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I saw some rabbits today....

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Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
So i was waiting to meet some guy on the bridge today,the bridge is above some sort natural lawn,so there was like 2 dozen Rabbits bathing in the sun,now the intressting part:
In the 10-15 Minutes i spent there the little pimp mounted and copulated with at least 6-8 other rabbits,i am not even sure they were all female since he seemed to jump everyone who couldnt run away quick enough , i think in the end he even went for second lap.

I mean i knew the phrase "fucking like a rabbit" ,but HOLY SHIT,thats a real sex machine,at least i know why people carry those rabbit paws now,rabbit paw? More like pimp paw.


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Damnit, that didn't work too well.



the rabbits around these parts seem to be fucking like um...themselves too, because there's way more here than i've seen in years.
Gek54 said:

The male gets really excited and will run around squeeking his little head off, the female(s) will just sit there and will often try and get away from him. So he's running around like a mad thing then he trys to hump them, cept they keep moving so he keeps getting dragged behind on them, falling off, running around some more then trying again.

This goes on for many many hours


MrPing1000 said:
The male gets really excited and will run around squeeking his little head off, the female(s) will just sit there and will often try and get away from him. So he's running around like a mad thing then he trys to hump them, cept they keep moving so he keeps getting dragged behind on them, falling off, running around some more then trying again.

This goes on for many many hours

i'm going to the pet store right now.
btw i know this because i was an farm near me when i was a kid and hey had like a dozen guinea pigs in this small box thing that u cud look into and pick them up. The best thing was the females continued to eat and move about whilst getting humped. The excitement inside that little male guinea pig was greater than any man could know
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