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I, Robot > Spider-Man 2

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LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Willco said:
I, Robot more like I, STUPID MOVIE LOL AM I RITE?


I,know LOL,I know.


I saw both. I LOVED "Spider-Man 2." But I liked "I, Robot" a lot more.



Hollywood Square
MIMIC said:
I saw both. I LOVED "Spider-Man 2." But I liked "I, Robot" a lot more.


You're stupid!
* Now talking in #ga
* Topic is 'I, Robot > Spider-man 2 | Box Office Report: 1. I, Robot $52.2M 2. Spider-Man 2 $24.8M | Fresh Prince of Belair > Fagbiscuit Macguire | Lead Soundtrack Artist: [I, Robot] Composer Marco Beltrami ... [Spider-Man 2] DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL | <Willco> RETARDED.'
* Set by Mike_Works on Mon Jul 19 19:18:17

also, from the i, robot thread;

Oh man, this movie is the surprise of the fucking year. I liked it more than Spider-Man 2, and I really liked Spider-Man 2! Here's a quick rundown of the good and bad;


Cinematography/editing. There was one sequence in the middle of the movie where two important scenes are happening at once (not action heavy), and the way they mesh into each other is perfect. The music matches as each cut fades to black into the other scene, not unlike something pieced together for a trailer. It was very unique to see it in an actual movie, and worked so well. There's another shot during the climax which involves a stationary camera rotating with the structure it's attached too. Again, a very simple shot, but it really got you transfixed into the situation.
The way the movie continually re-introduced short sequences of a traumatic event from Smith's past was very well done too.

Visuals. A lot of people, myself included, will compare this movie to Minority Report in this area for sure. The lighting/glare from Minority Report wasn't present, but there were a lot of soft to steel/grainy whitish blue aspects of the city and building sets. Aside from some of the transportational structures- mainly highways and car storage, I could easily see I, Robot's Chicago (that's where the movie takes place) and Minority Report's Washington co-existing in the same "world". The majority of the CG was quite well done, and I liked the design of the robots as well.

Will Smith. I don't hate actors like Will Smith or Ben Affleck as much as the majority of the internet do. While I dislike movies like Wild Wild West or Gigli as much as others, when I look at an actor, I judge them and their upcoming work based on the majority of their performances, if not their great ones. So while some people think "Ben Affleck, the shit actor for Gigli", I'll think of how much I liked his performances in Good Will Hunting or Dogma. I was admittedly not looking forward to Smith's little phrases I thought would be apparent (thanks to the "AH HELL NAW" in the trailer), but I think he was a good choice for this movie for multiple reasons. He's a versatile actor, in that he can believably be both calm, jokish, and comfortably funny in one scene, and then serious and realistically pissed off in the next. The whole box office part helps too.

The pacing. It was just very well done. I was originally expecting a movie where it'd build up to be a mystery on whether or not the robot murdered the dude, and then reveal everything in the last 10 minutes. Then the newer trailers came out, and I expected the movie to set up the premise in the first 20-30 minutes and then have the rest of the movie be non-stop action. Instead the movie works smartly, introducing the initial mystery and intrique, and instead of focusing flatly on one small aspect, the film guides both Will Smith and yourself by the hand as you slowly go past each and every turn on the winding road to figuring out what exactly is going on. There are some nice action scenes in the middle of the film, and during some parts where there aren't, there's some terrific imagery to keep your senses from numbing.


Cinematography. 1-3 slow motion shots are fine, but there were more than that, and while I personally like them more than most other people, there were at least 6 I can think of. Also, during the big action scene near the end where they are
on that catwalk/brain stem thing and the camera keeps flying up and down and around in circles... once was okay, barely, even though it was uneccessary. Twice or however many extra times was just stupid.

The remaining cast. I liked the fat principal from Boston Public, even though it pissed me off how he never listened to nor believed anything Smith told him, and I suppose the head of the robotics dude (the guy who offers Will Smith coffee in the trailers) was okay in his role, but the rest wasn't terrific. The main woman lead, while being smoking hot, sort of lost her character as time went on. She started off very sterile and professional, and when things started becoming apparent and unraveling before her eyes, she always seemed... lost. Technically I can understand how her character could react like that, but there was just something unconvincing about it.
Then there's the whole part about the mob scene trying to revolt against the revolting robots LED BY THE KID. Give me a fucking break, you don't need that kid in the movie at all. Just have some little girl be caught up in the mess that Smith can save.

