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I want to ban gaming publishers from saying anything like...

Innovative or shit like that. Fucking buzzwords just piss me off anyway. Also I would like to ban IGN from saying stuff like 'It floored me' or 'I was floored' or 'our frothing demand for this game increases'


They fired the guy who made the frothing remark, so that shouldn't be a problem.

It was still mostly Atari's fault, though.



I hate it when they interview a guy about some game, and they say something like "well, we've a style that's leap-intensive and timing-based" when they've got a 3D platformer.

I'd buy a game sight unseen if the interview said something like "our shit is like Ratchet and Clank, but better, because R+C sucks ass and is for dicks" or something.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
There is one phrase that always means disaster...especially from Capcom.

"We are currently creating a gameplay system that adjusts the difficulty to the player's ability."

That means the game is going to be easy as hell, but will have a Hard Mode unlocked after you beat it a few times. Or the game will be hard as hell, but will have an easy mode.


Grizzlyjin said:
There is one phrase that always means disaster...especially from Capcom.

"We are currently creating a gameplay system that adjusts the difficulty to the player's ability."

That means the game is going to be easy as hell, but will have a Hard Mode unlocked after you beat it a few times. Or the game will be hard as hell, but will have an easy mode.

And when that statement was applied to fighting games it meant that enemies would take less and do more damage as you moved on, with no way to reset the balance unless you start your game over. Cute way to make people waste money, Capcom


MrAngryFace said:
Haha, I miss the OLD TECH ROMANCER CAPCOM! Instead I live now in the era of DEVIL MAY CAPCOM

Who made Tech Romancer, anyway? They probably all quit or got fired by now...

Katamari looks pretty innovative.

There hasn't been much in the way of deserving of such a term since Wolf3d, Street Fighter 2, Mario 64 and OOT.


I'd call Katamari Damashii "quirky." "Innovative" has indeed been sadly stripped of much of its power...


Justin Bailey

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WarPig said:
They fired the guy who made the frothing remark, so that shouldn't be a problem.

It was still mostly Atari's fault, though.

Did they fire him for making the remark? If so that's kinda harsh.


MrAngryFace said:

For the Tech Romancer thing or the frothing thing? Because I still say the frothing thing was mostly Atari's fault.

If it's any consolation, maybe Okamoto's off making another Tech Romancer. Like for cellular phones or some shit.

And no, IGN didn't fire me for using the word "frothing." The quote didn't even wind up on that box until like three months after I was at another job, which made the whole thing all that much more weird. They fired me for pretty much everything else, though.

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