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Is my PC ****ed.....

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Ok, here`s what went down-

I`m on the PC yesterday. I`m having some trouble opening some files, everything starts getting slow all of a sudden, all of this after I just uninstalled some `PC Cleaner-esque` utility.

I minimize my window, and all of a sudden, all the file associations on my desktop icons are gone. They`re all just blank Windows icons.

Sensing something was up, I restarted to see if it would fix everything.

Instead, I`m greeted by a please re-install Windows prompt.

Somehow, by uninstalling this software, it forced my PC to have to re-install Win 98 (It`s an older PC).

Just one problem.... this was my uncle`s PC, and when he passed it to me, I didn`t get the Windows CD and product key with it.

Now, when I see the install Windows screen, I can also see my old desktop image there, of Kill Bill.

Does that mean my hard-drive is still intact?

If so, would I be able to go into my harddrive by linking it up with another PC and extract all my important files before I format the old POS and install a new OS? Those files on the fucked up PC are extremely important.

Please help :(


Sounds like your registry got blown up.

Put the HD in another computer, get what you need, then wipe it...


Since my HD was in a Win 98 PC, would I have to put it in another Win 98 PC, or does the OS not matter, and just whether it`s FAT32, FAT16, or whatever?

(I`m not very computer smart :p)


any windows machine after 98 can see what's on your harddrive...best bet is to copy your files over to the other PC and then burn all the important files over to a CD or DVD

OR...you could just store the files on the other PC...get your old one back up and copy them back over


Also, instead of removing the HD, would I also be able to just network two PCs and transfer the files? But to network, I assume they have to be the same OS?

Scratch that shit. I`m getting my new computer on Wednesday. As soon as I get it, I`ll pull the HD ot of my old one, pop it in the new, copy the files to my new HD, and burn all the files to DVD (With my brand new dual layer DVD burner no less :p)

In the meantime, there`s no way my HD could get fucked up right? We can all agree that the problem was with my registry, right? I don`t plan on turning on the PC for fear that something might happen :p

Yeah, I`m a bit of a paranoid case :p


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
How the registry blew up is what you want to know. Because if it's some sort of virus, it could just infect your new system. Get some protection.


Well, I`m pretty sure my registry got fucked from uninstalling that software, but just to be sure, I`ll be sure to scan the HD when I pop it into my new PC.


mattx5 said:
Well, I`m pretty sure my registry got fucked from uninstalling that software, but just to be sure, I`ll be sure to scan the HD when I pop it into my new PC.

Thats your best plan of attack. New PC with new virus definitions, scan that drive, take what you need then format it.
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