This is getting minor now, but the product placement was annoying too JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC JVC (btw jvc). Also seeing Will Smith in the shower, naked, full body, with ass showing. Then 30 minutes later, the woman is in the shower, same angle, same shot, but she has her shower door closed and the fog/steam blocks you from seeing everything. Fucking guys! There were also some snippits of unbelievable (in that they weren't realistic) action sequences
cough motorcycle
, but as a whole, the action was good.

All in all, I was not looking forward to seeing this movie, as a friend was dragging me to see it, but damn if I didn't have a smile on my face when it was over. While I can understand with the position of fans of the book getting pissed at the inaccuracies (I'd be saying the same shit if they made a Zelda movie or something), just let it go and view the movie with an open mind. It's pretty fucking good.


Chili Con Carnage!
Imo the action in I, Robot was better, the car chase scene and the final scene were simply awesome to watch, Spidey 2 was also amazing in this reguard so I, Robot really was stellar.

Everything else though i give to Spidey 2, the funny moments, the romance, the overall story, Spidey 2 was the complete summer block buster package. I liked the whole noir detective movie feel of I, Robot but you did know pretty much exactly what was gonna happen 1/2 an hour into the film, to quote Roeper "Forget about foreshadowing, this is fiveshadowing" and besides Will and to some extent Sonny none of the characters really stick in my mind.

I, Robot Better action
Spidey 2 better film.

DJ Sl4m

Toby McGuire gets on my nerves, and so does his trailer park looking co-actress.

I refuse to pay money to see Spiderman, but at the same tim iRobot was pretty lame.
Will Smith seemed like one of maybe a dozen black people in the futrue (wtf ?), and his role of a rebelious gangsta wanna be was funny to watch, because he simply can't pull it off.

I love his normal roles, he's usually funny and very likeable, but this is one of his worst outings as an actor, and the story in this movie wasn't much better.
I liked "I, Robot" a helluva lot more than Spidey 2. I had about the same expectations for both (low, the trailers made I, Robot look like crap, and IMO Spidey 1 sucked a mean cliched dick) and enjoyed both thoroughly, but for some reason, "I, Robot" was more entertaining, and I'm glad that they didn't completely bastardize a lot of Asimov's ideas.


nomoment said:
DMczaf gets dumbass of the year award!

I wonder if there's a clause in all Will Smith's contracts, that he has to say that line at least once in all his movies. :p


After suffering through the first Spiderman picture, I have no intention of watching any more (unless Venom is in it.) Bring on the rapping robots


The Faceless Master said:
i haven't seen i, robot, but i bet it's better than spidey2, which was an even harder kick in the nuts than spidey1

faceless master? more like the tastless master.

AHAH that was gold.

anyway i havent seen I ROBOT but after these positive impressions im sure ill like it. dont know if it will be better than spiderman 2 though since i liked that a lot.



Spider Man 2 < I,Robot

I had more enjoyment watching I,Robot. Spider Man 2 had alot stupid scenes. But its a good movie over all, but I,Robot was still better.


well not really...yet
Just got back from seeing Spidey 2 again, and yeah I mean I dont see how you can say with a straight Face that I, Robot was better, which I also really liked.


I, Robot > Spiderman 2 IMO

I was pretty disappointed with Spiderman 2. Not that it wasn't a good movie but I feel it was precisely more of the same. And considering that Spiderman 1 had plenty of weaknesses... If I hadn't seen Spiderman 1 before this movie then it might be a different story. But I thought that after establishing the character with a solid first outing, taking care of the origin basics and seeing huge success at the box office that the crew would dare to take on new heights with every aspect of production. I was hoping to see a more defined style, more drama, a darker villain, bolder music, less cheese...

I suppose it comes down to expectations really. I though I, Robot would suck (and boy was I wrong) and I thought that Spiderman 2 would break new ground and deliver what the comic book fans (as represented by me, of course) really wanted to see.

What I wanted out of Spiderman 2 was The Empire Strikes Back versus A New Hope.. what I got was A New Hope 2.

Bring on Venom... and do it right this time.
I didn't think Spiderman 2 was more of the same at all. It was much more focused on Peter Parker than Spiderman.....and how these powers were fucking up his life. Which, after the first one, is exactly where I thought it should go. Thank god they didn't jump right on and do Harry/Goblin storyline, otherwise then it would have been exactly more of the same. This was still funny, but a little less so than one. CGI was better in this one than 1.....and the scene where Doc Ock first wakes up was more intense (and cooler) than almost all of the Goblin scenes....and that's even with the greatness of Dafoe.

