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I'm Deadass Set on This Radio



So I just beat Jet Set Radio last night and on Chapter 8 of Dead Space. Jet Set Radio is a game I always heard in mention among the gaming community, but never actually played myself. A member hear was generous enough to give me a Steam package that included this, Streets of Rage 2, and Golden Axe. So I booted this shit up, not knowing much to expect and I enjoyed it.

The music's reputation is as good as people say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiYYj_TVFXY

The color and art style is cool as well. I think a lot of the character designs are ugly, but I do like Tab, Mew, Cube, and Piranha. Too bad I didn't feel the two black male characters designs. The bald one with the bug-eye glasses is just weird and the other one looks like a caricature to me. At least I got Piranha. I do find the controls to be a bit unresponsive at times and take some getting used to. Even till the end I was still trying to get my momentum and jumps right. The game is pretty fucking hard too. These people be sending out ridiculous firepower just for some damn taggers. Tanks, helicopters with missiles, and goons with flamethrowers. This is just tagging. It ain't that serious! You'll have to learn to work fast and smart to avoid losing via health loss or a timeout because once the law enforcement comes in things are going to get serious.

I had stopped playing for a while when my controllers crapped on me and had to wait months later to borrow my lil brothers. In the end I never figured out what all the stats do. I thought Graffiti meant how much spray cans your character could hold, but Piranha has a high Graffiti stat, but can only carry 15 cans. Power I think is health and I have no idea what Technique is. I also encountered major lag and slowdown in certain areas of the game. I'm not sure if it's because I only have 1.5 GBs of RAM or if it's the port, but that shit was annoying. I did have a good time with it however and would like to play Future some day.


Now for Dead Space I wanted to play this since it was announced. I got to finally after I bought a used pS2 from one of my coworkers last year and this was one of the many games it came with. Up until this my only survival-horror games were the Resident Evil series so I needed to see how other developers design the genre. Dead Space is horror, but it feels a little more like Resident Evil 4, but not as action-heavy. I find the atmosphere great and thoroughly enjoy the zero gravity and vacuum segments. I do feel that the enemy encounters are a bit too predictable at times which is what makes me feel like it's more horror-action than survival horror. I don't really care about the story, but the gameplay is tight. Shooting feels great and I like the weapons. The Ripper is my personal favorite. I need to learn to use my stasis abilities more. I could have avoided a lot of deaths if I just used it, but it does make things a bit too easy.

Great game. Right now I'm on Chapter 8 and I feel like the game is about to come to a close.
You haven't played the best Jet Set Radio yet.

Fortunately for you it may be available on XB1 once back compatibility with the original Xbox makes its way to the console.


Ah damn, you don't think it might come to Steam?

considering what Sega's done in the last few months, yea
who knows when though. people have been asking for JSRFHD for years

JSRF is a little more fun gameplay-wise, and a lot less frustrating, but I don't think it's thaaat much better.
Being almost through with Dead Space or at least I think I am, I'm curious about how the other two Dead Spaces are. Do they get more actiony, stay the same, or dial back the combat?


I don't need a lesson though, I just like Future more: it's prettier, controls better, music is catchier and it's bigger.

Pretty much this! Also, the fact that they replaced the spraypaint minigame with the right trigger autospray really enhanced the rhythm of the gameplay loop since you no longer had to stop skating to spray.


I've been reading the first post several times trying to find the correlation between JSR and Dead Space. I feel like I'm missing something.


Pretty much this! Also, the fact that they replaced the spraypaint minigame with the right trigger autospray really enhanced the rhythm of the gameplay loop since you no longer had to stop skating to spray.
Also removed any semblance of challenge. The OST is great, though, of course.


Being almost through with Dead Space or at least I think I am, I'm curious about how the other two Dead Spaces are. Do they get more actiony, stay the same, or dial back the combat?

Dead Space 2 is really good IMO.
Well worth it to play, good scares, story is also pretty good. It's just a real good evolution of the first one.

Dead Space 3 on the other hand is average at best, there are aspects which really kills it for me.
"Because the challenge came from the platforming not from trying to make awkward motions with a stick. JSRF was definitely still a challenging game, just in a completely different way"

The platforming in JSRF is absolutely elementary, though. The vast majority of levels are completely boring. If JSRF eschewed JSR's score attack qualities for the sake of being a great platformer, I could forgive that. But it's not. The pace of the game is wack, the cordoned off fight sequences are GARBAGE, and the levels are bigger but also sparse and uninteresting from a platforming point-of-view. It's not a good action game. It's not a good platforming game. It's not a good game.

Its only saving grace is Hideki Naganuma and Cibo Matto, but they almost counter that out with that dog turd Aisle 10 song.


"Because the challenge came from the platforming not from trying to make awkward motions with a stick. JSRF was definitely still a challenging game, just in a completely different way"

The platforming in JSRF is absolutely elementary, though. The vast majority of levels are completely boring. If JSRF eschewed JSR's score attack qualities for the sake of being a great platformer, I could forgive that. But it's not. The pace of the game is wack, the cordoned off fight sequences are GARBAGE, and the levels are bigger but also sparse and uninteresting from a platforming point-of-view. It's not a good action game. It's not a good platforming game. It's not a good game.

Its only saving grace is Hideki Naganuma and Cibo Matto, but they almost counter that out with that dog turd Aisle 10 song.

Good god, thank you. I thought it was opposite day with all the or3vious comments. Level design, platforming, spraying, music...hell, nearly everything was better about the original


JSR is on my top 10 list. Amazing game.

Future was cool but i didn't like certain subtle things about the gameplay design, how they tweaked it.

