Violent? I was pissed at all the robbed opportunities for decent fight scenes.
I posted in an older thread everything I found wrong with the movie, but a quick summary:
- Atrocious and robotic acting, except for some of the major Arab roles
- Main character I couldn't like for a second. He killed a freakin' priest! Granted, I'm Jewish and the priest was an ass, but he still murdered him in cold-blood for no decent reason. Really hard to get attached to this kind of main character.
- Oh, so he goes from ignorant, murderous blacksmith to uber politician and tactician over the span of what... months? Right.
I had quite a few more reasons, but mercifully, memory of this movie has been leached away. It was only slightly better than the absolute abomination that was Troy, imho. And what makes it worse, being such a Gladiator whore, I was predisposed to loving this movie.