Iceman said:
So he didn't give you his insurance information? And a policeman/ambulance wasn't called to the scene? (Police and paramedics would have made sure that both insurance companies were notified)
#1 Report it to your insurance company and they will guide you through the process of ...
#2 Reporting it to the police
You don't get into car accidents to make friends.
Take this man's advice. After being in 2 car accidents myself, and my mother in 4 (all life changing) its best to go to your inssurance company as soon as possible. They will get you in touch with the police, and a care provider so that its on record what your condition is like.
My mom didnt do this the first two times she was in a car accident and just passed it off as nothing. That whiplash brought on a rare condition in the bodies muscles. That was in 94, she got rearended in 96 at 80 mph. That brought on severe problems in the vertibrate of her back. The last one in 2002 crippled her body slowly and each year she has gotten worse.
This last time was serious as she cant work anymore. Even if you dont feel something bad happening, something can happen later on if not taken care of. So please get that taken care of and as a courtesy always go through the insurance company. It might not be your fault, but at least you might be covered by laws in your area.