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Interlaced smoke effects in progressive scan enabled games?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Anyone has noticed this? Im the owner of an hdtv only since a month but i noticed this in my gamecube and xbox games that are on component with 480p enabled, smoke effects appear to be interlaced, as in its missing half the lines it should be having, whilke the rest is perfectly correct, probably has something to do with transparent effects but i was wondering if i was the only that noticed that. Its very obvious in Fable when you get to the underground passage that goes to the prison where there's constant smoke.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Based on the Fable remark, it probably IS dithering as Fable clearly runs in 16-bit color and is very grainy.


Is it also dithering in Rogue Leader? There is some awful low ressish look in some levels, in particular that level in the mountains in night.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Hmm, probably is dithering then, would explain why its only for transparent effects and it looks like it.

I dont have rogue leader anymore so i cant see if it has it. So far i've noticed it easily in pikmin 2 and fable.

aoi tsuki

It's definitely dithered. Can't remember which game i was playing when i first noticed it, but it's quite jarring to me. Remember the "smoke" in Gran Tourismo on PSOne? Nasty.
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