So I just bought my gf a 1 gig Ipod shuffle. Now before any of you start lecturing me on better products blah blah blah, the purpose of this is for when she is working out. A screen, mic etc.. are not nessacary and it needs to be as small and unnoticable as possible.
Right, so now that I got that out of the way, I have some questions about it. First, I'm assuming I won't be forced into using only I tunes formated audio, right? Secondly, can I use playlists only from I tunes or can I use ones created in WMP as well?
Thanks guys (and ladies). I +10 like you for the help.
Right, so now that I got that out of the way, I have some questions about it. First, I'm assuming I won't be forced into using only I tunes formated audio, right? Secondly, can I use playlists only from I tunes or can I use ones created in WMP as well?
Thanks guys (and ladies). I +10 like you for the help.