Can't say much about I, Robot because I haven't seen it.


Grandma's Chippy
Spiderman 2 - Totally expected it to be a great followup to a great first movie. Was not dissappointed at all and had a blast watching it.

I, Robot - Went in expecting totally average movie that was repeatedly raped by previews that told the entire story. I just had nothing better to watch. Result, both my wife and I agreed that the movie was a really nice suprise. Funny, smart, entertaining, and all around fun.

Is one better than the other? Nah, both good flicks...but I, Robot was the biggest suprise for me.
I, Robot's pacing was better than Spiderman's too. There were too many scenes in Spider-Man where you could see the underlying point the director wanted to get through, but they just weren't entertaining. This not only happened less frequently in I, Robot, but the scenes that weren't neccessarily... neccessary were much shorter too.


He's a versatile actor, in that he can believably be both calm, jokish, and comfortably funny in one scene, and then serious and realistically pissed off in the next.

Seriously, are you kidding? The guy can play the Fresh Prince and thats it.

Just to reiterate: I, Robot = Fresh Prince + contrived 'Robot Hater' backstory + stupefyingly juvenile script + plot twists spoon fed and signposted to death * wholesale slaughter of Asimov's story.
I haven't seen I, Robot, nor Spiderman 2 for that matter, but I can declare, with utmost certainty, that I, Robot is a horrendous flaming dog turd. It's a floater. Literally, a piece of shit that you can't flush down the toilet. Ghastly.


I, Robot had more interesting production design than Spider-Man 2, and a better score. (Marco Beltrami's not my favorite composer, but at least his work still sounds fresh--on the other hand, Danny Elfman needs to retire from scoring and do an Oingo Boingo reunion tour. That score was awful.)

But Spider-Man 2 beats I, Robot on just about all other counts:

--acting. (Will Smith phones in his performance as usual, but, see below. On the other hand, Tobey Maguire is pretty much Spiderman for me now, just as Christopher Reeve will always be Superman for me no matter who plays him in successive movies, TV shows, etc.)

--writing. (Spider-Man 2 had an excellent screenplay for a summer movie, and smart too. Developing real, human characters in a comic-book movie is far more impressive than throwing in the standard philosophical issues that have been a staple of SF since the 1920s, and that A.I. handled ten times better.)

--directing. (As much as I like Proyas, Sam Raimi is at the top of his game right now).

--CG. (Spider-Man 2 finally got Spider-Man's CG right--in Spidey 1, Spidey seemed like he weighed about three pounds, while in this one, you get the feeling that this is an actual real person doing all the web-swinging. Whereas the visual effects in I, Robot in many places are as about as convincing as Jar-Jar Binks was in The Phantom Menace. While we're at it, if I never have to see a movie that ends with two mobs of CG warriors running across an empty space and clashing into each other, it'll be fine with me. Ever since The Two Towers that's become the new CG cliche.)

--action sequences (how soon you all forget! The Spider-Man/Doc Ock/Aunt May fight in Spidey 2 was awesome. I, Robot's action sequences were visually stunning, but they had severe continuity flaws in the editing, so that it was often hard to tell what was going on. At times it was like watching a Michael Bay movie.)

refreshZ said:
Seriously, are you kidding? The guy can play the Fresh Prince and thats it.

The sad thing is that once you see Will Smith in Ali or Six Degrees of Separation, you'll realize he's slumming it in these summer movies for a paycheck. He really can put forward a nuanced performance--he just doesn't bother to most of the time.
Mike Works said:
There were too many scenes in Spider-Man where you could see the underlying point the director wanted to get through, but they just weren't entertaining.

I disagree. About the only scenes I wasn't entertained by were the one's with Harry's chronic whining about the "bug." The rest was all very entertaining to me. And the underlying point was set up in the first movie, which I guess to me is why the second one made so much sense.
Spiderman did not have a good script. There were Tons of cheesy and dull scenes.

The cake scene
The Uncle Ben Scene
The Aunt may speech (ARRGH *CRINGE*)
All the MJ scnenes except for the last.

I enjoyed i robot more cause it felt a bit more fresh. Spidey was really predictable and dragged at certain points.
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