A rather interesting, funny yet confusing riddle from Raymond Smullyan.
Dice said:This could be helpful to many...
Info and links to more info there, it'll get you started and refer to various philosophers and works to get you going.
I refer to others because it's not as though it is a science where knowledge can be mastered, it's a philosophical subejct so it's all based on theory and as such there are many positions to be considered and little to immediately declare one right and the others wrong.More to the point, I'm a lazy man... if you can so confidently differ me to others without acknowledging the ideas and arguments I've put forth, then surely you must have an answer to the problems I present to you, in all the searching on the issue you've done.
Limit of the will is to be differeniated from limit of ability. The will has to do with the causative function of decision, the initiative to do something, not the actual ability to carry it out. However, you are right that the will is limited by context. For instance, I can't decide to go somewhere unless I know it exists, but I could creatviely decide to go in one of the various directions I haven't previously and find out what is there.I mean... think about it... in what sense do we have freewill? Our wills are limited by situational factors... such as the knowledge we have... if we're unaware of how to drive a car, even if we choose to take action, what action can we take to drive the car?
To say that the will is limited by it's own desire is a little strange, as desire is an initiative of the will itself (note: this is my own position), though some level of desire can also spring from biological factors. Yes, there can be many factors that go into why we would decide something, but the memory of our preference isn't necessarily a master but an aid.In certain situations, there will be a large pressure to do something; such as driving the car to work in the morning (if your work starts in the morning). But even if you resist going to work, is that of your choosing? Do you simply will not to go to work? Or is it the result of a series of thoughts that lead you to resist going to work? What of that string of thoughts? Where did they come from? From a spiral of other thoughts, all controlled by a host of many other factors, including your knowledge base in order to generate such a string of thoughts that eventually lead up to the thought to decide not to drive to work...
As I said, it's important not to count desire as an internal factor apart from the will but rather a part of it, a will can be free to do one thing or another with a few constants within it, such as the desire to survive. In a situation where survival is guaranteed that constant may do nothing to determine the decision, but in others it could come into play.Even without looking at other philosophers, from what I've said, it can be seen that there's a large constraint to the notion of free will that we have. That is, even with free will, there is a large effect of nature on our actions.
And if you play the numbers game, that in any given situation, although we think we should do the right thing, that there's a large chance that we'll do the wrong thing, simply based on the pressures and the likelihood of succumbing to those pressures.
It's also flawed reasoning to view likelyhood of a decision as an outside influence, as likelyhood is only a projected guess based on analysis of previous free decisions. Likelyhood is something determined by us, not the other way around.
Dice said:blah blah blah.
Is God a Taoist?!?