mrklaw said:
sw firewall is handy to stop stuff you've accidentally downloaded from connecting to the internet.
Hardware router firewalls are almost always just set up to block incoming stuff.
Effectively, PC based firewalls are application driven - stop Windows messenger connecting to the internet. Routers are IP driven - stop DoS attacks etc.
I'd keep both. not a big downer on your power. Or upgrade your motherboard to an Nforce3 with hardware firewall built in (assuming it has application level blocking)
That's what happened to me. For the longest time I thought my router was enough (and really, it was) but one day I was playing a game and it ran incredibly choppy. I checked Processes in Task Manager and noticed a few things that shouldn't have been there. Turns out I had a ton of spyware and a trojan virus.
I don't think I picked it up browsing the web. It was probably a spyware/virus "package" that I downloaded and installed. Norton anti-virus didn't pick it up at all. I did a full scan and it said my system is clean. Coincidentally, I had downloaded a free AV program just to test it out but hadn't installed it yet and I scanned with that. Sure enough it picked up the trojan.
Anyway, I'm not really sure how long I had the stuff on my system although I'd wager not long. All the spyware and stuff didn't seem to "activate" until I had restarted my system earlier that day. Because Norton is so useless, I probably would have discovered all that shit earlier with a sw firewall.