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In Living Color: Season 2 DVD

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Fox Home Entertainment is teasing us: they have the cover art available for In Living Color - Season 2, but no date or other info yet. Still, we expect to see this in October or November. We'll get back to you with the details once they're announced, so stay tuned. Here's that artwork:



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Oh sh!t. I just got the first season...

Life is good.


Is it still funny? I have found that comedies generally do not age well, though TV comedies age a lot better then movie comedies.
bionic77 said:
Is it still funny? I have found that comedies generally do not age well, though TV comedies age a lot better then movie comedies.

The first one aged well... not so sure about the second. However, this show was great for awhile before falling into complete mediocrity. The early seasons are worth it, I think.

They're even more worth it since I don't have to listen to some of their awful musical guests any more.


Fire Marshall Bill!

I love that character, the first season is pretty sweet, and oddly some of the humor is till revelant today.


Fox Home Entertainment has also sent over artwork for the upcoming region one release of In Living Color: Season Two which stars Jim Carrey and The Wayans. As well as 1.33:1 presentations and English Dolby Surround tracks, the set will include a commentaries by Kim Bass and Buddy Sheffield on selected segments of each disc, a Season 2 Overview, an Appreciating In Living Color featurette, a Notorious In Living Color characters feature and a trailer for Bill Cosby as Himself. Artwork is attached:
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