, but much less than the States I hear (I'm talking about the other flavours, not cola).
I agree with coke being sweet. It's how I tell the difference.

I've done the taste test like 20 or 30 times, and I've never been wrong. :)

I've started answering like this.

"So, which one did you like better?"

*me pointing* - "The coke, err.. I mean that one."

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I guess it depends on the regions but here in quebec, aka pepsi land, the only place on earth alongside afghanistan where pepsi dominates coke, Coke is sweeter, while pepsi has more carbon dioxide gas, which makes pepsi "stronger" sort of speak, more bubbles, etc.

Im a coca cola classic man personally, was with pepsi for years but i much prefer coke's sweeter taste.
I can't believe this thread is still going on, well in that case it just gives me more time to rant...

Pepsi is like brwon sugar water. Somehow I feel that is I was drink diarrhea water poopy I'd be having a better time. And another think, Pepsi can NOT come up with it's own ideas, it steals from coke constantly. Fridge Mate? Coke. Vanilla? Coke. Low Carb? Coke. Cherry? Coke. Crystal? Well that was Pepsi, but it was also a terrible idea, and one that even COke knew and didn't copy. Let's face it Coke is the leader in soda pop products and there is nothing you can do to change that. Pepsi is basically watered down Coke, I ask you to take this challenge, Take two 8 oz glasses and fill one with Pepsi and the other with Coke, drink just a little Coke and fill it back up with water, I mean maybe 1-2 ozs. Now close your eyes and drink them, you be the judge. But in my theory, you could buy Coke if you like Pepsi and just water it down to get more of the drink you like.
I am a much bigger fan of regular Coke Classic vs. Pepsi... but I still like pepsi..

however, when it comes to the diets... diet coke and diet pepsi are both crap compared to Pepsi One, which is just amazing stuff.. not only is it only 1 calorie, it tastes great as it is sweetened using two artificial sweeteners and has a HUGE caffeine content (same as mt. dew!)
max_cool said:
I didn't know that. one more thing to add to my Strange Things Canadians Do list.
That makes 2 things so far.

1. eating Fries with Mayo.
2. caffiene not added to anything.

You can add eating fries with Salt and Vinegar to that list too. I LOVE vinegar.

Have americans caught on to this British hand me down yet?
Many years ago in Hong Kong, my bro and I noticed the Coke there tasted way better than our Canadian coke. It was sweeter and more robust in taste. Are you sure Canadian coke isn't made with corn syrup and not sugarcane?

Also, that mayo with fries is new to me. Nobody in Alberta does that.

aoi tsuki

Warm Machine said:
You can add eating fries with Salt and Vinegar to that list too. I LOVE vinegar.

Have americans caught on to this British hand me down yet?
i'm an American and i've been eating fries with vinegar and salt since i was six. Tried mayonnaise a few years later. i get odd looks but it tastes great.


Heh, I've never gotten that offer here in Ontario.

Personally I've never understood eating fries with gravy either. That was always real popular at high school. I only eat fries with salt or ketchup, though I won't mix the two.
Coke and Pepsi also taste differn't depending on what container they come out of. At a bar or restaurant where they use a big compressed fountain tap thing they both taste more lemony. A plastic bottle has more of a dull carbonated taste, a can has a more sugary taste, and a glass bottle just seems more refreshing.


trippingmartian said:
In Canada it seems like Coke is really syruppy and overly sweet. Pepsi has more of a bite to it, which I prefer. It has to be ice cold, though.

That's how our Coke/Pepsi is here in Indy, too. I'm guessing from all of the responses both companies alter the formulas based on region or ethnic groups


max_cool said:
when the Canadian Wendys asks if I want ketchup or mayo with my fries (In Winnepeg) I take it to mean that Canadians eat fries with Mayo.

I bet if you looked hard enough you'd find a place in the US where they eat it that way too. Probably somewhere in New England or a little west of there.

Point is, it's a weird thing Quebecers and apparently Manitobans do. As if there's any shortage of weird things either of those areas do.


I thought it was weird to eat french fries with mayonnaise, until I realized that is basically what I do at Frisch's Big Boy when I eat their special sauce.


Warm Machine said:
Coke and Pepsi also taste differn't depending on what container they come out of. At a bar or restaurant where they use a big compressed fountain tap thing they both taste more lemony. A plastic bottle has more of a dull carbonated taste, a can has a more sugary taste, and a glass bottle just seems more refreshing.

Coke out of a can doesn't taste NEARLY as well as Coke out of a plastic bottle. Same's probably true with Pepsi. Coke out of a glass bottle might be somewhere in between, but it's been a while since I had one of those.

BTW, Coke in my experience has always had more bite to it then Pepsi...either in England or here in Toronto. I prefer Coke, but Pepsi's just fine with me too. Either way I prefer grape soda or ginger beer to both.


maharg said:
Only Quebecers do that.
I do it, and I'm an Albertan / BCer. I love fries with Mayo, and Ranch sauce with my Pizza. Pepsi is better than Coke to me, nut I'll drink either if I have no choice... there isn't that much of a difference. I don't see how someone can hate one and love the other.
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