Edit: ^ ha! Represent.

I think JSRF gets a big nostalgia trip from being one of the only quirky/interesting releases in the early Xbox days.
"Because the challenge came from the platforming not from trying to make awkward motions with a stick. JSRF was definitely still a challenging game, just in a completely different way"

The platforming in JSRF is absolutely elementary, though. The vast majority of levels are completely boring. If JSRF eschewed JSR's score attack qualities for the sake of being a great platformer, I could forgive that. But it's not. The pace of the game is wack, the cordoned off fight sequences are GARBAGE, and the levels are bigger but also sparse and uninteresting from a platforming point-of-view. It's not a good action game. It's not a good platforming game. It's not a good game.

Its only saving grace is Hideki Naganuma and Cibo Matto, but they almost counter that out with that dog turd Aisle 10 song.

Hellllooooo Alisonnnn...

Really didn't want that back in my head. Oh god.
As some might be able to tell from my username, I'm a fan of JSR. Particularly Future.

I hope Sega at some point grow the balls to make a third game. (The Gameboy game doesn't count, even if it's pretty cool as well).


I think JSRF gets a big nostalgia trip from being one of the only quirky/interesting releases in the early Xbox days.

I think most people haven't had a chance to play the game in 15 years so they only remember the positives, yea.

with that said, I totally think it holds up better


I think most people haven't had a chance to play the game in 15 years so they only remember the positives, yea.

with that said, I totally think it holds up better

I am certain game would have been much better on Dreamcast due to more creative freedom. It was a dark time for Sega


JSR is such an aesthetic juggernaut. JSRF is good, just not as good either aesthetically or mechanically.


Aw man. Such great games. I still listen to Funky Radio. Jet Set Radio Future is worth your time if you liked the first one. These games are probably why I like Splatoon so much. It has the same "vibe" as JGR and JSRF imo.


Pretty much this! Also, the fact that they replaced the spraypaint minigame with the right trigger autospray really enhanced the rhythm of the gameplay loop since you no longer had to stop skating to spray.
So taking out the main loop of the game makes it better? The game was all about tagging, it's why they had an editor. Turning it into just another collectible hunt quest made it boring. The game doesn't handle well enough or have enough level variety to just be an icon hunt. Biggest disappointment of that generation.

big fake

JSRF is one of the most unique and fun games I've ever played. You haven't experienced anything till JSRF. Wait out for backwards compatibility, should come in the near future (I hope).


Formerly Momotaro
JSRF suffers from the bigger is better syndrome that a lot of games were doing around that time. It's still a fun game, just not as tightly designed as JSR.

And dont get me started on Baby-T. Or Aisle 10 for the matter.


Neo Member
I can't handle all this slander on Aisle 10 man, that was my favorite son. Either that or Birthday Cake.

And JSR is cool and all, but I just can't play it, I just fight the controls. Future is my all time favorite. It's all about the atmosphere man!


Aw man. Such great games. I still listen to Funky Radio. Jet Set Radio Future is worth your time if you liked the first one. These games are probably why I like Splatoon so much. It has the same "vibe" as JGR and JSRF imo.

Nintendo would never dare to promote graffiti on public places though.


Dead Space is giving me way too many Ripper blades. I'm like damn! I'm trying to use all of these up too, but they just keep on coming.

Ammo drops for the weapons you have equipped and aren't maxed out on ammo iirc. So if you use the ripper, that's the ammo that drops.


Love the combo thread here. I've played Jet Set Radio but haven't beaten it yet even though I love the characters, music, and atmosphere. Also Dead Space was great and I need to go back and beat the second because I never got around to it.
I found out Jet Set Radio has extra characters. Has anyone here gotten them all? It sounds insane trying to get the dog.

Ammo drops for the weapons you have equipped and aren't maxed out on ammo iirc. So if you use the ripper, that's the ammo that drops.

Alright. I guess I'll just sell off all the extra and just switch it up more. The Ripper is pretty powerful. You really only need two blades to take something out.
Finished Dead Space last night. Pretty good game. I felt that it should've been shorter or at least maybe that's how I feel in my current situation. There are a lot of intense moments in this game where you're locked in a room with necromorphs. The action was fine and all, but I would have preferred if it was more survival horror.

I wasn't really paying attention to the story throughout most of it so the twist at the end didn't hit me like it might have some other people. The final boss was okay, but I wish you could skip the cutscene for the beginning of the fight. Had to watch that shit too many times.

I'll try to play Dead Space 2 some day.
You can put me in the camp that prefers JSRF.

Both games are fantastic, but I enjoy the more leisurely gameplay of JSRF.

I revisit JSR quite often because I have it on DC, PS3, Vita AND Steam.

JSRF, however, is still stuck on the OG Xbox and my Xbox died years ago. I really want to get a another one because the Xbox had an amazing library of games. I'll never forget the immense joy I felt playing games like JSRF, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden Black, ect on my Xbox when I was a teen.

As for Dead Space, I've only played the first game and I never even finished it. I liked what I played of it, though, and regret never going back to it.
You can put me in the camp that prefers JSRF.

Both games are fantastic, but I enjoy the more leisurely gameplay of JSRF.

I revisit JSR quite often because I have it on DC, PS3, Vita AND Steam.

JSRF, however, is still stuck on the OG Xbox and my Xbox died years ago. I really want to get a another one because the Xbox had an amazing library of games. I'll never forget the immense joy I felt playing games like JSRF, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden Black, ect on my Xbox when I was a teen.

As for Dead Space, I've only played the first game and I never even finished it. I liked what I played of it, though, and regret never going back to it.

Did you at least fight the Terminator necromorph?
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