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IGN - Megaman X Command Mission PS2 vs GC head-to-head


I originally had it reserved at GameStop, but "cancelled" (Switched it to Donkey Konga, I didn't have the heart to cancel it) it and reserved it at EB because it's only $40 there.


ohamsie said:
I would have rather had the Mega Man Anniversary collection be better on Gamecube, or at least playable.

Well the Cube version has outsold the PS2 one so somebody thinks its playable.


Sucks at viral marketing
ohamsie said:
I would have rather had the Mega Man Anniversary collection be better on Gamecube, or at least playable.
The only game that wasn't playable was Mega Man 7, but that was only because the game has never been playable.


Tag of Excellence
MMAC was better on the GC in my case. The control switchup was a non-issue and I now favor it more over the original setup. The interview video is also pure gold. Again though some people might be extreme soundtrack remix freaks and absolutely adore the 80's MM series so the PS2 version will suit them more.

Funny how the PS2 version is somewhat inferior, it's obviously not due to hardware constraints. Most definitely done on the GC ground-up and likely not enough time to properly finish (code optimization, etc) the PS2 port.


I dunno... you'd think they'd use the MMX7/Dragon Quarter engine as a base, making the fact that the PS2 version runs worse all the more strange. :/


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Link316 said:
its not that strange, Capcom favors Nintendo over Sony

I don't think that has anything to do with it...

What's really odd is that it only runs at 30 fps. If you look at ALL of the games Capcom has created for PS2, 90-95% of them run at 60 fps.

There aren't too many exceptions to that and one of the exceptions is a Dreamcast port even...

I mean, Monster Hunter and Biohazard Outbreak both run at 30 fps and are both online titles (so it isn't suprising), RECVX is a port (both ports of this game maintained 30 fps like the original), and then there is MMX-CM. I'm sure there are one or two others as well...


I don't understand why the PS2 version looks and plays so much more inferior. It's not as if the game is pushing either system.


Link316 said:
its not that strange, Capcom favors Nintendo over Sony

How do you figure? Outside of getting RE as an exclusive, Capcom has been more favorable to the PS2. Where are the Onimusha or DMC ports for example?


Still not sold on this game. I'd like to hear impressions from someone who isn't a regular fan of the Megaman games.

SolidSnakex said:
Mikami favors Nintendo to Sony, Capcom as a whole still gives Sony more support than any other system.
And it kills them inside.


Hey now, I gave'em in the most unbiased manner I could. :p There really isn't much biased, I even gave it slack on the story/sound I think or was that after? Actually, its given in the manner I always write impressions in. It just highlights everything about the game, nothing in a fanboyish manner :p
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