Just saw the whole Vov/Fuji fight from a friend. I'll tyry and get it up if I have the time. Anyhow, my thoughts on the fight...a description for those who didn't get to see it.
He didn't throw many standing combos, but mainly because they weren't needed. He did hit Fuji with the classic overhand right, mid leftkick that he used on Varlens. When Fuji stumbled, Igor ran across the ring in beserker mode and connected with a hard right in the corner that droped Fuji and then finished him off with soccer kicks.
He also used guard punches that looked very close to what Fedor does. I was skeptical when I heard this, because Igor has always thrown his own great punches from the guard. But, at one point he did resemble Fedor. He put his head down and threw semi lunging hits from the shoulders, about 4 punches in a row that all hit Fuji.
Another thing that struck out to me was how physically strong Vov was. He basically manhandled Fuji throughout the entire fight, and at one point when Fuji sprawled Igor really showed how powerful he was. He had Fuji in a guillotine type of hold while Fuji was on one foot and knee. Vov yanked him straight back, right out of the corner a good 3 feet. Takes a strong man to do that.
On the negative side, he did look a little winded at times. I could hear him breathing hard. But, he never gassed. There's a difference, and I've seen Igor get winded before. He always goes through it to meet his second wind.
Fuck yeah...good to see him fight so well.