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I went ahead and saw "The Village" today

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I'd reccomend ignoring all the fuss on this site about it and just see it for yourself. Half the assholes on this board haven't even seen it and they're opening their yaps about it and saying how terrible it is. Ignore all that and just see the movie for yourself if you are curious about it. Half the things I read people saying would happen at the end were complete bullshit.


That said, I'm going to go ahead and say I was pretty underwhelmed by the movie. It kept me guessing most of the time, but a lot of the mystique was lost two-thirds of the way into the movie when they gave away the origin of the "creatures". After that, the suspense was just non-existant for me. Some people were still startled in the theater, but I was too wrapped up in how the movie contradicted itself and then backpeddled to try and keep you afraid of those things. Had the sequence of events been edited so they happened in a different order, the movie would have been a lot better off. There were some phenomenal scenes in the movie that were acting at its most superb for sure, but the whole package was marred by the way it was all put together. Overall I'd say its a rental for most people. Save it for Halloween.


Hang out with Steve.
It didn't backpedal on itself. Ivy was still afraid because her father had told her of real creatures that had been seen when the town was first made (a lie of course), and since she knew the elders wouldn't send anyone out in costume to stop her, the appearance of such a creature could only mean that it was real. She had no idea it was Noah in a costume.

The whole theme of the movie was how people can allow fear to control themselves. The elders kept people out of the woods, and from discovering the secret, by inventing the creatures. The bag of "magic rocks" was a contrivance by the professor and Ivy to keep her escorts with her -- but even that wasn't enough to overcome their fear of the creatures in the woods. And finally, the professor even lied to Ivy that there actually WERE creatures at one point, who knows where they are now, just to keep her fear of them alive, which is why she was afraid of Noah in the costume.

And the biggest deception of all -- Ivy's father knew she was the only person he could send out who wouldn't actually discover the secret -- because she was blind. Kind of cynical, actually.
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