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I'm playing GCN on a cinema screen tomorrow!


Yep, I'm excited, it's for this competition:


and also, which I'm looking forward to just as much, is a chance to try out Donkey Konga, and possibly win a GBA SP (finally can stop buying AA batteries if I win this) if I get the highest score in that.

1080 avalanche is the game of the day, and there are 6 rounds, the overall winner (which I doubt I will be) wins a trip to Nintendo in Seattle, America.

I doubt I will do well, but it will be great fun, later rounds include F-Zero GX, SSBM, and Mario Kart DD. F-Zero on a cinema screen will be the highlight I reckon :)

anyway, I've gotta hit the sack now, I'll let you know how I go (if any of you care)..
Wish me luck :p


There's a cinema in So Cal where you can rent the screen either before 11 am or after midnight so you can watch whatever you want, or hook up games and play them on the huge screen. $35 an hour, which is kind of steep, but it would be cool to try it sometime.
Meh I do this almost montly here at the university (Florida State). F-Zero was a blast. Too bad the only easy way to hook it up is composite. Anything fancier requires an absolute shit load of work, and going up into the projection room which is just a bitch.

evil ways

I did something similar with a group of friends on college. We were close with the english teacher and she let us borrow her projector which she used in class from time to time, and we hooked up my PS2 to it and projected it into a 10 x 6 foot wall. We played Tekken Tag, GT3 and SF EX3. It was cool but weird.


In high school we had a really nice projector and one day after school a teacher let us stay in his room and play some games on it.
So we're all hanging out in Nate's dorm room, cursing at Dead to Rights I believe, when Frank literally burst into the room. You know Frank, he's a big guy, right, so his entrance was impressive and startling. Out of breath he managed to inform, "Grand Theft Auto (3).., movie screen... outside..."

He didn't collapse, so after he grabbed his PS2 we followed him out to the grounds between the school buildings and the dorms where there was indeed a screen and projector set up upon the grass, with a gathering crowd of campus-life students sitting cross-legged in front of it.

The scheduled film was Ben Stiller's "Zoolander," but it wasn't to start for fifteen more minutes. Those responsible for the equipment had given Frank permission to set up his console until the hour struck.

As soon as the first loading splashes lit up the stretched white screen, several hoots and whoops were heard, including one member of the football team's spirited "Yo! Grand Theft Auto!"

Now, obviously at this point I was working out a way to steal the event from Frank, because if anyone was going to show this student section his prowess at backing up over hookers, it was going to be me. However, this was not to be, for when that certain splash screen appeared displaying a black yardie snarling alongside his menaced pistol, the faculty in charge of student activities sprung to her feet.

It was growing dark of course, and I was still plotting through the long load, so I did not witness the exchange leading to the AV cables being ripped out before the PS2 was even powered down. All I knew is that we were suddenly shuffling back to that foul smelling dorm when even that outspoken quarterback was not offended that his skin tone was visualized with a gun next to it.

Dead to Rights sucks.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
StrikerObi said:
Meh I do this almost montly here at the university (Florida State). F-Zero was a blast. Too bad the only easy way to hook it up is composite. Anything fancier requires an absolute shit load of work, and going up into the projection room which is just a bitch.

You forgot to mention Steel Battalion. That's the way that game was meant to be played.


I already did this last summer. It was awesome. My friend is a manager at a movie theater so one night we snuck in and hooked it up to a projector.


Argh. damn..
I won a GBA SP but wasn't there to collect it, someone else got it :(
I walked away with nothing, but I should be able to win it again in a fortnight, I hope.


I won Metroid Prime at the Pokemon Event in Sydney last year, no cinema screen gaming was involved though.

I wish this one was in Sydney. :(

Was Donkey Konga there? How was it?


Yeah Donkey Konga was the game that I played to win the GBA, it was ok.. nothing special, I really didn't get a proper impression of it as it was just the one level that was played.

I'd consider buying the bongos perhaps for Jungle Beat though, that looks good.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I would kill to play F-Zero GX on a cinema screen. Even better if they had one of those gyro-machine thing with the moving seats and all


(more a nerd than a geek)
Would I be right in assuming that projectioning a video game upon a theater screen is something best left to a GameCube, given the Wavebird?


We did something similar early last year in Oslo, at a gigantic cinemascreen called Colosseum, which is the largest THX-cinema in the world. Here are a couple of pictures of the place: http://www2.filmweb.no/oslokino/article.jhtml?articleID=26442 You can't see the screen there, but it's 22x9 meters.

We played Metroid Prime, Resident Evil Zero, Super Monkey Ball 2 and Zelda - The Wind Waker before they were released, and it was pretty awesome. The GC sat in the projection-room, and the players used Wavebirds, which worked flawlessly.
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