Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

Iron Man VR Breaks Free From Cords & Load Screens On Quest 2
At launch in 2020, Marvel’s Iron Man VR was a fantastic PSVR game that let you truly embody Tony Stark and his iconic suit of armor. However, the game was also hindered in places by the hardware it ran on. With Iron Man VR flying onto Quest 2 next

The most notable change (or least noticeable, depending on how you look at it) is the very short loading times. On PSVR, Iron Man VR was notorious as a fantastic experience let down by unfathomably long load screens. While the Camouflaj team was happy with the general response to the PSVR release, the load times were one area that always remained problematic, limited by the PS4’s old hard drive technology. “We wish we could have done more when it came to the load times [on PSVR]” said Payton. “But it wasn’t due to a lack of effort.”
Thanks to the flash storage on Quest 2, this is no longer a problem. The solid state flash storage makes all the difference, with cinematics and missions loading in a matter of seconds. You’ll forget it was even an issue. “We had discussions whether or not we even need a load screen for some of the missions,” said Payton. “It’s so fast, why do we even need to show the player that the game is loading?”