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I need some eyes and ears on the streets.

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force push the doodoo rock
Okay, its obvious i dont read every thread, and most of the admins dont either. So, i need some of your guys' help.

I really want to put a stop to the rampant trolling, and the only way i can is if you guys help me. When your in a thread and someone comes in making some stupidass baseless remark PM me with the thread link. Trolls get away with too much and cause what would be interesting threads to devolve into pieces of crap.



Saint Cornelius said:
Drinky Crow in any Nintendo thread.
Yes, but that is funny and warranted. I could just as easy say Oligario in any Xbox thread, except that Oligario is not funny and his continued existence on our Spaceship Earth is not warranted.
sp0rsk said:
Okay, its obvious i dont read every thread, and most of the admins dont either. So, i need some of your guys' help.

I really want to put a stop to the rampant trolling, and the only way i can is if you guys help me. When your in a thread and someone comes in making some stupidass baseless remark PM me with the thread link. Trolls get away with too much and cause what would be interesting threads to devolve into pieces of crap.



Is this a spock only deal? Or are all the admins involved?


force push the doodoo rock
im the only one involved really.

and yes i want snitches. this mostly applies to the gaming forum cause there arent many trolls in ot and if there are its usually in politic threads and mandark\hito have that covered.

White Man

I hope you're careful with this new campaign. Either forum here wouldn't be as happy and fun without their bitter sense of irreverance.

I'll agree that things have gotten a bit out of hand as far as the derailing of gaming threads go, but I also think there needs to be a crackdown on stupid in-joke catchphrases. They give me bad flashbacks to the days of the old OT clique.
Ha, it's failed already:

[08:28] «sp0rsks» man
[08:28] «sp0rsks» im in the mood to ban some people
[08:29] «Vennt» Have they admin'd you yet?
[08:31] «sp0rsks» no
[08:31] «sp0rsks» okay, banned 2 people
[08:31] «sp0rsks» i feel better
[08:32] «BJ33» Who did you ban?
[08:32] «Vennt» Heh

The two people banned have already been unbanned. I think spock is just bored.


force push the doodoo rock
White Man said:
I hope you're careful with this new campaign. Either forum here wouldn't be as happy and fun without their bitter sense of irreverance.

I'll agree that things have gotten a bit out of hand as far as the derailing of gaming threads go, but I also think there needs to be a crackdown on stupid in-joke catchphrases. They give me bad flashbacks to the days of the old OT clique.

Well my main concern is people who do the quickie trolls, who think they can just come in and get away with stuff if they just come in and say something like "oh that sucks" and never come back. Its pretty much the same thing as the catchphrase people.


Matlock said:
Yo yo yo, I heard that Mr. K will troll an Xbox thread at approximately 8 PM EDT tomorrow.

I will not!

Stick me a twenty and I'll tell you what's really going down though.


Do like hockey and punish the ones who instigate fights (trolls) and the emotional idiots who let themselves be dragged in. The latter are just walking time bombs and I always found them more annoying than the trolls.


Hollywood Square


sp0rsk said:
er, no they arent.

Who are the 2 guys banned? How long do bannings typically last around here?

Does this mean I have to watch what I say and make sure I "stay on topic"? That could get EVERYONE banned.


Hollywood Square
Tool said:
Who are the 2 guys banned? How long do bannings typically last around here?

Does this mean I have to watch what I say and make sure I "stay on topic"? That could get EVERYONE banned.

He's a Junior Member speaking out of line! Ban him, I say! Ban him!


Man, this forum's fine the way it is. I've been banned for the dumbest things, and it's only my overwhelming celebrity that's gotten me unbanned. I mean, the Jonathan Brandis fanclub couldn't take a little joke. If we can't laugh at death, what can we laugh at? Anyway, I'd like someone to snitch on these snitches. Anyone caught snitching is gonna get a knuckle sandwich. Believe that. PEACE.


force push the doodoo rock
Tool said:
Who are the 2 guys banned? How long do bannings typically last around here?

Does this mean I have to watch what I say and make sure I "stay on topic"? That could get EVERYONE banned.

It means dont be a retard. Is that so hard to understand?


sp0rsk said:
It means dont be a retard. Is that so hard to understand?

Who decides what is a "retarded" response?? I mean if there's a group of 5 buddies on this forum and they all decide they don't like a comment from "poster X" they can all report him and say he's being a retard. Is that enough to get someone banned?


sp0rsk said:
Actually, no it isnt. Im not banning whoever gets reported. Read the thread again.

I'm not trying to be confrontational. I just want to know what the general rules are. Noone answered my original question of who got banned and for saying what?? I just want to make sure I can stay in line with the forum rules. Can I see an example of why someone was banned?


so0rsk sucks. I vote to have him banned and replaced with a more lenient mod. And if this mutiny fails, then I was only kidding and didn't mean it. :D PEACE.


sp0rsk said:

The general guidelines aren't followed by MOST posters. I was reading through them. In "Section A -- Language" it states:

"...vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. Sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated in any form and are bannable on the first offense..."

MOST of the posts I've read through in the Off-Topic discussions have vulgar and/or sexually oriented material. I don't see tons of these posters getting banned for this.

Also in "Section B - Trolling" it states:

"...Negative commentary on given topics is by no means disallowed; however, such comments should attempt to be substantiated. No matter your supposed intent, if the forum administrators perceive you as a troll making unsubstantiated comments in an attempt to provoke the forum body, actions may be taken by the administrators..."

This is VERY vague and would be helpful if you could elaborate on it with a concrete example. I want to see how these rules have been enforced with a real-world example.

Can you please post a link to a particular user that was banned and explain how he/she violated the general rules?


force push the doodoo rock
im concentrating on this part "hateful, harassing" and "such comments should attempt to be substantiated". substantiated meaning back up your trolls and not with "huhuhurhuhrur you n\x-bots wouldnt like the game if it was on ps2 duruhur"


sp0rsk said:
im concentrating on this part "hateful, harassing" and "such comments should attempt to be substantiated". substantiated meaning back up your trolls and not with "huhuhurhuhrur you n\x-bots wouldnt like the game if it was on ps2 duruhur"

So are there "temporary" and "permanent" bans? How long do temp bans last and can a person be reinstated after being banned?

Oh I noticed while browsing the Olympic thread that Lisa Lashes/Greekboy was banned!! I guess your request is working and people are starting to report. I was going to report him myself for making a rude comment to me when I asked for a good example of "first dance wedding songs". He replied with a vulgar distateful remark. I'm glad he got banned -- was it my thread that did it?? :)


There's alot of sexual content to this thread:


This violates the forum rules. Just bringing it to your attention.

A Poster called "Wolfy" makes a VERY derogatory comment against women in this thread:

Oops sorry, I guess I should be sending you private messages when I report people?? Can you enhance the forums so that there's a "report poster" button or something? That would be more efficient. Hope I'm helping!!


force push the doodoo rock
im a mod, so i cant do anything about the button. There are things being done about the sexual content stuff currently actually.

PM me with stuff, dont post it in this thread. I already told you what im looking for so dont just send me shit to be annoying either.


force push the doodoo rock
Tool said:
So are there "temporary" and "permanent" bans? How long do temp bans last and can a person be reinstated after being banned?

Oh I noticed while browsing the Olympic thread that Lisa Lashes/Greekboy was banned!! I guess your request is working and people are starting to report. I was going to report him myself for making a rude comment to me when I asked for a good example of "first dance wedding songs". He replied with a vulgar distateful remark. I'm glad he got banned -- was it my thread that did it?? :)

Greekboy was banned for ban evasion actually.


sp0rsk said:
Greekboy was banned for ban evasion actually.

Oh well, would have been nice to know it was his dumb remark to me that got him the boot! Then I could have been known as the guy that got him "put away" finally! LOL.

I'll do my best to keep my eyes and ears open and send you regular messages about people violating the rules. Let's keep this forum a fun safe place to exchange ideas.


sp0rsk said:
Greekboy was banned for ban evasion actually.

haha, that sounds like he didn't pay his taxes or something :)

It's a shame to see him banned though, especially this time of year what with the Olympics in Greece and all ;)


open_mouth_ said:
haha, that sounds like he didn't pay his taxes or something :)

It's a shame to see him banned though, especially this time of year what with the Olympics in Greece and all ;)

It seems very subjective to me. I sent a private message to the moderator about some sexual content in a thread and he replied that it was "fine" and he only wants to hear about "trolls" in threads.

I guess it helps who you know in terms of getting people banned. Oh well.
Tool said:
It seems very subjective to me. I sent a private message to the moderator about some sexual content in a thread and he replied that it was "fine" and he only wants to hear about "trolls" in threads.

I guess it helps who you know in terms of getting people banned. Oh well.

I agree. It's really quite silly. Whatever gets them through the day, though. If a few misguided recluses can't handle a off-color remark or troll then that's their problem, not ours.


HalfPastNoon said:
I agree. It's really quite silly. Whatever gets them through the day, though. If a few misguided recluses can't handle a off-color remark or troll then that's their problem, not ours.

Yes you're right. I've posted on other message boards (like ESPN) and normally people get banned because they're not in tight with the moderators. It seems like there are rules for one set of people and then the rules can "slide" for others. Numerous times I reported people on other message boards for being flagrantly racist or some other such offense and nothing gets done. Then other people get banned for the silliest of offenses.

This whole Greekboy banning smells fishy to me even though he probably deserved it. I remember that he admitted to being Greekboy in a thread like 2 weeks ago or something (when he was known as "Lisa Lashes") and nothing was done about it. In fact, I think a moderator changed his screen-name back to "Greekboy"! So it seemed they were fine with him posting until someone objected because they didn't like him.

The way I take that whole episode is, as long as you don't piss off the wrong people, you're fine with whatever you do. Oh well enough of that.

Oh just an added thought: What's to stop people who are banned from re-signing up with another nickname? It's already happened as evidenced above.


I'll say it again, this forum is fine the way it is. There are times this place is overly moderated, but for the most part, it's fine. We left the days of thread floods and nuisance trolls long behind. I can't think of anyone on here that's warranted a ban recently, not even Greekboy. Greekboy wouldn't be a problem if so many people didn't keep replying to his threads. Isn't there a sign that says "Don't Feed The Trolls"? There should be at least. But having snitches is a bad thing. Crimson might well have had me banned repeatedly for fucking up his 24 threads. Yeah, I did it on purpose, but it was to prove a point. This is the internet. A certain amount of lawlessness is accepted online. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
I'll say it again, this forum is fine the way it is. There are times this place is overly moderated, but for the most part, it's fine. We left the days of thread floods and nuisance trolls long behind. I can't think of anyone on here that's warranted a ban recently, not even Greekboy. Greekboy wouldn't be a problem if so many people didn't keep replying to his threads. Isn't there a sign that says "Don't Feed The Trolls"? There should be at least. But having snitches is a bad thing. Crimson might well have had me banned repeatedly for fucking up his 24 threads. Yeah, I did it on purpose, but it was to prove a point. This is the internet. A certain amount of lawlessness is accepted online. PEACE.

That's just my point though -- where did Greekboy troll exactly? I remember a bunch of posters who bashed him in his "worming and spooning" thread yet noone else there got banned. Shouldn't they be banned too for outright attacking another user? I want this to be a fair board so the rules should apply to everyone. I started to defend Greekboy in that thread and then suddenly people turned on me and said I was 'hanging off his dick' -- how is that not a rude attack on me and not a bannable offence? I think there were posters who had it in for the guy and got him banned for the most inane thing. If that's the case, then ANY ONE OF US could be banned just for getting on someone else's nerves.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
If you have a problem with a banning... or are really unclear on what might get you the boot. Please PM someone of the MODsquad... As for Greekboy... evading a ban (i.e. making another user acount) results in a perm ban... Which he did so he is gone for good...
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